In the afternoon, outside the simulation training room, the door was wide open.

"Ouch, hey, hey! It hurts, it hurts! Brother Shi Xiu, you are so ruthless, I am such a lovely beauty, you can afford such a ruthless hand!

Daisy Dobia rubbed her ass and walked out of it with a look of pain.

"Cheap and good, you don't know how much strength I relaxed for you? Look at Amo, what do people say? Then

came out were Su Shixiu and Kosmo.

The situation with Kosmo... It can't be said to be bad, it can only be said to be miserable.

In addition to the intact face, basically the whole body is tattered, the injuries visible to the naked eye, and even some places ooze some blood.

Although it looks embarrassing, it is basically trauma, for people with high adaptability such as Kosmo, as long as they eat a good meal, Meimei sleeps, and the next day they can be alive.

Glancing at Su Shixiu, who looked innocent next to him, Kosmo was speechless, obviously knowing that he beat himself the hardest, but you still dare to say it directly, can you leave me some face?

"Brother Shixiu, as well as Dobia and Kosmo, welcome back."

Putting down the brush in his hand, Grace walked to the floor, and just wanted to walk to Su Shixiu's side, but was instantly held in her arms by Daisy Dobia.

"Wow, whoa, it's still Grace the cutest thing!"

"Hmm... Tap. "

The matter of being touched on the head is not once or twice for Grace.

Seeing Grace, the bad mood of Cosmon being beaten all day became beautiful in an instant.

Although there was still no expression on his face, at least in the past few days of getting along, he had dared to take the initiative to talk to a few people, naturally including Grace, who he liked more.

It's just that the words are still a little less, and although it still feels like gold, it is at least a lot more cheerful than before.

Seeing that the two newcomers played with Grace, Su Shixiu smiled helplessly.

After personally sending the equipment taken by the two back to the equipment wall, Su Shixiu unlocked the door authority of the equipment replacement city.

Before anyone reached the door, the door suddenly opened automatically.

"Authentication complete! Welcome, Special Squad Member Kevin! "

Kevin, he still hasn't figured out what name he should use.

Unlike Su Shixiu, who has long thought of the "apocalypse", Alicia's is "true self", and the trace is "Xuguang".

Such a name will be passed down ... If one day they do die.

Of course, for this name, it is only a right of the special squad, you can name yourself if you want, and there is no problem if you don't want to.

Anyway, the special squad of the headquarters base of the Fire Moth is actually the predecessor of the Thirteen Yingqi of the Fire Chasing.

Kevin, who walked in, watched the lively Destobia and the slightly quiet Kosmo playing together.

And Grace was looking at them curiously at this time, and couldn't help but show a strange gaze.


, he two..." Kevin nodded to the two newcomers, and after letting them continue to play, he came to Su Shixiu's side.

"People are pure comradeship. But I think you can see something too.

Kevin was stunned, and then nodded silently.

In the bodies of Daistobia and Kosmo, Kevin seems to see a pair of familiar shadows, as if they were once him and May.

"It looks like it's going to be a good start." Kevin smiled.

"yes, if not Honkai." Su Shixiu nodded.

The two were silent for a while, and then Su Shixiu took the lead in changing the topic, breaking the suddenly heavy atmosphere.

"It's been a few days, and you're finally willing to come and see my good brother?"

"Unexpectedly, these days are really busy." Kevin shrugged, and then continued: "In the office and laboratory on Mei's side these days, I have taken care of security measures.

Su Shixiu nodded, "This is best." After dinner later, you say hello to Sister Mei's side and come to my dormitory first. When

Kevin just wanted to ridicule that he was a pure boy and could not be interested in certain things, he suddenly realized that Su Shixiu's tone was very serious, and then slowly nodded.

Before Su Shixiu went home a few days ago, Kevin also knew that the top level directly came to call for leave, and this leave did not want to be approved.

It is estimated that there is something important, with Kevin's understanding of Su Shixiu, it is basically certain.

Moreover, paying attention to strengthening Mei's security was still Su Shixiu pulling himself to get it, and his understanding of some things naturally had the most say.

"They handed it over to you. By the way, I'll bring Grace back to me later, and I'll go find someone else first.

Su Shixiu rubbed his head, although in the past few days, Mei also began to try the assistance of the "God Key" program, and intended to carry out the follow-up "God Key" leading research and development, he still had to go to Wei Wei and ask about this matter.

It's equivalent to running errands for others.

Rubbing his somewhat sore neck, Su Shixiu yawned, said goodbye to Kevin, and then went to Xiaoya and Amo, said goodbye to Grace, and then left the place in a hurry.

Sitting in the restaurant, Su Shixiu prepared the meal for himself as he did old, and sat silently in a corner where he was not very relative.

In fact, this time he had planned to prepare normal dry rice as usual, and who knew that another plate appeared in front of him.

"Hey! Lovely Axiu, have you missed me ♪ a lot in the past few days when people are away?

As soon as he looked up and saw this familiar pink hair, Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing, and then showed a hint of a smile.

"Of course. But Sister Ellie, your mission is over?

"Uh-huh. Fortunately, they are all guys who can't mess with my clothes, otherwise even cute girls will be bothered by the messed makeup for a long time ♪!

Looking at the meal in front of Alicia, Su Shixiu couldn't help but feel helpless, and then silently spoke: "It's just Sister Ellie, is it really appropriate for you to eat these things?"

"What's wrong?" Can't cute girls eat meat ♪?

"It's not..." Su Shixiu shook his head, glanced at Alicia's slightly chubby body, and felt a hint of helplessness.

Although Alicia's current figure is already very perfect, but...

"Sister Ellie, you're fat."

“...... Really, Ashu! You don't know that you can tease girls so casually, but it will be easy to attract dislike! ╭(╯^╰)╮Humph ♪! Seeing

Alicia supporting her waist in anger, Su Shixiu could only smile gently.

Alicia is more suitable for joking, so Su Shixiu will not admit his mistake, on the contrary, he dares!

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have stated the facts!"

"Asho!! You've changed, and you're starting to be less cute! Humph ♪! "

Oh, hey~" "Oh

, what do you mean?" ♪

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