At this time, the Fire Moth headquarters.

"What's going on in the European region? Such a huge amount of collapse energy is almost comparable to the birth of a lawyer! Looking

at the collapse energy power of the display screen in front of her, which was far less than 1000HW, Mei confirmed that it was not the fourth collapse outbreak and relaxed her heart, but she began to worry about Kevin, Su Shixiu and Alicia in the European division.

Even if the power of the collapse energy is not so powerful, it is definitely not small.

"Dr. Mei, special squad leader Alicia's communication!"

The worry on Mei's face disappeared a lot, and she quickly picked up the phone.

"Alicia, how are you doing over there?"

"The situation is not optimistic, and a mimic has appeared, with the ability to control the flames. Ashu said that the guy was not a real lawyer, it was artificially created! "

Manufactured artificially ... May was dumbfounded.

What organization in the world today can easily create an artificial lawyer? Soon, May understood the seriousness of the matter.

"Quickly inform Ash's grandfather! Also, the group of recruits of the fifth squad last time, Mebius's autopsy results came out, containing the collapse energy that can make people die instantly! Listening

to the sound of the war over there, Mei knew that now was not the time to explain something, if you wanted to ask in detail, you could only wait until she came back.

"Good! Ellie, you and Ashu are going to survive no matter what!

Alicia's side soon came with an answer.

"Don't worry, Mei, you know my concern for him. Cute beautiful girls don't watch their cute boys have accidents ♪!

Mei breathed a sigh of relief, then hung up the communication and gave orders to the surrounding researchers.

"Keep watching, I'll go find the first seat of Xiasu!"

"Understood, Dr. May!"


Dusk Street area, Fire Moth Division.

At this time, the place is brightly lit, and countless armed elite troops have surrounded this place layer by layer.

Seeing that many people were rescued from the inside, Kevin, who was standing at the door, couldn't help sighing.


"Found something?"

Looking at the squad leader in front of him, there was a hint of expectation in Kevin's voice.

"Except for the trapped branch personnel who were rescued by us, we did not find the person behind the information provided by Dr. Mei, and it is estimated that he slipped away in advance!"

Kevin was silent for a while, and then unwillingly threw out his fist and smashed a fist mark on the wall!

"Forget it, hurry up and treat everyone, take over here, I'll go and assist Axiu... Ahem, Su Shixiu they crusaded against the law-likers, understand?

"Understood, Captain Kevin!"

Kevin nodded, then grabbed his two guns and a big sword, and rushed towards the place in the distant sky, where ice blue and fiery red light shone from time to time.

At this time, Su Shixiu and Alicia's side.

"No, you can't get close at all!"

Seeing that his ice blade was burned by the flames, Su Shixiu jumped on the spot and dodged the pillar of fire that suddenly spewed out on the ground!

"I'm pretty much the same! Alas, after going back this time, I have to buy new clothes, which is really a headache ♪!

Alicia gracefully dodged the attack of the flames, straightening her clothes from time to time, and Su Shixiu who watched this wave of operations was speechless for a while.

If he hadn't known that his captain's combat power was absolutely online, Su Shixiu would probably have treated the other party as a pit!

"The ability is flame, similar to the former seventh law of civilization, the law of flame, but the control of flame is not so flexible, the hand-to-hand combat ability may be insufficient, and the skin is a little thick."

In just a few confrontations, Su Shixiu had already figured out such a situation, as had the imitator on the other side.

She knew that Alicia was basically an assistant and assisted in the output, and Su Shixiu was the main exporter.

If he is allowed to get close to himself, he may be gone with a knife, so the flames around her are airtight, and Su Shixiu can't do anything with her for a while.

"Sister Ellie, do you have a way?"

"Me? Well... No way ♪"

Alicia shrugged helplessly, her crystal arrows could not penetrate that layer of flame.

Now the situation is that this imitator, no matter which of the two of them is close, can directly kill in seconds, but the temperature of the flame around this imitator is too high to get close at all.

Su Shixiu nodded, and the sword body in his hand spun rapidly, quickly rolling up a storm filled with ice collapse energy!

