Shenzhou area, Skydome City Airport.

"Oh, is this Ashu's hometown? It's ♪ so high-tech~" Watching

Alicia look at the city, and then followed by Eden who got off the plane, it was rare to show a smile.

"yes. Skydome City, from the inside of this city, I saw the grandeur of the next era of mankind.

"Let's go, my good Eden! Guess if you let Ash see you, wouldn't you say he would be overjoyed ♪? Seeing

Alicia holding her arm intimately, Eden smiled helplessly and shook her head slightly:

"No. I have the impression of him, but he is much calmer.

"What, obviously Axiu is a very cute boy ♪!"

"Good, good, just as you say. Ellie, I wonder if you can tell me a story about your place with him? "

Huh ♪?"

Looking at Alicia's curious gaze, Eden took a deep breath and recalled the news he had seen during this time.

The Moth of Fire, the organization at the forefront of humanity's fight against Honkai, and the warriors at the forefront of them.

They are all named heroes, and because of their existence, mankind has been able to annihilate the lawyer again and again, giving human civilization a chance to survive.

It's just that when he thinks of seeing those two names, Eden's heart is always difficult to calm down.

Who would have thought that the young man who was not very big at the beginning would actually carry such a burden.

Just like the girl next to her.

"I want to know what price the heroes of the fire moth have paid for the continuation of our human civilization."

When she said this, Alicia could even see that Eden's gaze was much firmer.

It was a determined inquiry in search of some kind of answer.

The people who can be friends with her are all the existence of that organization, all fighting for the future of humanity.

How could she not be curious about that organization, the Fire Moth?

"Okay! My good Eden, along the way, I will tell you ♪ slowly!

"Just think of it as private time ♪ between the two of us!"


Soon, the two women who were amazed by others, ignoring the curious or appreciative gazes of others, took the elevator and prepared to go to Su Shixiu's former residence.

Yuyue District, that is the only area in this high-tech city that still has the atmosphere of this old era.

Shortly after the two got into a taxi and left, another special plane with a fire-to-fire moth landed on the airport on the top floor.

The two who came down silently looked at the Fire Moth special plane that was returning home, and they were all silent for a while.

"It seems that someone has come to find your brother one step ahead of us, Cheshire."

"However, presumably we are not the last!"

Cheshire, who followed Kevin off the plane, stretched out without care.

"Hopefully. Gone, not seen for a long time, it's time to get together.

Kevin didn't bother to look at the benefits that people almost revealed, anyway, his heart was all on Mei's body, and his heart never changed.



At the same time, in North America, a very secret intelligence agency.

"What you found is true?"

I don't know whose voice it was, coming from the communicator, it was full of majesty, which was a kind of power that only a person in a position of power for a long time possessed.

"Definitely true. President, it was because of this guy that we failed two consecutive experiments!

"But however, we can at least confirm that the warrior who will take over as the high-level of the Shenzhou Region in the future has become an apostle of Collapse!"

Soon, in the darkness, two quantum screens lit up.

On the left are the two imitators who have been defeated by Su Shixiu, the various data indicators of the body and the core situation of the artificial lawyer in the body.

On the right, the physical condition analyzed by short-term data analysis, which has been analyzed by the dissipated collapse energy, and then inferred the core situation of the lawyer.

Obviously, if Su Shixiu himself was here, then just by looking at it, he could recognize that it was his own data and the core analysis of the lawyer!

Although the above analysis only has the power of one authority, in addition to Su Shixiu's power, there is really no second person who can use such power.

Freeze space-time with "frost" and manipulate molecular temperature, this is too familiar!

"If there is evidence, it is easy to say."

"So, it's all really interesting."

"Lawyer. Unexpectedly, the most powerful warrior of mankind is actually the lawyer of collapse.

"Hehe, if you let the world know, oh no, if you let them know that the next high-level of Shenzhou is actually an enemy of mankind, what kind of expression should they show?"

"Presumably, the situation can fall to our side, right?"

"After all, if it is not my race, its heart will be different..."

Small theater.

The promised land of the past, the dream of the painter.

Glancing at the woman with dissatisfaction, although Cosmo was very reluctant to leave, but after seeing Grace indicating that he could rest assured, he reluctantly left here.

Who would have thought that this time Grace's return would actually allow this person to take the initiative to come out of the depths.

After seeing Cosmon leave, Grace breathed a soft sigh of relief and looked at the woman in front of him.

"Mother Aponia!"

"Grace, it seems that you have indeed met someone unexpected."

After picking up Grace, looking at her somewhat evasive gaze, Aponia quickly guessed something.

Originally, she was only suspicious, inferred by Grace's changes, but now she has confirmed it.

Grace is not good at deceiving because she is really small.

"Well, no, no!"

"Is that the one who doesn't want us to know?"

Grace nodded, and then quickly shook his head.

However, through the initial reaction, Aponia has already guessed something.

"Grace, can you show me this badge?"

After realizing that Aponia had noticed what he had in his hand, Grace knew in his heart that even if he denied it, he could no longer deceive her.

"Hmm... Alas. Give, Mother Aponia.

Looking at Grace, who was visibly lost, Aponia chuckled and rubbed her head and took the badge.

However, just by glancing at it, her eyes, which seemed to have no energy to open all day, rarely showed a shock!

What kind of badge is this, this is clearly a gift from someone!

The spear partition, half of the six-pointed snowflake pattern on the left, half of the star clock pattern on the right, the invisible six wings, gently shrouded behind this pattern.

This is an engraving, an engraving given by the heroes of the promised land of the past!

And such a pattern does not belong to any of their thirteen people!

"Is that the engraving?"

The engraving of the "Apocalypse", such a pattern, she is all too familiar.

"So you've always been there, sir."

This time, she had not faced this world for a long time, and finally smiled.

If you want to say that Kevin, who bears the motto of "salvation", was the leader of their thirteen people.

That person, then, was the hope that all of them had had.

Gain a future for mankind and permanently drive out the hope of collapse!

Even, completely clear the hope of Honkai!

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