Later, several people settled dinner in the cafeteria, and just like that, the dull day passed again.

The next day, according to the normal daily plan, Su Shixiu should have gotten up early and prepared to train the two newcomers he was bringing with him temporarily.

He even had a training plan ready for both of them, but today there was an accident.

"That's it, anyway. Axiu, I have greeted you at the top here, and when the time comes, hurry back to the family, even if Dad spoils you, you can't help but maintain the traditions of the family.

"Knowing the second uncle, aren't you allowed to bring anyone back this time?"

Looking at Daistobia, Cosmo and Grace who were sitting in their living room silent, Su Shixiu's expression was a little helpless.

"Of course you can, after all, your kid is the future head of our Shenzhou Su clan, you have long proven your ability, and no one will talk nonsense in this regard."

On the other end of the phone, Su Shixiu's second uncle paused, and then added: "If you can, bring your niece and daughter-in-law back as soon as possible, so that our old Su family will also have a queen!"

Su Shixiu could only nod awkwardly, the key was that he asked this question, mainly because he was the nominal guardian of Grace at this stage.

The father and mother ran away and left their daughter on his side, and he couldn't completely ignore it.

After a few pleasantries, the second uncle finally hung up the phone with satisfaction.

At this time, the entire dormitory living room left only the more embarrassed Su Shixiu, and Daisy Dobia who was struggling to hold back a smile on the side, as well as Kosmo, who did not change his face and was crazy in his heart, and Grace, who looked at Su Shixiu curiously.

Grace: (*╹▽╹*)

"Ahem, you heard it too, it's not necessary, I have to go back to the house once or twice a year once or twice, I don't have the right to refuse."

Needless to say, Su Shixiu had to leave, and he couldn't continue to take the two of them after taking it for a day, which was also a helpless thing.

Daistobia and Kosmor looked at each other, did not say anything, and waited for the senior's next statement.

"I helped you contact Captain Alicia, she is a very reliable fighter, and I am actually quite relieved to have her. Even if Kevin has this time, the defense on the side is quite busy these days, otherwise I will directly pull him to take you both! Through

the evaluation of Su Shixiu's strength from others all day yesterday, the two of them had a new understanding of the gentle young man in front of them.

The entire special squad is the strongest combat team of the Fire Moth, and currently in this special team, the strongest combat power is the captain Alicia and the team member Su Shixiu, followed by the vice captain Trace, followed by the team member Kevin.

Although Kevin's combat effectiveness ranking is the lowest, it is only limited to special teams, and if it is placed in the entire Fire Moth, it is also one of the strongest ones.

Kevin's true level is actually comparable to Trace, but there is a clear gap in the combat experience of the two, so naturally Grace's old father Trace is better.

As for Alicia and Su Shixiu... Forget it, these two are not the scope of consideration at all, because these two are not pure human beings at all.

There is no such thing as fusing warriors, and the starting points of people are ordinary humans, and the starting points of these two are outrageous to the extreme, and they cannot be compared at all.

It is true that the special squad has the ability to easily solve the lawyers, but only for these lawyers, with the development of technology behind, the collapse will become stronger and stronger, and the lawyer will naturally become more and more difficult to eliminate.

The two newcomers nodded tacitly, and after a while, Alicia picked them up, and also inquired about the situation of Su Shixiu by the way.

After learning that Su Shixiu returned to the family and could bring outsiders this time, Alicia wanted to make a fuss at that time, but was directly rejected by Su Shixiu.

It's not that I don't agree, the point is that if even Alicia follows her, the entire special squad is left with only one busy Kevin, then who else will bring these two potential newcomers?

Not to mention, they are also the reserve of the special squad.

In the end, under a soft and hard bubble, Su Shixiu even took a lot of benefits, agreeing that the next time she returned to the family, she would definitely take Alicia with her, and she left unwillingly.

