Far East, Star Blue City, International Airport.

Su Shixiu's silence without saying a word, coupled with his special identity, so that even if many flight attendants in the airport were attracted by Su Shixiu's appearance, they did not dare to rush forward to ask for contact information.

The Moth of Fire, an organization supported by the governments of various countries, and Su Shixiu is still one of the characters in it, and they are not the same existence.

"It's rare that in the world of Honkai, you can find a game that is so similar to the three-hit feeling of Honkai. It's a pity that it's another really beautiful story entirely, otherwise I would have suspected that the big Viagra also crossed over. "

After playing the level, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief watching the protagonist in the plot CG successfully save his companion.

This plot is really beautiful, if reality can be as smooth as it should be, how good would it be?

Unfortunately, things backfired, such as collapse, that is not the existence that can be expelled if you want to, at least even the current Su Shixiu has no way at all.

"The helicopter was blown up by terrorists ... Just such a reason, as for letting you come back for so long? Looking

at the time that gradually passed on the mobile phone, Su Shixiu looked helpless, directly greeted the airport staff, asked them to wake up at 4 p.m. to pick up someone, and fell asleep directly on the table.


At 4 p.m., after Su Shixiu was called up as promised, he waited until 6 p.m., and did not see the trend of helicopters returning, so he backhanded the communication trace.

"Toot ... "

Hello? Shi Xiu, how are you..." "

Mark me ************ (omit n words here), the helicopter was blown up by terrorists, can you drag it until now?!"

"Ahem, Shi Xiu, it's because of this matter that I'm busy killing bandits."

Su Shixiu was stunned.

"As you guessed, I told the terrorists in that area to clean up."

Su Shixiu: ......

Carry RPGs, carry swords and crosses all the way, right?

"So it's almost there, right?"

"It's almost fast, it's been the last ten minutes. Young man, don't be anxious, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry..." Mark

wanted to appease and appease Su Shixiu, but he didn't expect Su Shixiu's 'greeting' to come directly.

"I'm not in a hurry for you*! A task that could have been done in one morning, you dragged it on for me for a day! Marks, all day! Do you know how I got over the whole day!! "

Trace: "That Shi Xiu, I really didn't mean to..."

"I believe you*!" You **** a ***! I didn't encounter anything good with you! If you give me the whole thing about the bombed plane on the road, see if I will let Senior Sister Blanca be directly widowed!" You******! I*you immortal! Trace you ****"

Mark quickly hung up the communication, and couldn't help but laugh bitterly in his heart.

Why do you want to be this scapegoat? I already knew that I would not accept the task of Captain Alicia, why did he drag Su Shixiu, and as a result, he made people anxious, and he was unlucky or himself!

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the helicopter to finally land in the airport.

After seeing Su Shixiu, he thought that he would be beaten violently by him, but he didn't expect that Su Shixiu just glanced at him flatly, and let himself follow Su Shixiu into the car.

Su Shixiu is such a person, although he may be forced to spray people, but in the final analysis, it is just the impulse of youth, and he does not vomit in his heart, and his mood will be much better after vomiting.

As for Su Shixiu's angry words, it is just a joke by him, there is no need to be more serious, he himself has no intention of being more serious, provided that you don't go too far.

Just like the reason for marking this time, it is so lame that it is easy to be seen that something is wrong.

A special squad warrior with the combat power of single-handedly picking out the Avalanche Beast will not notice that the plane he is riding on is being targeted by a missile?

Although he didn't know what the mark was doing, since he didn't want to tell himself, then Su Shixiu wouldn't take the initiative to ask.

Sitting in the car, Mark has always been very careful, which makes Su Shixiu, who is driving in front, a little crying and laughing.

"What's wrong? It's not like you.

"Aren't you going to tear me up?"

"Just kidding, you believe it?"

"But Shi Xiu, you were very angry at that time..."

By the way, tell you something.

After confirming that Su Shixiu was really not angry, he was relieved.

"Say, what's going on again?"

"The feel of Grace's little face is so comfortable!"

“...... Something is wrong with you boy! Shi Xiu, I remember that there is a complete set of bills over there in your Shenzhou!

"Let go! Labor and management are driving!

"Afraid of what? We are not ordinary people, you are better than me, this little interference can affect you?

"Don't force me to go to Sister Ellie and Grace to file a complaint!"