Seeing that under the blowing wind, the flames on the body of the imitator were even more vigorous, and Su Shixiu did not talk nonsense, and directly dyed this layer of storm with ice-blue collapse energy.

Sure enough, under the attack of his own frost power, which far exceeded the ordinary cold ice, the flames on the body of the lawyer finally began to dim!

This is a very good sign.

Alicia seized this very critical opportunity and immediately raised the past Flying Flower Love Poem, and the dazzling pink avalanche could appear from her hand, condensing into a pink crystal arrow on this bow!

Su Shixiu instantly understood in seconds, directly intensifying the output of the ice blue collapse energy in his hand!

At this moment, the flames around the Like-Laws instantly weakened!

The lawyer panicked, she finally panicked, she finally understood now, she thought she had the power of God, but in the end she was just a clown who was fooled!

How do you let me fight with Kaihang? And this is still two open hanging! Take it out at random, there can be more collapse on the body than me, how do you let me play?

Of course, the roar in the heart of the imitator may only be heard by herself.

Soon, the pink crystal arrow, protected by the ice blue collapse energy, directly hit the imitator!

Because her skin is very thick, this arrow will definitely not kill him, but the pink crystal arrow exploded directly in the next moment, directly unfolding the grand pink crystal field in the air!

Looking at the imitators who had become extremely slow in their actions in that field, Su Shixiu also knew that the time to maintain this field would not last long.

The Shadow of Time Frost in the past life on his hand instantly turned into an ice blue bracelet, and his whole person rushed directly into the crystal flower field!

Looking at the mimic who began to grow pink crystals on her body, in her terrified gaze, Su Shixiu smiled and slowly raised her left hand.

In that hand, the imitator could feel that it contained an incomparably terrifying collapse energy!

However, after feeling the power of authority, the fear on the face of the imitator disappeared, leaving only unwillingness and anger!

“Why! You are the legitimate messenger of God. Why do you help these evil people to hurt me? Why!!! (Why!) You are obviously the rightful messenger of God, why would you help this group of sinful people hurt me? Why!!! "

Snap 1!"

Su Shixiu didn't care about her, and directly exhaled a big b pocket, calling her in place and directly doubting life!

You may not know how scared I was at that time, and then he came up and gave me a big B pocket! You don't know how much spiritual damage a big b-pocket can bring to a lawyer! Woo hoo....

Looking at the imitator who seemed to have tears, Su Shixiu was stunned, this guy still has self-awareness.

However, soon her aggrieved red eyes instantly became expressionless, and Su Shixiu knew that this guy was not saved.

Su Shixiu stopped talking nonsense, directly raised his left hand, and endless ice-blue light converged on the entire left arm.

At this time, next to Alicia, Kevin, who rushed with a big sword on his back, and Alicia witnessed this unforgettable scene:

the ice blue snowflake pattern shrouded Su Shixiu's left arm, and then all the ice blue collapse energy converged on his fist!

A punch blasted out, like a laser cannon, the terrifying ice collapse energy, directly blasted the body of this lawyer from the air to the ground, and even blasted a big hole out of the road, and did not stop.

Quasi-Lawyer: Brother, let's not be like this!

It was at this moment that the collapse energy power in this area directly broke through the 1000HW of the person who could give birth to the law!

Afterwards, Mei called to inquire about the situation, and after learning that it was just Su Shixiu's punch, she fell silent on the spot.

So who is the lawyer?

However, these were not important, as the collapse energy in his hand dissipated, Su Shixiu flew directly below, picked up the corpse of the imitator frozen by the ice, and flew in front of Kevin and Alicia.

"The core of the lawyer seems to be artificial, but there is not much collapse energy."

After handing it over to Alicia, Su Shixiu dissipated the collapse energy beside him, and the temperature around him quickly returned to normal.

"Lying groove, Ash, you are handsome, can you tell me what it is called?"

"Which move?"

"That ice light pillar that fell from the sky!"

"Just call him Dawei Tianlong."

“? Ah Xiu, don't bully me into reading less, this is clearly a move of the Buddhist family, right? Do you have the slightest relationship with Buddha?

"Yo, you still see that I bullied you? Not bad! "

I***! Axiu, do you want to fight?

"You're not my opponent."

