In the living room.

Today, everyone went out to buy things for the New Year.

With Hua, a native of Shenzhou, everyone doesn't have to worry about buying the wrong thing or something.

Of course, the few people who did not come out behind closed doors continued to stay in the house, but they did not interfere with the situation in the living room downstairs.

Because everyone left the space for reunion between friends to Su Shixiu, Su and Kevin.

"Haha, welcome welcome, big fairy, you don't know how much I miss you!"

After hugging Kevin, Sue smiled and nodded and sat in her seat.

"Me too. If Mei hadn't contacted me, I guess I would have had to go home for the New Year. Recalling

what Mei had said, Su paused for a moment, and then smiled helplessly.

He didn't care why Su Shixiu and Kevin knew about him, but they never looked for him, and he learned the reason from Mei.

They are all fighting for humanity, and they don't want to worry about them and thus affect his current career.

However, he is more curious about whether everyone has had a good life over the years.

After more than three years, he felt that both Su Shixiu and Kevin seemed to have matured a lot.

Especially Su Shixiu, after sitting down, he almost didn't speak.

He said little, and it was difficult for him to connect the young man in front of him with the former Su Shixiu who said nothing.

What happened to that guy would be like this.

It's hard to imagine.

Listening to Kevin talking, Sue has been listening quietly, occasionally saying a few words.

And Su Shixiu was very quiet, and seemed to be unwilling to say anything.

After a while, Su Shixiu stood up and finally spoke:

"You guys talk slowly, I'll go make some tea."

Kevin waved his hand, not caring.

Sue nodded, with some thoughtful meaning in her eyes.

After Su Shixiu entered the kitchen, the moment he closed the door, Su finally asked the confusion in his heart.

"Kevin, Axiu's words, it seems that there are very few."

Looking over at the kitchen, Kevin shook his head.

"No, it's not that there are fewer words, but that there is a lot less desire to speak."

He could feel that Su Shixiu also wanted to say something, but he still stopped at his mouth and didn't want to mention more.

"Is this what went through?"

Kevin thought for a moment, and his voice became much smaller:

"Remember the sixth big crash on the news?"

Sue nodded, he had seen the news.

At that time, the most praised were Kevin and Su Shixiu.

One is the recognized leader of mankind and the other is the hope of humanity.

"At that time, I didn't help much, it was Axiu who personally annihilated the Sixth Lawyer."

Sue nodded.

"But the Sixth Lawyer... It is Ashu's sister.

Su's pupils instantly widened!

"Ashu's sister..."

"Not a relative, but his most important relative."

After a pause, Kevin sighed heavily:

"That was the child saved by Axiu's parents, and the second elder saved it at the end of his life."

Sue was silent.

It turns out that this is the meaning... It's really heavy.

It is their dearest relatives who are destroyed with their own hands, and no one will feel better.

What's more, it's still the boy whose mind is delicate to the extreme.

The two said nothing more.

No wonder Kevin seems to have changed a bit... After so many things, change is inevitable.

It's really, the world is impermanent.

After a while, the eerie silence that suddenly descended in the living room was instantly broken by the sound of the door opening.

Looking at the door of the restaurant, Su Shixiu came over with a pot of tea.

"That black tea again?"

Su Shixiu nodded.

"Yes, there are too many portions, if you don't drink it, you won't drink it for nothing."

Although this black tea is precious, if it is not drunk, the tea will lose its own meaning.

"I... Forget it, I'll try it reluctantly!

Kevin said that he was still not used to drinking tea, but it didn't hurt to drink it now.

After pouring the tea, Su Shixiu looked at the two, and finally shook his head slightly.

"Let's talk. I...... Go to the back for a while. Walking

out of the house, Su Shixiu looked at the sky depressedly.

He didn't dislike Sue, but when he saw his old friends from his former student days, it was always easy to remember those things in the past.

Those years should have been pure, but he always looked back with a pang of tiredness.

For some reason, it's just a little uncomfortable.

I can't tell why.

After a long time, it seemed that the wind blowing between heaven and earth had been gently comforting him.

His inexplicably irritable heart was finally much calmer.

The moment the mood opened up, Su Shixiu also figured it out.

It is estimated that it is his own thoughts, and he has inexplicably entered some dead ends, after all, it is because of an old friend for a long time.

The feeling that cannot be said is even more strange, but the human heart is sometimes so complicated, and it is not necessarily whether you can see through it.

I thought about it and stepped into the house again, but Su Shixiu found that whether it was Kevin or Su, both of them were quietly watching themselves.

"Kevin, Sue..."

"Just think about it, there is no need to bother yourself too much."

Looking at the clarity in Su Shixiu's eyes, Su shook his head and did not care about Su Shixiu's disrespectful behavior.

"Although Su and I guessed for a long time, I didn't guess what you did. But Asu can be fine, right?

After pondering for a moment, Su Shixiu nodded and smiled deliberately:

"Actually, I don't have anything to do."

"Gee, do you think I believe you?"


Looking at the dead Kevin, Sue's reminder was too late.

Sure enough, Su Shixiu instantly restrained Kevin!

"Can you do it differently?"


Kevin: .

"Just like that, I was conquered ♪ by you again~..." Su

silently drank tea, indicating that I didn't know anything.

Although these two people have changed a lot, they are still the two living treasures of the past, and they will occasionally make trouble, giving him a hint of the illusion that they are still in the past.

In fact, why is Su Shixiu and Kevin not like this?

After all, when the two got together, there were already many less.

At this moment, footsteps from upstairs attracted the attention of the three.

The three of them turned their heads in unison, only to see that at the entrance of the stairs, Mei was quietly watching them, with a smile on her face.

"Maybe it's not the right time for me to come?"

"No, it's just the right time."

Su shook his head, picked up the tea that Su Shixiu had brewed before, and poured another cup.

"With you, we were a real reunion."

Mei nodded, walked over and sat on the sofa, watching with Su as Kevin was pinched by Su Shixiu with one hand.

This was the most legendary generation of Chiba Gakuen back then.

And the four of them will all be famous in the future.

Just because they, under the torrent of this era, were forced to become heroes.

...... Even from the beginning, they never wanted to be heroes.

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