Thinking of this, Su Shixiu hurriedly raised his 120,000 spirits, he wanted to adjust his state to the best, so as not to make any mistakes.

Su Shixiu crawled forward quietly along the underground ventilation duct, and he walked forward vigorously, trying to avoid arousing the suspicion of those guarding the security.

Finally, he saw the source of the bright light ahead, and he quickly approached the source of the bright light.

He is about to reach his destination, and it is also the closest place to the strongest aura of Avalanche energy, the kind that he can't ignore at all!

Su Shixiu thought secretly in his heart.

Suddenly, a gunshot came from a distance, instantly attracting Su Shixiu's attention.

Su Shixiu was shocked, directly accelerated the speed of crawling, and soon came to the light, continued to hide in the ventilation duct above the roof, and observed the situation below.

I saw a group of soldiers lined up, holding rifles, aiming in front of them.

And in front of them, more than a dozen children have fallen horizontally! The silver-white steel plate walls have long been stained red with blood!

And those children, themselves, are also very tragic.

Some lack arms, some lack legs, and some have signs of Avalanche erosion, and their faces have been shrouded in pink Avalanche Energy erosion features!

What's more, the body has begun to be dead, and it is directly shot!

Seeing this scene happening in front of him, Su Shixiu felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet, and instantly spread throughout his body.

What kind of abuse did these children suffer to become like this?

Su Shixiu felt his teeth creaking, and his heart seemed to be pinched, making him breathless.

At this time, Su Shixiu saw several guards standing next to the bodies of those children, constantly checking their bodies, as if to find out if there were any missing living mouths.

These guards are extremely skillful in their movements, as if they are often doing these movements.

Several gunshots that sounded from time to time were all necessary to replenish the guns, directly sending away the lives of those children.

Even from such a distance, Su Shixiu could feel that the bodies of those children were filled with the collapsed energy that had made them unable to be rescued.

Let them go in this way ... Su Shixiu's heart became heavier and heavier.

Then, Su Shixiu clenched his fists, and ice blue streamer clues filled this right arm!

Taking a deep breath, Su Shixiu suppressed the distractions in his heart, and directly smashed the railing of this underground ventilation passage with a fist!

"Boom! With

a loud bang, the glass door shattered!

At this time, the group of guards who were examining the bodies of these children all looked up one after another, looking at the broken underground vent in front of them, and the expressions on their faces changed.

A guard, who looked clearly the captain, immediately shouted: "Enemy attack! Hearing

this guard's reminder, these guards all reacted, raised their rifles one after another, and shot at Su Shixiu's side!

Su Shixiu jumped up, and the ice-blue streamer on his hand bloomed with brilliant frost brilliance, directly blocking their bullets!

Putting away the freshly condensed frost ice shield, Su Shixiu instantly put his hand on his left wrist!

I saw the ice-blue sci-fi light, which rapidly expanded the structure in Su Shixiu's hand, and an ice-blue sword qi was directly cut out!

"Bang! "

A bullet was directly cut by this sword qi!

And Su Shixiu's sword qi did not stop there, but chased all the way and fell on the bodies of those guards!

Although these guards are all wearing body armor and armor, in this case, they simply cannot block the slash of this sword qi!

I saw that sword qi easily cut their body armor like cutting tofu, and cut them on their bodies!

"Poof... "

Blood suddenly gushed out, staining the entire steel plate red, and several guards fell in an instant!

"The rest of the people inject the potion! Seeing

this scene, the captain immediately gave an order!

"But, but..." One of the team members looked a little hesitant.

"If we don't become monsters, we all have to die!"

Then, in Su Shixiu's astonished gaze, that captain took out a blue potion and instantly injected it into his body!

"Groove! Artificial deathsion?!

Su Shixiu could see the clue at a glance, and his gaze became a little solemn.

And the guards of this squad, after seeing that the captain took the lead, no longer hesitated, took out the same potion and began to inject at the speed of light!

Su Shixiu, who saw that the situation was wrong, instantly clenched the Chengying sword and slashed, but his speed was still slow, and finally blocked the injection of the two people's medicine.

In this short period of time, the guards who had finished the sports injection directly turned into brand new dead soldiers!

Seeing the dead soldiers who surrounded him, Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing.

Originally, he had a trace of apologies for accidentally hurting innocent people, but since you all chose to take the initiative to vote for the camp over there, then Su Shixiu would not have that psychological burden.

