Fast forward to a month later, and the final exams are over.

At the time of this final exam, Mei took the same path as Su Shixiu, applied for the unique advance entrance examination, and also prepared the thesis.

But the difference is that she is more prepared than Su Shixiu.

Therefore, when this paper was transmitted to the top, it directly caused a sensation in the high-level of various countries, even the fire moth.

However, after all, it was the Fire Moth who first grasped Mei's information, and the opportunity to introduce Mei to join the Fire Moth naturally fell on Su Shixiu and Mebius.

However, on the third day of the final exam, an unprecedented disaster suddenly broke out in the entire Changkong City!

The third collapse broke out!

On this day, Mei was still busy with her own affairs in school, after all, her paper had too much impact, so there were many things to be busy.

And Kevin, this current licking dog + emotional intelligence worrying, naturally went to help Mei, Su is still dealing with the dormitory affairs, so they are now in Chiba Academy.

As for Su Shixiu, he is still sleeping in Mei's house, and he is rare to be a salted fish, so he naturally cherishes this opportunity to touch fish.

And at this time, the sudden noise from the outside world, as well as the sound of various buildings being destroyed, directly disrupted his sleep.

"What happened... Ah woc! Su

Shixiu, who had just risen, suddenly felt through his intuition that something bad was about to happen ahead.

Intuitively, as soon as he jumped out of bed, a car suddenly flew in from the window outside, directly smashing the wall between this bedroom and the corridor on the second floor.

Looking down the hole, Su Shixiu was dumbfounded.

Broken Beasts, Dead Men....


The shrill sound of sirens echoes through the air, easily upsetting people who have just fallen asleep.

The terrified cries for help, the roars of inexplicable creatures, the sound of buildings collapsing one after another, and the hellish miserable situation in front of them is simply numb.

"The third collapse, coming..." Fortunately

, he was not wearing pajamas, and after hurriedly putting on an overcoat, Su Shixiu looked down with gloomy eyes, and then revealed a strange gaze.

He suddenly found that he could feel the existence of the collapse energy.

And for some reason, his body was frantically absorbing the surrounding collapse energy, which instantly made Su Shixiu panic.

He doesn't want to become a dead man, there are important people in this world!

Quickly rolled up his sleeves, and Su Shixiu found that there were no symptoms of avalanche energy erosion on his body, which also meant that his resistance to avalanche energy was very high.

The collapse energy storm in his chest, as well as the warm energy flow behind him, all stimulated Su Shixiu to recall something!

"You are the "Savior", a warrior in the name of the "Apocalypse". It is a brand new lawyer, a lawyer who does not belong to Honkai, Heavenly Frost! Remembering

what the purple-haired girl had said, Su Shixiu's gaze became shocked.

"I am, Lawyer?!"

Even if he didn't believe it anymore, as Honkai could enter the body and continuously strengthen himself, Su Shixiu found that his eyes could already see the core in his body.

That lawyer core burning with blue-purple flames... It seems that it is indeed exactly what the girl said.

Himself, is the lawyer, does not belong to the lawyer under the Honkai, the hope on this side of civilization, the heavenly frost lawyer!

Su Shixiu, who calmed down, quickly tried the memories in the game in his previous life, and used the collapse energy to communicate the core and connect the imaginary space behind it.

Soon, imaginary space responded.

An ice-blue Tang Dao-like weapon, with a sharp and cold aura, exuding a cold ice-blue collapse energy, slowly appeared in front of Su Shixiu.

"Frost Realm: Cold Extinguished."

This is, the name of this knife.

"The weapon of the lawyer..." When

he clenched the knife, Su Shixiu felt a trace of blood connection.

There is no Honkai consciousness, or he does not perceive the existence of Honkai consciousness.

Perhaps the most fundamental reason is that he is not the one who broke the frost.