Sure enough, under such a threat as Su Shixiu, the trace was directly provoked.

After a while, the two of them and the accompanying third squad of soldiers arrived at the headquarters of the Fire Moth.

As soon as he got out of the car, Su Shixiu directly took out the communicator and contacted Alicia for the first time.

"Sister Ellie, the trace has been received."

"Uh-huh ♪! Then Ash, you go back and change into a formal dress first, right? We'll meet ♪ in the banquet hall on the third floor later,"

Su Shixiu was stunned for a moment, but then nodded and agreed.

"Then I'll go change my clothes too, Shi Xiu, I'll see you later?"

"Well, I'll see you later."

In this way, the trace quickly slipped away, and Su Shixiu also walked towards his dormitory.

"Strange, why are there so few people patrolling tonight? And everyone, as if no one saw it.

Muttering in his heart, Su Shixiu soon came to his dormitory.

He wanted to lie down for a while to relieve his fatigue from the whole day today, but when he thought of Alicia's somewhat anxious tone just now, he had to reluctantly get up and start to look for his clothes in the closet.

"Hmm... Which dress is good to wear? "

Pink suit?! Ellie Q version avatar?! Sister Ellie, you're over! He

said so, but Su Shixiu did not throw the dress out, but picked it up and compared it on himself.

"It's all quite suitable... So, how does Alicia know the size of my body? Thinking

of a not very good result, Su Shixiu quickly shook his head, threw the unlikely horror out of his mind, and picked out a new outfit for himself.

With a white lining, a light brown suit, and brown suit pants, Su Shixiu put on gold-rimmed round-framed glasses that he had never worn since he became a lawyer.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Su Shixiu nodded in satisfaction.

"I almost forgot, I turned out to be an ordinary student, if I have to say anything more powerful, at most I have been a trainee assistant of a teacher."

Su Shixiu smiled self-deprecatingly, sorted out the folds on his clothes a little, and confirmed that his image was very decent before leaving the dormitory.

After entering the headquarters building, Su Shixiu was dumbfounded on the spot.

"What plane?" This big night does not turn on the lights... Odd. "

The whole building was almost dark, and there were no lights on anywhere else except for the indicator lights and emergency access lights in the hallway.

Su Shixiu looked depressed, but still listened to Alicia's guidance, and soon came to the stairs and went directly to the third floor.

Entering the banquet hall on the third floor, after Su Shixiu pushed open the door and walked in, he looked at the pitch black in front of him and once suspected that he was in the wrong place.



his wrist and glancing at his watch, Su Shixiu looked at today's date with a confused expression.

"**** August 10, eight o'clock in the evening, the headquarters of the fire moth, the banquet hall on the third floor. That's right, why is there no one?

"So there's really no one?"

There was still silence that answered him.

Su Shixiu sighed, and just when he was about to leave, he suddenly realized that his eyes were covered with his hands.


"Ha, grab Ash ♪! So cute Axiu, guess ~ guess ~ me ~ am ~ who?

"Sister Ellie, let's stop playing, okay? Quickly turn on the lights, it's dark, I'm not the kind of casual person.

Su Shixiu helplessly took away Alicia's hands, and Alicia just smiled and said directly: "That really makes me sad" ♪ "

So let's talk, what's the matter?"

Looking at a serious Su Shixiu, Alicia was stunned, and then stuck out her tongue and smiled.

"It seems that Axiu has forgotten this very important day!"

Su Shixiu:?

"But it's only August, and the Christmas party is December?"

"It's not a party! Axiu is really stupid," ♪

Su Shixiu could only smile awkwardly, after all, he still hadn't figured out what was going to happen.

"What's that?" So mysterious... It's not like you, huh?

"So you really forgot? Today is a very important day ♪ for you."

What the?

At this time, even Su Shixiu could feel the seriousness in Alicia's tone in front of him.

He vaguely felt that today might be a very important day for him, but what kind of day was it... He really can't remember.

"Well, close your eyes first!"

Su Shixiu nodded, and after he closed his eyes, Alicia directly snapped her fingers!

Even if he closed his eyes, Su Shixiu could feel through the light outside his eyelids that the lights had been turned on in the hall at the moment, but he didn't know what the specific situation was.

"Su Shixiu, happy birthday!!"

After hearing these words, Su Shixiu reacted to what was going on even if he deliberately pretended to be stupid.

