"Sister Ellie, if you eat like this again, you will be fatter."

"What! It's rude to say cute girls, but it's very rude! Hum! ╭(╯^╰)╮"♪

Alicia looked depressed, Mebius said that he would forget it, Blanca was taken to the bad and ridiculed can also understand, but why Su Shixiu also learned badly!

It is clear that the original Su Shixiu is so cute and simple, how can it be like this? What a gas ♪!

Su Shixiu, who didn't know Alicia's psychological activities at all, stared at Alicia with a strange face, and he could be sullen for so long with such a ridicule?

The point is that he is just talking and laughing, and Alicia is not heavy....

Knowing that weight is taboo for girls, Su Shixiu still wants to touch a minefield.

The reason why he picked Alicia is purely because of one of the things he can remember until now when he played the game: that is, the

relationship between Alicia and Mebius.

Alicia is fond of Mebius, and Mebius is fond of Alicia... It's that you're fat.

It's outrageous... The key Su Shixiu asked himself, he didn't think Alicia was fat? Obviously so well maintained... Off the big spectrum.

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong, it's my pot, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously!" Sister Ellie, this dish is all on the table, why don't you eat it? First

of all, after admitting the mistake of the fifth company, Alicia's face softened significantly, and Su Shixiu asked about the matter.


"This is the dish you ordered, if you don't eat it, it will be cold, what a waste!"

Su Shixiu pointed to the table in front of the two and shrugged helplessly.

"Ahem, then I'll ♪ start!"

Seeing Alicia moving the chopsticks gracefully, Su Shixiu sighed a little in her heart, when did she learn to use chopsticks, and then silently called the waiter and asked for some drinks for the two.

After all, to be honest, Su Shixiu is not hungry, so in the private room of this restaurant, it mainly becomes Alicia burying her head in elegant cooking.

And Su Shixiu occasionally moved a bite or two of chopsticks, most of the time silently looking at Alicia, and then looking out the window.

Accompanied by the Avalanche Beast, because the appearance of this guy in the previous battle made Su Shixiu can't help but think of his identity.

He is also a lawyer, so in the final analysis, he should also have the ability to summon companion broken beasts.

Accompanying Avalanche Beast, if you can really summon that kind of guy, it will definitely be a big combat power of your own!

"Don't think about it, Ash, you're not there yet."

Sure enough, the cold water of Penglai Temple Jiuxiao was directly splashed over.

"So far, you have not been able to open the most complete form of the single authority, how can you talk about summoning the gods' attendants?"

Su Shixiu was stunned, but then nodded silently.

Yes, two lawyer authorities, one of which still cannot understand what exists, let alone use it.

As for the other one, it can be used, and the key is that even the most complete form cannot be played.

Even if it is the fourth law before, everyone can open a law form, but now they can't open this form, how to summon the accompanying collapse beast???

It's like you learned a skill that requires you to learn it at level 30, but you are only at level 10 now, tell me how you learn it? Card bug?

Real-world stuck bugs... Then you're probably playing Earth Online (manual Doge).

Looking at Alicia who was carefree and cooking, Su Shixiu noticed the sincere smile on her face, and he subconsciously smiled.

Yes, in this broken world, the outside world is already full of danger, and what he wants is such an atmosphere.

A table where everyone sits in front of them and exudes endless warmth and forgets other troubles, and a time where everyone can sit together and enjoy quiet leisure together.

"Hello, Dear Miss. This is the love MIX drink that your boyfriend ordered for you, please enjoy this romantic time! The

waiter who suddenly came in directly sent this romantic blessing, which directly confused Su Shixiu in an instant.

No, when did I ask for this?

Su Shixiu: The black question mark .jpg

looked at the drink placed next to him, with two straws inserted, Alicia was also stunned, and then noticed Su Shixiu's stunned gaze, and couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you for the hospitality ♪"

until the waiter sister nodded with a kind aunt smile, and quietly exited the private room, leaving Su Shixiu with big eyes and small eyes, and Alicia with a bad smile.

"Wow, what a romance! Even the cute beautiful girl can't help but be shy~ Axiu, in fact, you can express your heart ♪ directly to me"

Su Shixiu scratched his head, with a rare embarrassed look on his face.

After all, for him, Alicia can be said to be a love and hate existence.

Love because she is really good and good, but hate because Su Shixiu can't deal with Alicia at all!

This sister is completely a social cow, and the social cow is also a lesbian leader, and sometimes cute boys will not let go of ridicule and ridicule, such as most of the time they always deliberately pretend to be stupid.

"That... I said that the waiter in this store made the decision without permission, Sister Ellie, do you believe it?

However, unexpectedly, Alicia actually nodded.

"Of course I believe it ♪! After all, I know Ah Xiu very well!

Taking the drink, Alicia smiled slightly, and then spoke: "What's more, Axiu's eyes are very clear, and they won't lie at all!"

Su Shixiu was stunned.

Doesn't lie at all ... What if he said that he might have known all this for a long time, but his subconscious mind had always chosen not to believe in it, and he himself began to disbelieve in himself at that time?

In fact, Su Shixiu is not that he can't deceive people, but he can even cheat himself.

He wants to protect everyone, but he is afraid of having too deep a bond with everyone, and in the end, when no one can save him, he can only grieve alone and be powerless... That's why he chooses to deceive himself, right?

In fact, whether he deceived himself, sometimes, Su Shixiu really didn't know.

Even what kind of person he himself is, he may not know....

But it is undeniable that he really thinks about it, takes everyone's hand, goes through time, and can still see the tomorrow of the next day, and see the smile that belongs to everyone on that day.

And noticing that Su Shixiu fell into deep thought again, although Alicia was depressed, she would not complain, she could understand Su Shixiu very well.

The burden of saving this world... Even if the teenager didn't say anything, the girl had long seen that he had always wanted to carry everything on himself.

Yes, Su Shixiu has always been very good at deceiving people, and he has never let people know when he took on these responsibilities; But he also does not lie at all, and the sincerity and gentleness that thinks about everyone will never be hidden.

But anyone who can hide his sincerity, but anyone who can be a little less gentle... He won't let so many people have a crush on him.

Su Shixiu... It is such a hateful, but loveable person.

He may not be a good person, but as long as in their eyes, Su Shixiu is the most gentle and lovely boy, that is enough.

At least for now, if you can still enjoy the present time calmly, then everything is enough.

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