"Frost corresponds to blue. So, that purple should have the corresponding authority, but I don't seem to have that ability yet? Shaking

his head and throwing these complicated parts of speech to the back of his mind, Su Shixiu raised the Tang Dao, and the Frost Realm: Cold Extinguishment, instantly released a cold qi that was enough to freeze everything around!

Looking at the broken beast that noticed him below, Su Shixiu did not rub, jumped from the hole on the second floor, and jumped directly to the street downstairs!

"Brush brush brush!"

A few cold breaths directly slashed through the body of the Broken Beast, stabbing them directly on the spot!

Looking at the purple collapse energy flowing into his body, which was successfully absorbed and transformed by himself, Su Shixiu no longer rubbed.

Following the memory that suddenly came out of his mind, Su Shixiu raised his left arm and flicked over the blade, and while the blade was facing forward, the blue collapse energy suddenly became more dazzling!

"Apocalypse Frost Forest!"

In an instant, endless ice rose up, blowing everything around it to pieces.

Looking at many low-level Collapse Beasts and Dead Warriors pierced by icicles, Su Shixiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, not long after the third Collapse Outbreak, Su Shixiu, who had just awakened the ability of the Heavenly Frost Lawyer, was able to face these low-level Collapse Beasts and Dead Warriors so easily.

After converging the fluctuations of the lawyer on his body, Su Shixiu clenched the Tang Dao in his hand, closed his eyes and carefully sensed it.

After locking the place where the collapse energy is most abundant, he mentioned the Frost Realm, which represented half of his power: Cold Extinction, and rushed in that direction.

Perhaps, the Third Lawyer, the Thunder Lawyer of this century, is there!


At this time, after learning the news of the third collapse outbreak, the Fire Moth had already sent a lot of troops to Changkong City at the first time.

It's just that under the influence of the power of the Law of Thunder, all their electronic equipment has failed, and they can't locate the Law of Thunder at all, and even the situation in Changkong City is confusing.

"All troops listen to the order, disperse according to the squad, search for the third lawyer, if found, report to everyone by telegram, and wait until everyone converges before attacking!"

"Secondly, Dr. Mei from the search and rescue of Senba Academy, as well as Dr. Mebius's assistant, Su Shixiu's assistant, did the squads hear it?"


"Very good, all action!"

At the same time, inside the Chiba Gakuen.

Several purple meteorites fell from the sky, and the towering buildings turned into flying ash in an instant.

During this period, there were many cries for help, and many people were running for their lives, but one after another, people were eroded by the collapse energy, transformed into enemies of mankind, dead soldiers, attacking the people they used to know.

The shrill sirens, the chaotic sea of people, the dead soldiers attacking indiscriminately, the white burly monsters, the unattended children, and the people who fell to the ground and could not afford to look like adults, together constitute a real territory.

At this moment, in the flow of people going to the shelter, a touch of silver and purple went against the crowd and went against the current in the opposite direction.

The tall and strong silver-haired boy held the purple-haired girl's hand tightly, opening up a relatively spacious road for her and reducing her physical exertion.

"Kevin, did you see Ah Xiu and Sue?"

Mei, who wore a pair of round-rimmed glasses, asked breathlessly.

"No, Ah Xiu is as smart as you, he won't be fine. As for Su, people who play tactics have dirty hearts, and most people like him can't get into trouble.

Mei nodded thoughtfully, but at this moment, gunshots suddenly sounded not far away!

"Discover the search target! Team two, alternately go up and protect Dr. May! "

Yes, since that paper was published, Mei has rightfully been called a doctor.

Soon, another heavily armed team came to May and Kevin, helping them clean up the surrounding Broken Beasts and Dead Soldiers.

The captain of this squad stopped in front of Mei and saluted with a serious expression.

"Dr. Mei, we are the people who chase the fire moth, and we have been ordered to search and rescue you to take refuge!"

Mei was stunned, then nodded.

"Let's go, Kevin."

Kevin nodded stunned.

Maybe Kevin doesn't yet know what the Fire Moth is, but May does.