Shenzhou Su clan, in this civilized world, almost everyone has heard of him, for such a legendary family, Alicia naturally yearned for a long time.

But after all, when he went back this time, Su Shixiu was doing business, and Su's affairs this time were a bit serious, and it was not suitable to bring combatants.

There was a second uncle on the high-level side who said hello in advance, and Su Shixiu didn't even ask for leave, directly went to find a few people he was familiar with in turn, and after saying goodbye to them, he was ready to leave.

However, during this period, Su Shixiu also got an improved version of his weapon from Vilwei, and then happily took the little guy back to the family.

By the way, Su Shixiu took Grace Xiu back to the Su Clan in Shenzhou, and he had already obtained the consent of Mark and Blanca.

Those two were busy on their honeymoon and didn't have time to take the children at all, anyway, in their eyes, as long as Grace was in Su Shixiu's hands, they were extremely relieved.

Personally, he felt that it was much safer to give Grace to Su Shixiu than to Alicia, and if his precious daughter became some strange person, it would be a bit worth the loss.

After coming to the airport, Su Shixiu directly took Grace Xiu into the VIP channel.

"Brother, are we going to my brother's house?"

"Yes, isn't Grace looking forward to it?"

After handing his identity document to the airport personnel, Su Shixiu squatted in front of the little guy and rubbed the little guy's head on a whim.

I have to say that Grace's head is really cute!

"Hmm! Looking forward to it, the colors of my brother's family must be very good. Well, you can again... Draw something new.

"Well, then Grace can draw as much as he wants!"

Su Shixiu nodded, and then stood up and took his identity document from the hands of the airport staff.

"Dear Mr. Su Shixiu, the special plane of the Shenzhou Su family has been waiting at the airport for a long time, do you need to board the plane immediately?"

Su Shixiu nodded, "The sooner you go back, the better." The

airport attendant nodded, did not say anything more, and made a gesture of invitation.

"Please come with me, sir, and this little princess!"

Holding Grace with one hand, Su Shixiu soothed a few words, then pulled up his small suitcase with the other hand, followed the young lady in front of him to the fast channel, and soon came to the tarmac.

After coming to this small passenger plane, the airport attendant just now had already left, and some key things of the Shenzhou Su family were far from what she could mix casually.

Although it is just an ordinary big family pick-up, the problem is that the person who was picked up is the future head of the Su family in Shenzhou, and even though this identity is not known by many people, it is still a most important confidential matter.

The Shenzhou Su family is not an ordinary family in Shenzhou....

Soon, a flight attendant with a Shenzhou face came down from the plane, and she came to her and quickly bowed gently to herself.

"Long time no see, Young Master Shi Xiu."

"Long time no see, please."

Su Shixiu nodded, and then she took the small suitcase in her hand and carried it directly onto the plane.

Subsequently, Su Shixiu also walked on the plane with him.

The little Grace Xiu in his arms was looking around curiously, and Su Shixiu saw a familiar old man who stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Li, long time no see."

With a kind smile, the old man squinted at the young man in front of him, and couldn't stop praising in his mouth.

"It's been a while, but I didn't expect the eldest young master to grow so tall and become so handsome!" Gee, not bad. Ouch, young master, who is this little girl?

"A senior's child, the two of them went out for their honeymoon, and the child was left here." Su Shixiu shrugged, and then gently pinched Grace Xiu's little face, "Grace, this is your Grandpa Li, you can also call him Erdogzi!"

"Young Master, isn't it okay to have a black history in front of children?"

Uncle Li's face was dark, but Grace in Su Shixiu's arms was indeed cute, and the girl's heart of his old man was blooming.

"Ge, Lei, Xiu, it's a pretty mouthful name, but this girl is really good. Well, call Grandpa Li!

"Nope! Grandpa Li, it's terrible!

Uncle Li was instantly stunned, while Su Shixiu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

It's really fairy tale, the most hurtful!

Since then, the world has had another sad old man (Doge).

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