Early the next morning, outside the gate of the simulation training room, inside the side room of the spectator.

"I mean let you both come early... Didn't let you come so early, did you? Looking

at the newcomer duo lying on the table and frantically eating the breakfast he brought, Su Shixiu helplessly covered his head, looking helpless.

"Hmm, Gollum, Hiccup! It's not Brother Shi Xiu, you haven't said what time it is, we usually get up so early!" Adam, he got up earlier! Seeing

that Kosmo also nodded in agreement, Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing.

"How many grievances have you two suffered on Mark and Kevin's side... Amor, why did Kevin wake you up so early? I remember he usually can't afford to be so early? "

“...... I train with the other squads. "

Su Shixiu: ......

It's a real hammer, it's worthy of Kevin, if he can't bring it, he will first throw it to the squad he brought with him, and this kind of throwing personality really has his current style.

"Suffer, Amor."

Su Shixiu patted Kosmo's shoulder, and then looked at Daistobia, "What about you, Xiaoya?"

"Well, that's not it. Uncle Xin is still quite human to me, he said that my ability is actually quite good, there is no need to be tired.

After hearing these words, Su Shixiu nodded slightly, and this practice was quite like a trace.

He will be more kind to the person he brings, provided that he has enough strength to make him recognize.

"It seems that you are lucky. You two eat slowly, my training here is not in a hurry, don't choke on your own food. "

Fortunately, this time, the two did not make a mess of the embarrassing scene of Mebius before, otherwise Su Shixiu really had to consider seeing the doctor to see if his mouth was open."

However, I have to say that Su Shixiu, who treats people softly, is still very effective when he says this.

The speed at which Daistobia and Kosmon ate did slow down, and even when she was cooking, she had the opportunity to chat with Kosmon.

Although the relationship between Kosmo and everyone is not very familiar now.

However, as long as he gets acquainted with everyone, Kosmo's personality will become much more cheerful, after all, he is still only a teenager.

After stretching, Su Shixiu rubbed his neck, went straight to Grace's side, and rubbed the little guy's head.

"Hmm... Not? Interrupted

the movement of his hand, although Grace Xiu was a little dissatisfied, after seeing that it was Su Shixiu, his little face became happy again.

"Shi Xiu, brother!"

"Where is Grace painting now?"

After squatting next to the little guy, Su Shixiu looked at the drawing board in front of Grace and asked knowingly.

"Uh-huh... Mom and I, now it's still bad dad! Not...... Don't want to add my brother's color. "

Huh? Why? Su Shixiu asked.

"Brother's color, nice to look at, loved it. However, I want to draw the colors of my mom and dad. In future paintings, add the colors of my brother and everyone!

"Well, don't be too pushy. Grace, remember to combine work and rest, and rest when it's time to rest. "

Hmm! This way...... A little more blue should be added. Hmm..." Grace

quickly returned to the state of painting with all her strength, and Su Shixiu only smiled gently when she saw this, and did not disturb her.

Just at this time, Daistobia and Kosmao, who had already finished breakfast, came behind him.

"You two rest for a while, wait until you have digested almost the food, and then prepare for training."

Just after eating, they exercise vigorously, even if their physique is very good, it is easy to put out any hidden dangers.

Daistobia and Kosma didn't say anything, but honestly accepted Su Shixiu's suggestion.

After all, for these two newcomers now, Su Shixiu's words are the biggest.

Of course, it is impossible to do nothing here, under the pull of Daistobia, Kosmo can only "reluctantly" follow her, with a joyful heart, silently watching the cute little Grace draw.

Su Shixiu watched this scene silently, took a photo by the way, and then thought of something, and directly made a phone call.

After a while, the other end of the phone was connected.

"Hey! A new day begins with a wonderful encounter. Did ♪ the lovely Asho miss me?

"A little, indeed." Su Shixiu nodded, and then asked: "Sister Ellie, Mark and Kevin have asked you for leave?"

"Yes!" Alicia smiled, and then deliberately lowered her voice, "Alicia's intimate tip: Do you want to know what Mark and Blanca went out for ♪?"

"What else can you do, honeymoon."

"That, of course... Yes? How do you know? Alicia was stunned.

"How can I know... Grace and his Daisydomia were now thrown at me. Oh yes, and also includes a Kevin belt of Kosmo. "

Huh? Poofhahahaha! It turns out that you were pitted so miserably ♪! I'll just say why they took such a good leave, hahahahaha..."

Alicia's laughter, even Daistobia, Kosmo, and Grace could hear it clearly, so that Su Shixiu's expression was a little embarrassed.

"Converge a little, everyone is in front of me."

"Ahh Do you need a beautiful Miss Alicia to help you train newcomers together?

Su Shixiu subconsciously wanted to refuse, and then suddenly reacted to what Alicia said, and then quickly agreed.

"Okay, good, beautiful Miss Alicia, Su Shixiu needs your warm help!"

"Uh-huh ♪! Well, wait a minute, let me change into a cute outfit! "

It just so happens that he is alone, and he may not be able to bring these two people over, and it is naturally best to ask someone to help."

After hanging up the phone, Su Shixiu ignored the strange gazes of Daistobia and Kosmo.

Anyway, it won't be long before they understand why.

It's just that Su Shixiu never thought that he would soon regret calling Alicia, and the speed of regret would actually be so fast.

"Wow! What a cute little Grace, ♪ how can you be so cute! It's not like your dad at all, that's amazing! Crazy

ravaging Grace's little face, the smile on Alicia's face can be said to be very bright.


Grace looked helpless, the key is that this resistance is not able to resist, she still has no disgust for this big sister, she can only bear it so silently.

As for Daistobia and Kosmo at this time, they tacitly hid behind Su Shixiu, afraid that the next unlucky person would be themselves.

"Brother Shi Xiu, that... Is she so terrifying? "

“emmm... In fact, Sister Ellie is very easy to get along with. Xiaoya, don't underestimate Alicia, she is the captain of our special squad. "

Captain, when this word came out, it directly made these two newcomers instantly stunned.

Could it be said that Alicia's combat power is actually stronger than Su Shixiu/Kevin?

The two thought in unison and set their eyes on the beautiful girl-like girl.

Such a cute girl, and that kind of person with strong fighting power, it seems that she is not related at all! !

It's just that Su Shixiu has a headache.

Let's train first, you ran here but went to tease Grace first... Is such behavior really appropriate?

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