The day after the paper was published, Mei learned about this organization, and also learned that Su Shixiu was already half a fire-chasing moth because of Mebius' relationship with the family.

In this way, the scientific and technological pillars of the former civilization and the strongest warriors of mankind officially came into contact with the fire-chasing moth.

At this time, Su Shixiu was carrying the realm of frost: the cold was extinguished, and he was rushing to the place where the collapse energy was strongest.

However, halfway through, Su Shixiu suddenly felt another breath and couldn't help frowning.

That one is a master of manipulating Honkai energy, and at the same time that he discovered the other party, the other party has also discovered him!

Su Shixiu, who did not understand the purpose of the other party, clenched the Tang Dao in his hand, and the cold aura that appeared in Zhou Ran directly lowered the temperature around him.

With his current level, he couldn't exert much of the ability of the lawyer at all, and he couldn't even summon the affiliated Collapse Beast.

Although I don't know if he has this ability.

Su Shixiu, who was originally quite worried, was instantly relieved after seeing the person coming.

"Yay! I thought it was. This is not a cute Axiu~" Looking at the pink-haired girl who jumped down from the second floor on the side, Su Shixiu ♪

sighed, it turned out that he was also the person who chased the fire moth, and now the first person in the real force of the fire moth, Alicia.

"I thought it was an enemy and scared me."

"So, it's been so long, Axiu, have you missed me ♪~

" "No, not at all!"

"Huh? How can you be so direct and not coax girls? It's so sad to woo ♪~"

Su Shixiu's face darkened, and he mentioned the realm of frost: cold extinguished, and silently added: "There are no tears, is it so interesting?"

"Hmph, it's really incomprehensible ♪~ Axiu, it's easy for you to break a girl's heart like this!"

Su Shixiu felt the collapsed energy flowing in the air, watching the sky gradually turn purple and the dark clouds rolling in the distance, he had realized something.

"Don't be poor. Let's go, Sister Ellie, the Third Lawyer probably stopped.

"Huh? When did Axiu have such a sensitive perception of Honkai energy!

"Okay, hurry up, if that guy absorbs enough Avalanche energy, then I can't deal with it!"

"Hmph, then you praise me?"

"Alas, Sister Ellie is the most beautiful, as pure and flawless as a brilliant flying flower, OK?"

"Although I cope with it like this, I will take it as a compliment to me, hmph ♪, cute girly heart, but omnipotent ♪~"


Through a rough control of the Collapse Energy, Su Shixiu quickly headed towards the place where the thunder fell.



Su Shixiu, who was holding the Tang Dao, looked at the scene in front of him with a gloomy face, and couldn't help frowning.

There are too many Honkai energy around, and the most important thing is that there are so many Honkai Beasts and Dead Warriors, far from the lowest posture at the beginning.

With your own level, it is still very difficult to clean up.

"Oops, it looks like the beautiful girl is sweating a lot today. Axiu, don't you expect the girl's wet body?

However, Su Shixiu did not intend to talk nonsense, he had already mentioned the Tang Dao and rushed over, and ice rays kept flashing in front of him.

"Frost Moon Slash!"

After slightly increasing the output of Avalanche energy, using the sword technique that he was not very good at, Su Shixiu quickly cut several Avalanche Beasts.

"Oh, it's a very rude ♪ thing to listen to the girl quietly~"

However, although she said this, Alicia did not hesitate at all.

Take out your own weapon: After the flying flowers of the past life, Alicia aimed in the direction of Su Shixiu, and the pink collapse energy quickly condensed into a crystal arrow in her hand.

At this time, Su Shixiu was slashing righteously, but because of an oversight behind him, he found that a broken beast had exploited a loophole!

And at this time, Su Shixiu had no time to turn back to defend!

At this moment, an arrow directly passed through the Broken Beast, nailing it to the ground and exploding directly!

Looking at the flames behind him, and then at the smile that Alicia showed to herself in the distance, Su Shixiu nodded gratefully.

