After a short revelry, everyone had a good time and had a good time.

In the sound of firecrackers, time passes.

It wasn't long before everyone returned to the house.

In the living room, there are three large round tables filled with a variety of traditional Shenzhou cuisine, including specialties from other regions.


Watching Kevin, Bei Mihu and Xin celebrating each other with wine glasses, Su and Su Shixiu both silently held up their teacups, did not say much, but silently picked up the dishes.

Tonight, except for Mebius and Aponia, who did not come down, the others had already arrived.

Even Vilvi at this time has changed into the personality of the "Great Magician" and is happily performing her grand finale magic to everyone.

Unexpectedly, it really attracted the attention of many people.

The others basically gathered together and watched the local New Year's party on TV.

I heard that this variety show is only once a year, so everyone will watch it so high.

Sakura sat next to Su Shixiu, because of such a lively atmosphere, she couldn't cope with it.

Or is the quieter atmosphere here, which is more suitable for her to sit down and enjoy Chinese New Year's Eve meal.

And the evening party on TV, everyone who was made by the sketch laughed and almost couldn't stand upright.

Su Shixiu's attention was more on the clock hands on the wall.

He was waiting for that moment, the moment when the New Year would come.

Maybe maybe it's not just him, everyone is waiting for this moment.

Even many locals in the Shenzhou area are waiting for that moment to come.

At zero o'clock, it is the beginning of the new year.

Eden gently patted Su Shixiu's shoulder, until Su Shixiu's gaze looked at her, she smiled:

"What do you think, Axiu?"

"Nothing, Sister Eden."

Su Shixiu shook his head, raised his phone, and lit up the screen.


It turned out that there were only three minutes left before the real New Year's moment.

No wonder that as he ate this Chinese New Year's Eve meal, he suddenly became a little absent-minded.

"Indeed, the new year is indeed a time to look forward to."

Although she is not a native of Shenzhou, after so many days of living in Shenzhou, she has gradually understood the meaning of the New Year to everyone in Shenzhou.

Those days are indeed important, because they are the days of the Shenzhou people.

“...... So! The

suddenly amplified sound on the other side of the TV instantly attracted the attention of Su Shixiu and the others.

At this time, everyone was no longer at the dinner table, and instantly gathered in front of the TV.

"Next, let us welcome one of the high-level members of the Shenzhou region, Mr. Su Cangyuan, the perennial high-level head of the United Nations organization responsible for diplomacy, and the current head of the Su family in Shenzhou, !!."

"I*, second uncle?!"

Hearing Su Shixiu's exclamation, everyone was instantly stunned.

Good guy, it turns out that you dare to love you is the fiercest relationship in Shenzhou?

No wonder how to say that Eden wants to borrow a theater, move out of the name of Su Shixiu, and the road can be unimpeded.

Yes, the high-level people in Shenzhou, the local people in Shenzhou must be open, and even have to help.

The people present really didn't know much about this matter.

Most of them knew that Su Shixiu was a member of the Su clan of Shenzhou, but they did not expect that he could have such a close blood relationship with the representative of the current Shenzhou region.

Taking the host's microphone, even Su Cangyuan's every move, you can see his aura that has been in a position for a long time.

This is the high-level of Shenzhou, the most powerful diplomatic chief, and the legendary figure sitting in the United Nations organization!

"Fellow Shenzhou compatriots, good evening."

"I'm not here today to say anything big."

"On the contrary, my arrival is just to be able to celebrate the arrival of our Shenzhou New Year with the vast number of compatriots!"

"Let's look forward to that moment together!"

"Now, I wish all my compatriots, a happy Chinese New Year's Eve night!"

Then, he turned sideways, revealing the huge screen behind him.

As the camera of the TV pulls away, a countdown appears on the screen.

At this time, it was already 23:59.


The countdown begins.

At this time, everyone's eyes are on the TV screen.

What's more, it began to accompany the countdown in front of the TV screen, and began to chant the passage of time.


..." "30

..." "15..." At

this time, Su Shixiu also walked behind everyone, and with the same expectations as everyone, began the countdown together.


Blanca hugged Grace tightly, leaned on Mark's shoulder, looked at Sakura and Klein who were pulling the bell, and began the countdown.


Hua, Virvie, Pardophyllis, Daistobia, and Kosmo, equally nervously clenched their fists.


Mei, Kevin, and Su looked at each other, then set their eyes on Su Shixiu's body and nodded silently.


Lixia and Cheshire walked to Su Shixiu's side and squeezed his hand in unison.


Su Shixiu smiled, and at the entrance of the stairs behind, I don't know when Mebius and Aponia were already standing there.


Watching the time go to zero on the TV screen, everyone instantly cheered.

"Happy New Year to all fellow Shenzhou compatriots!"

"Happy New Year, everyone!!"

"Happy New Year!!"

Everyone was overjoyed and celebrated the arrival of a new year.

This is a New Year with extraordinary significance.

Because all of them, once again, they were reunited.

With Su Shixiu as the core, celebrating the arrival of the new year.

The New Year, the renewal of Vientiane, means that the old bad things will eventually pass away, and new beauty and happiness will come.

This is what all of you can expect for the new year.

Looking at the smiles on everyone's faces in the living room, Aponia smiled slightly, turned around and quietly went upstairs.

And when Mebius saw the happy smile on the young man's face, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but smile.

"It's troublesome, but it's not bad."

Then she turned around and went upstairs silently.


Lying on the bed, Su Shixiu looked at the ceiling, and his heart was full of emotion.

Although he came back when he was tired, the truth was that he was lying in bed, not sleepy at all.

Although everyone was reunited tonight and sent each other New Year's wishes, Su Shixiu still felt as if there was still something missing.

"It's a little bit worse."

That familiar voice once again echoed in Su Shixiu's ears.

After hearing this voice, Su Shixiu was stunned for a moment, but soon a happy smile appeared on his face.

"You are finally awake, Lord Jiuxiao!"

"Yes, my awakening is really not an easy task. What's more, using your body to clear the darkness is still very reluctant.

Looking at Penglai Temple Jiuxiao's lost expression, Su Shixiu shook his head.

"It's not Lord Jiuxiao's fault, it's all to blame that I wasn't strong enough to do anything..."

Jiuxiao rubbed Su Shixiu's head, although Su Shixiu did not feel the touch, but that peace of mind was a long-lost comfort.

She smiled gratifyingly, she wanted to tell Su Shixiu something, but she didn't know how to tell it.

During this time, she discovered something, something that was enough to subvert her three views.

Something about "the end".

However, she still let go of the concern in her heart for the time being.

Looking at this disciple who was his most satisfied, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao smiled.

Strictly speaking, this civilization should be conserved, the same reincarnation as the previous civilization.

However, the arrival of Su Shixiu is itself a variable.

Therefore, in his body, having the stigmata that he knows came from many years ago is the same variable.

Variables and variables put together, on the contrary, seem a lot more reasonable.

The only hope of ending the collapse can only be achieved by this person who does not exist in samsara.

These were some deeper facts that she suddenly realized during this time.

In short....

"Happy New Year, Ashu."

Su Shixiu was stunned, and then nodded slightly.

"Lord Jiuxiao, be happy in the New Year!"

Jiuxiao smiled and nodded.

"Of course, I am the greatest savior of light, Lord Jiuxiao of Penglai Temple!"

Well, good, this tastes right.

Now, nothing is bad.

It's just that there is still a regret....

That doesn't matter, though.

"I will wait for your return at the end of time."

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