Twilight Street.

How to say, this should be regarded as a relatively peculiar place, full of the two extremes of the world.

Wealth and poverty, goodness and darkness, order and chaos, all seem to be concentrated in this area.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is heaven and hell, but there is also the world sandwiched between the two, that is, the last pure land of this dusk street.

"How, Ash, isn't the real scene of Dusk Street very unexpected to you?"

Su Shixiu nodded secretly and suppressed his voice very low.

"It's like two extremes, but there is a conciliator in the middle of the extremes, I don't know how you survived from this place in the first place."

"After all, I was a famous "magician" at that time!"

"Oh, now I'm me?"

Noticing that the tone and tone of the voice had changed, Su Shixiu suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Yes, the "expert" said that if I am worried about you, it is better to come out and talk to you in person. Really, how come even the "experts" are like this..."

Su Shixiu shrugged, and had to take this sentence as if he hadn't heard it.

Walking from the bustling street to a chaotic path, Su Shixiu looked at everything chaotic and disorderly in front of him, and did not pay too much attention to it.

After all, this world is big, everyone has it, there must be a shadow under the light, and he has no heart to care about things that have nothing to do with him.

"Vilvie, I suddenly have a guess about the matter to be investigated on the surface."


"Mei told me before that my bright mission this time is to investigate why there are people infected with Avalanche disease in human gathering places, and why they disappeared, I think you know it."

"Yes, this kind of thing only sends you alone, I really can't figure it out, isn't Mei really punishing her brother like this?"

For the fact that Su Shixiu is Mei's younger brother, it has basically become the consensus of everyone in the fire moth.

"But you also know my strength, if it is not for the outbreak of the fourth collapse (also called the fourth great collapse), there is basically nothing that can pose a threat to me."

"But even then you have to be careful." Don't talk about me... They definitely can't let go.

"It's okay, Kevin, they know my ability, even if they don't know that identity, they always have to trust me Su Shixiu!"

"I" Wilvi was stunned, and then sighed helplessly.

Obviously, she was talking about them, not them who included everyone....

However, just as Su Shixiu was chatting, he suddenly noticed that not far in front of him, a girl with a white hat was quietly hiding aside.

“...... It won't be that guy, right?

"That guy?" "I" Vilvi was stunned.

"It's okay, you don't know."

Su Shixiu shook his head and suddenly frowned.


I don't know where, suddenly there was a burst of gunshots!

Su Shixiu, who had long sensed that something was wrong, immediately squatted down!

The bullet almost grazed his back, and after Su Shixiu just squatted, he took advantage of this momentum to roll forward, and immediately half-squatted down and took out the pistol on his waist.

"Bang bang!"

Surpassing the reaction speed of ordinary humans, it soon made Su Shi mend three shots!

"Oh, alas, mother! We were just passing by, big brother I was wrong! This

sudden gunfight directly scared the girl into holding her head and squatting down.

If she hadn't seen Su Shixiu's Shenzhou face clearly, maybe she wouldn't have spoken Chinese directly to save her life, right?

It seems that no matter who wants to mix in the chaotic area of this street, they have to have a little bit of sufficient strength!

There was no time to think about it in his heart, taking advantage of the chaos just now, Su Shixiu had already come to the girl's side, and at the same time, he could see the girl's face more accurately.

"It's really her... If you have a chance, let's help you. Putting

aside these cumbersome thoughts in his mind, Su Shixiu clenched his pistol and made up a few more shots on the opposite side.

After feeling a few more malicious murderous auras, Su Shixiu rushed over with an arrow, grabbed the girl's hand, dragged her and ran to the corner next to her.

"Hmm, ah, big brother, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, we're just poor innocent beggars, we really didn't do anything!"

"I know, hurry up and hide!"

If you want to change to yourself, you can directly carry the sword and cut it over, but now it's different, and there is an innocent cat girl next to him.

Padophyllis, Su Shixiu knew this girl, even very familiar.

The thirteenth of the thirteen heroes in the future, the existence of the bottom of the combat power, but the luck is inexplicably good.

Even if she also had good luck now, Su Shixiu didn't dare to guarantee that because of her existence, she wouldn't mess up something.

After finding a suitable corner, Su Shixiu pushed the Padolphyllis in his hand over.

"Crouch down and hide for a while!"

The clever Pardophyllis nodded obediently, and did not dare to say anything to the teenager who looked a little cold in front of him, after all, the situation is not right now.