In the first battle, even with a new memory of unfamiliar battles, his personal combat experience and level are still too poor.

But, at least the first result, he and Alicia seem to cooperate well?

Although it was Alicia who covered him, Su Shixiu was not a cowardly lord.

Soon, the left foot lightly touched the ground, and the cold air quickly erupted from the ground.

With Su Shixiu as the center, this wave of ice attribute collapse energy burst out instantly, directly blowing up countless collapse beasts and dead soldiers within a diameter of fifty meters.

Soon, Su Shixiu, who had adapted to it, once again mentioned the realm of frost hua: cold extinction, directly raised to the sky!

The endless Avalanche energy condensed into a cold ice giant sword in the air, and the tip of the sword was directly aimed at the high-rise Thunder Lawyer who was frantically absorbing the surrounding Collapse Energy!

This sudden sense of threat made her recover from the state she had just been.

Seeing that Su Shixiu and Alicia had joined forces to clear a clearing of the clearing, she waved her hand impatiently, trying to let those broken beasts interfere with Su Shixiu's ice sword.

However, without waiting for those guys to get close to Su Shixiu, Alicia jumped in front of Su Shixiu and took the lead in shooting a few arrows, emptying the surrounding area again!

At the same time, Alicia brought up the available communication equipment that is immune to electromagnetic interference, and contacted the waiting human troops outside.

"I'm Alicia from the Special Squad! See where that ice sword is pointing? The Third Lawyer is there, aiming at the tall buildings over there and aiming manually! "

In the current battle against the lawyers, even if someone has questions, they will not ask at such a critical time.

Listening to Alicia's order, the troops who surrounded the entire city of Changkong, as well as various missiles from other countries, all aimed at the area here.


Seeing Su Shixiu slash down, Alicia gave the same order.

At the same time, Su Shixiu quickly increased his speed, and rushed to her side before the Third Law could react!

"! You, like us, why should you help those lowly humans? The

Third Lawyer, who was caught off guard by the ice prison, scolded Su Shixiu who fell in front of her while trying to summon thunder and lightning to shatter these cold ice!

The funny thing is that after the thunder and lightning of the Third Law fell on the ice prison, not only did it not play any role, but her own power was also interfered with!

"I'm different from you, I'm not that guy behind me!"

Looking at the missiles flying in the air, Su Shixiu suddenly remembered that the third lawyer of the former civilization, this guy in front of him was originally defeated by human technology.

Not to mention that this guy was not born long ago, he was killed alive by Su Shixiu, who already had some combat experience, and Alicia, the strongest warrior currently fighting against Honkai!

"You're a bastard, you're not good..." Unfortunately,

the Third Lawyer is destined to never say the next words again.

Su Shixiu's Frost Realm: Cold Extinction, had pierced her chest, and the moment the Tang Dao was pulled out, the purple lawyer core was held by Su Shixiu in his hand.

Soon, there was another rush, and Su Shixiu returned to Alicia's side.

As soon as he came over, his whole body was quickly surrounded by a sense of exhaustion, and the Tang knife in his hand instantly dissipated.

Even Su Shixiu didn't react, and almost fell, but fortunately Alicia hugged him in time.

"Lei Law Core, give..." After

taking over the core, Su Shixiu completely fainted.

"Honkai can overdraw, Ah Xiu is really trying." Wait, this is? Through

a brief contact observation, Alicia saw the stigmata behind Su Shixiu from his already somewhat tattered clothes.

"The original stigmata, and the core of the lawyer, but the ice lawyer has not yet appeared?"

Not to mention, the power of the Ice Law is essentially different from Su Shixiu.

“...... Unaffected, and goodwill. It really is a special existence. It seems that it is necessary to hide something, after all, it is Axiu.

For some reason, Alicia's tone softened a lot.

After picking up Su Shixiu, Alicia gripped the core of the lawyer and slowly walked towards the outside of Changkong City.

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