Kevin: .

"Haha, you both are very interesting! Kevin, after returning from this mission, you are a member of our special squad, are you very excited ♪?

"Uh, sort of!"

For girls who are not familiar with him, Kevin basically does not care at all, but Alicia will be his future captain, and they have known each other at the previous banquet, which is not good to treat each other coldly.

"Then, with me, a pink fairy lady who is as gorgeous as a flying flower, will Kevin fall in love with me ♪?"


Kevin was dumbfounded on the spot, and then cast a pleading look at Su Shixiu.

However, Su Shixiu had already turned around, looking like he didn't care about himself, and almost let Kevin beat him up directly.

But thinking that he was not this guy's opponent, Kevin prodded.

No way, even if he is dick, he can't do any of the two people in front of him.

"Haha, sure enough, Mei's little boyfriend is also very interesting ♪"

was amused by Alicia like this, even Kevin, his face could not help but show a shy blush.

But well... This is a good title, at least he and Mei are really seen as that kind of relationship.

Now Kevin is a pure love boy, if it weren't for Alicia's initiative to talk, he might not have talked to anyone at all.

"Yo yo, Kevin, are you actually shy? Come, let me be well!

"No, Asho!"

"Obedient! Let me be well-kang! "


"You can't beat me."

Kevin: .

Soon, the good friends immediately began to fight, but basically they were jokingly fighting, and Alicia was also happy to eat melons on the side, and took a black history picture by the way.

"Apocalypse", "salvation", and "Tianhui" have always known each other before they came to this organization.

Alicia smiled, suddenly remembering something, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

"Then this time the mission report is also very simple to fill in! Hmm ♪~"


Afterwards, someone over there dealt with it, and Su Shixiu followed them and stayed here for a few days.

It is true that they cannot find the person who has escaped behind the scenes, and they cannot deduce which high-level troublemaker through this clue, and they can only get on the return plane.

Fire Moth Headquarters, Mebius Laboratory.

"Authentication successful! Welcome, "Apocalypse" Su Shixiu! "

Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

After carrying a few things into the laboratory, in Klein's confused gaze on the side, Su Shixiu smiled at her.

It seems that this girl has become accustomed to life in the Mebius laboratory after the last discovery, and it seems that there is no need to worry about her going crazy like the last time.

"Senior Shi Xiu, this is..." "

Artificial special death, artificial imitator, and her core."

Su Shixiu pointed to the three items, and then suddenly felt that something was wrong, and quickly asked, "What about the teacher?"

"Doctor, she bought some small dresses and is trying them on in the dressing room inside."

Su Shixiu nodded, and then revealed a strange gaze.

"Pink? Jk and Luolita? "

Hmm." While Klein nodded, his eyes also showed a hint of strangeness.

"It's okay, just get used to it, the teacher likes pink little dresses very much, especially Luolita."

As a senior, Su Shixiu has long known these things, but he did not expose them, as Alicia said: Every romantic and cute girl has a pink girl's heart ♪ that does not want to be easily known by others!

Wait a minute, why did I add notes when I wanted to?

Su Shixiu shook his head and quickly spoke: "Senior Sister Klein, then you will explain to the teacher at that time, the ability of this imitator is flame, and other specific situations, I wrote it on this piece of paper, how to deal with it at that time." Taking

the paper from Su Shixiu's hand, Klein nodded, then returned to the computer desk and began to type frantically on the keyboard.

"Work work work work work..." Listening

to Klein's chanting, Su Shixiu was stunned for a while.

This...... Get used to it, really become a job professional?

Looking at the fast-busy Klein, Su Shixiu suddenly rejoiced that his previous work was really happy, although eating instant noodles every day was still his shadow.

Leaving aside the extra thoughts in his heart, Su Shixiu quietly left here, just as he came with great fanfare, as soon as he came in, he directly threw things, so frightened that Mebius in the dressing room did not dare to move for a long time.

Anyway, the mission report never needed him to do it, and it just so happened that Su Shixiu also wanted to see Senior Sister Blanca, so he left the headquarters of the Fire Moth.

Su Shixiu would never admit it, just because his mind moved, he suddenly wanted to hug Grace.

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