"I****! The special meow here is Europe, not a beautiful country, how can it be more 'nuclear-level' than over there? Soon

, both ends of this alley were blocked by a group of ill-intentioned foreigners, and soon, the leading black strong man walked out.

“Guy! Hand over your valuables. Hurry up. Do you know who we are on Dusk Street? We......"


Without waiting for him to finish his words and cordially greet the whole family, Su Shixiu stretched out his right hand and made a friendly international gesture in the astonished gaze of Padophyllis on the side!

“Son of a bitch! Brothers, copy the guy..."

In just an instant, Su Shixiu disappeared, leaving only a faint trace of ice and blue light.

"Ugh!" “My God!"“ Oh sh*t! "FAQ~"

In the blink of an eye, one after another screams came from the other end of the passage.

Any black strong man looked over in surprise, he couldn't see the figure of that Shenzhou boy at all, he could only see a continuous flash of ice blue sword marks!

Seeing this terrifying scene, which was like death harvesting their lives, the black strong men and other foreigners on the other end of the passage instantly fell into panic.

They are at most just a group of ordinary people, where have they seen such a formation?

“Run fast! The legend is true, the mysterious Oriental God people all know martial arts!"

"It's late!"

As the demon's whisper came, the black strong man who was still desperately shouting for everyone to run away just now only saw an ice-blue light mark across his neck.

Then the line of sight in front of him suddenly spun rapidly, and finally he only saw his familiar body, and the neck without a head was still spraying bright red liquid.

Soon, he didn't know anything.

An incomplete lawyer, using only weapons plus his own speed, without using a little collapse energy, how much time does it take to solve them in the face of a group of ordinary people with strong bodies?

The answer is, ten seconds.

This is still Su Shixiu's efforts to restrain his power, so as not to be too strong for his ability to erupt, and directly scare away the group of people behind the scenes who are secretly observing him.

Standing up, Su Shixiu waved the long sword in his hand, and all the bodies of this group of bullies were condensed by the frost, and soon turned into broken powder, which was evaporated into gas in a short period of time.

"Wow, big brother, you are so strong, that group of people is a local tyrant, so the big brother still lacks a pendant on his leg?"

Looking at Padolphyllis, who was already not afraid of his life, stood up from the garbage heap on the side, and greeted himself warmly, Su Shixiu was just a little speechless.

We've just met, is this really good?

However, Su Shixiu did not speak.

The ice blue long sword in his hand quickly reorganized, gradually shrinking in the air, and then turned into an ice blue bracelet, directly covering the left wrist.

Seeing such a high technology, Padophyllis's eyes straightened, and he thought about how to get this thing in hand.

But when he thought of Su Shixiu's terrifying combat power just now, he immediately passed this unrealistic fantasy.

"No need. It's just a show of hands, not to mention that the group of people who don't know each other rush at me, most of them are greedy for money. "

After all, the most chaotic place in Dusk Street, even the rich people are reluctant to come, they dress like rich people, and there are hardly many rich people here.

"Uh, ahem. Hehe, big brother, then I'm leaving? "

Wait a minute."

Just as Padophyllis was about to quietly leave, Su Shixiu's voice came, directly causing her to freeze in place.

"Hehe, that big brother, what else do you need from us?"

Su Shixiu nodded, walked in front of Padophyllis, and stretched out his hand to her.

"Ahem, big brother, what are you doing, we don't have anything, haha~

" "Hand it over yourself, or I will search it out, you choose one."

Pardophyllis was stunned, and then silently took out a wallet and carefully placed it in Su Shixiu's hand.

Looking through his wallet, the documents were there, Su Shixiu nodded with satisfaction, even the few large-denomination banknotes, originally just in case, just in case, just now it can be useful.

Just looked up, but found that Pardophyllis, who was still standing in front of him just now, had already slipped to the mouth of the alley, and his movements were still cautious, for fear that he would find out.

Su Shixiu was not surprised, but shook his head helplessly.

"I didn't let you go, did I?"

"Uh, hehe, big brother, this thing has been returned to you, what are you keeping us for?"

Afterwards, Su Shixiu took out a few European banknotes from his wallet and handed them to Padophyllis.

"Huh? Big brother, you..."

"Buy some intelligence, okay."

Pardophyllis was stunned, and then his eyes instantly lit up.

"Uh-haha, boss, you've got the right person! In this dusk street, there is nothing that I do not know about Padolphyllis!

Su Shixiu nodded in satisfaction, there was a local to lead the way, he didn't have to work so hard.

In addition, the person in front of him is Padophyllis, looking for her to buy intelligence, Su Shixiu is relieved.

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