At this moment, even without Alicia speaking, he couldn't wait to open his eyes:

what came into view was the banquet hall carefully dressed by everyone who chased the fire moth.

Wearing a pink and white dress, Alicia stood in front of Su Shixiu, smiled and turned sideways, so that Su Shixiu could take a look at everyone in the banquet hall.

And behind Su Shixiu, Kevin in a white suit and a black suit with a bold smile on their faces, holding a salute cannon in their hands, directly put the salute behind them!

And everyone who is rarely seen on weekdays is wearing dresses today and sitting in front of various tables with a smile.

Wearing a fiery red cheongsam, he sat in front of a dining table, looking at him with a teasing smile, his eyes full of blessings for Su Shixiu.

And beside her, Hua was also wearing a blue and white cheongsam, a little shyly lowered her head, and did not dare to look directly at Su Shixiu's gaze, but Su Shixiu could see the blessing in Hua's eyes.

There were still two empty seats over there, and through the name tag on the seat, Su Shixiu confirmed that the remaining two positions were the two men behind him.

Mei wore a carefully selected purple long dress, smiled and nodded to Su Shixiu, and looking at Mei's long dress, Su Shixiu's eyes were full of nostalgia.

The last time I saw Mei wearing this dress, it seemed to be when she and Mei were in her second year of high school, when the grade party, the class had to perform with Mei by themselves, so the two also danced a Latin dance at that time.

If you think about it, it's all his lost youth!

Sitting next to May was Dr. Mebius, who rarely attended a large event, and she changed into a light green dress.

Although when Su Shixiu looked over, she deliberately turned her head and pretended to be very cold, the corners of her mouth were almost upturned to the sky.

Sitting next to Mebius is naturally Vilvi, who is wearing the same dress that the "self" in the game plot wears at the moment, looking at Su Shixiu with soft eyes, without hiding the blessing of this teenager in her heart.

The vacant position is undoubtedly Alicia's.

As for the other main table, sandwiched between the two.

And at that table, Blanca, who had a smile on his face, gave himself a thumbs up, and Su Shixiu naturally returned a smile.

Blanca's side is Klein, and Clay rarely changed into a pink long dress at the moment, but looking at her unhappy look, it is estimated that she should have been forced by the teacher.

But the smile on her face all reflected the joy of being able to take a vacation, and Su Shixiu cast a pitying gaze, and soon looked at another seat next to Blanca.

The person in that seat was long gone, and now he was held in Blanca's arms.

That's right, that person was Grace, and after she saw Su Shixiu, her small face had already shown a smile, and her big purple eyes were full of joy.

His position is exactly in the middle of Grace and Klein, that is, the vacant position on that table, and his position is very wonderful, just in the center of these three tables, which can highlight the host status of this banquet.

Yes, the main target of this banquet is yourself.

However, in the arms of each of them, they held a bouquet of flowers, and on the table in front of them, there were beautifully wrapped gifts.

As for the table in front of the banquet, there is an oversized round table with an oversized cake on the table!

yes, it's my birthday... Su Shixiu's birthday.

For a long time, in the face of the oppression of Honkai and the many difficulties that he had to face, in the daily battle and ordinary pressure, Su Shixiu almost forgot his birthday.

Instead, everyone who chased the fire moth helped him remember all this... Obviously, the information at that time was only filled in by hand, and I almost forgot to fill in my birthday.

"Did you like this surprise? Axiu, this surprise has been prepared for a long time with everyone and everyone in the Fire Moth! ♪

Su Shixiu looked at everyone whose eyes were full of expectation, and after a moment of silence, he revealed a comfortable and gentle smile.

"I love it. Also, thank you!

After that, Su Shi exhaled a long breath and bowed to everyone.

"So, do you want to attend this birthday party led by lovely Alicia and joined by the fire-chasing moth?"

Alicia smiled and extended her right hand to Su Shixiu.

Su Shixiu was stunned for a moment, and a very strange feeling appeared in his heart.

It's a little sad, even a little relieving... Surprise is accompanied by a touch of emotion.

Su Shixiu wanted to say something tirade, but found that so many words in his heart, after reaching his mouth, all of them were gone, and he became stupid.

In the end, Su Shixiu could only smile more gently and put his left hand on Alicia's right hand.

"It's an honor!"

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