How that concert ended in the end, Su Shixiu is not clear.

He did not stay overnight at the Yunyang Grand Theater, and Su Shixiu chose to go home first.

To be honest, this place is good, and the sound insulation is indeed good without a concert, but he still doesn't want to stay here.

The only place where you can feel at ease is the direction of home.

The world-famous concert is indeed grand and noisy, but the lively place is really not suitable for people like him.

Lixia and Cheshire came back with her, along with Mebius and Klein.

They were old people who were closed doors, and Mebius herself didn't like that kind of place.

Klein is purely because Mebius is his own upper class, who lets his salary power be squeezed in the hands of others?

Oh yes, behind closed doors, there is also a Miss Aponia.

She didn't come at all, but chose to take the initiative to help watch the house.

After all, at home, she can also watch the live broadcast of the concert through the TV in Su Shixiu's former residence.

Indeed, when Su Shixiu appeared, except for a small number of unknown world friends, almost the entire Shenzhou region was sensationalized.

And those who are familiar with Su Shixiu are not only surprised, but also sincerely happy for him.

It's just that Su Shixiu himself doesn't think so.

Thinking back to those unpleasant things, Su Shixiu still chose to sleep more comfortably first.

Sleeping is undoubtedly a good way to relax yourself, and likewise, it is also a good way to selectively forget a memory.

Those pasts did occupy a very important position in his heart.

So much so that as soon as Su Shixiu lay down on the bed, he quickly fell asleep, the kind of feeling nothing.

But what he didn't know was that after he fell asleep, Hua and Hua also took a taxi back.

The concert was over, and they didn't want to stay overnight in the Yunyang Grand Theater.

It's just that when he came back, he seemed to have drunk too much again.

Taking advantage of Hua not noticing, she touched the study on the second floor and found the bed in a daze.

Then, when Su Shixiu didn't know it, there was suddenly another person beside him.

Smelling the wine, Su Shixiu subconsciously frowned, but did not wake up.

Maybe it's dreaming again?

It's just that the smile at the corner of his mouth is obviously a good dream.

Good dreams make people linger, even Su Shixiu will be immersed in them.

As a result, he put his arm around him directly, and he didn't know it.

"Hmm... It smells good, the pillow is so comfortable, he..." Just

like that, an ordinary night, passed.

The next day, at the door of the study.

After knocking lightly on the door and confirming that there was no movement inside, Mebius asked cautiously.



one answered, it seems that you can rest assured!

Mebius, who was carrying a boxed lunch, quietly pushed open the door of the study when there was no one around.

However, looking at the bed built inside, Mebius was dumbfounded on the spot.

In addition to Su Shixiu, who was sleeping, there was even that older leftover girl (Mebiustga) on the bed?!

What happened? What happened?

Mebius almost wanted to grab the scalpel, but soon she calmed down.

Walking to the bookshelf on the side, Mebius felt a small eye out of it.

After gently removing the memory card, she put it in her bracelet.

Adjust the time, and soon, the video of last night began to be projected from the bracelet.

Until he saw that Su Shixiu had been sleeping for a long time, and that the humble hu who had drunk too much suddenly broke in, Mebius's heart could be regarded as a lot relaxed.

Both have complete coats... Well, yes, that shouldn't have happened.

Last night was really like this, the video of one night accelerated watching, Su Shixiu almost did not move, but Mebius who was holding people to watch was a little unhappy.

But fortunately, there is nothing out of the ordinary.

Putting back the memory card and placing his little eyes in the old position, the worry and anger in Mebius' heart had long disappeared.

However, it is still a little angry and dissatisfied.

Placing the lunch box on the table, Mebius took out the vinegar he was carrying and began to add a lot to the box lunch.

"Well, it should be enough. Think of it as a little punishment for making me angry! Putting

down the box lunch, Mebius did not disturb them, but left the study at the speed of light.

After all, she trusted Su Shixiu.

Later, not long after, he woke up.

Seeing the sleeping Su Shixiu being held in his arms, his mind almost couldn't turn for a while.

What did you do after drinking too much?

No, I don't feel like my body is like after that.

Most of them are scurrying after drinking too much.

Looking at this study, Bei Mihu reacted, this is where Su Shixiu often stays.

Yes, similar to my own guess, drank again.

Looking at Su Shixiu, who was still asleep, he was stunned, and then he couldn't help but smile slightly:

"Don't say it, it's really good-looking."

I wanted to subconsciously rub his head, but looking at his long silver-blue hair that was taken care of at the back of his head, I still let go of this thought.

Standing up, stretching comfortably, and then looking at Su Shixiu, he chose to pick up his mobile phone and take a photo with his hand.

The sunlight fell on the young man's face, and the gentle sunlight was bright but not dazzling, adding a bit of sacredness to Su Shixiu's sleeping face.

At this time, he looked really gentle and pitiful.

Put away the mobile phone, quietly touched out the door, and then, only Su Shixiu was still sleeping.

"Oh my God! It's almost Chinese New Year's Eve, I haven't bought a New Year's gift yet!

With a shout of surprise, he ran away at the speed of light.

However, at this time, Su Shixiu was still sleeping.

In fact, he may never have realized it, because he has inexplicably become sleepy a lot during this time, and the power in his body has changed.

That was another authority at the heart of the lawyer, the power that belonged to the youth.

The authority of "heaven", although the awakening progress is slow, but it does make progress.

That was his only reliance, the power to create hope and change the story.

Now, the power of the authority of "heaven" is about to reach a new stage.

The weapon of the lawyer, it's time to awaken.

However, this time it is no longer taken from imaginary space.

His power is indeed present in the current collapse energy, the power that is controlled by that being.

But his initial strength was an existence that could compete with that guy on an equal level.

Don't forget an unsolved mystery.

Before coming, he was a god.

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