"It's really strong, but it's not much chance of winning."

Thinking so in his heart, Su Shixiu raised the Shadow Inheritance Sword in his hand that was as clear as frost, and the sword body quickly burned with blue Collapse Energy Flame!

"Against you, I'm a professional."

Without any more worries, Su Shixiu turned into an instant, and the whole person directly turned into an ice-blue sword mark, and instantly rushed towards the group of dead soldiers!

For this group of ordinary dead men who hold scythes by default, they really don't need Su Shixiu to make a big move.

A second later, Su Shixiu, who was holding the Chengying Sword, came to the pile of corpses that had been shot, but the dead soldiers behind him still stopped for a second.

And on their bodies, countless ice-blue sword marks suddenly appeared, and quickly spread and expanded, directly shattering these dead warriors completely!

"Perhaps, this is an unkind experience for you. But think of it as a nightmare. "

These children are already incurable, and in order not to let them become accomplices in the scourge of the world, it may be the best choice to eliminate them directly."

However, in the end, these children did not feel the slightest friendliness in this world.

This, however, was something that Su Shixiu didn't care about in his heart.

I can't get you back, but I can save more innocent children.

After firming up such an idea, Su Shixiu raised the Chengying Sword, and the sword body quickly slid parallel from the middle to the sides, revealing the ion cannon barrel in the middle of the hilt!

Aiming at the steel gate that was closed by the password, Su Shixiu did not intend to talk nonsense, and directly sneaked in in a more rude way.

He probably understood what this place was for, and he didn't know who the backers behind the existence of this place were, so he already had a rough guess.

Collapse, that can only be a disaster for mankind, not at all a force that humans can try to control, nor is it a new evolution!

The ice-blue collapse energy particles quickly condensed, and soon, Su Shixiu fired a laser cannon and directly blasted open the steel gate in front!!

The guards guarding next to the gate, looking at the middle of the gate they were guarding, suddenly blasted out an incomparably thick ice blue laser, and they were still confused at that time.

Then they saw several rapid ice blue sword qi, which instantly smashed into the large iron gates elsewhere in this corridor, and abruptly blasted these iron gates open!

Only to feel a flash of wind beside them, Su Shixiu had already rushed in front of them, and an ice-blue light flashed from their necks.

"Click... "

The blade cut through their throats, and they were directly cut in half by Su Shixiu, and they didn't have time to inject the medicine to become dead soldiers!

"These dead men are no longer human. Su Shixiu looked at the corpse that fell to the ground and said indifferently.

Then, Su Shixiu turned around and left the basement and ran to another corridor!

Su Shixiu glanced at the general situation, patted the Cheshire in her pocket to ask her not to mess around, and directly rushed into the time and space crack for a short time, and soon disappeared.

Subsequently, countless guards guarding here were all beheaded by Su Shixiu under the sword!

Those security guards on the ground, they don't know these things, they can still be saved, but these guards underground....

They even know what those potions are, and they will choose to take the initiative to become dead soldiers, which can only choose to kill!

Because that is the enemy of mankind, when facing the enemy of all mankind, Su Shixiu must not casually underestimate the enemy!

In addition to the large room where he had just arrived, there were six large rooms in this corridor.

Standing at the end of the corridor, Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing.

Just now, his action was very fast, and the target of the killing was also very clear, and he didn't notice the situation inside at all.

Anyway, with a cursory glance just now, Su Shixiu basically didn't see any innocent children still alive.

"Master, there are living people in one room!"

Cheshire's voice instantly attracted Su Shixiu's attention!


"Second on the left!"

Su Shixiu nodded, held the Chengying Sword in his hand, and began to walk in the direction he came.

After entering the large room that Cheshire said, Su Shixiu saw the guards who had been eliminated by himself, and all that remained was a pile of corpses without any life in front of him.

No, there are still alive ones!

Su Shixiu, who reacted, changed his face, quickly stepped forward, and raised his left hand.

The ice-blue collapse energy quickly materialized under the control of the lawyer level, becoming a manipulated frost in the air!

Soon, the corpses of those children who were not saved were all sent to the side, and the only life hiding in this group of corpses appeared in front of Su Shixiu!

That is, a silver-haired girl, like other innocent children, is an orphan of this Los Via orphanage.

However, she was unfortunate that she was not only selected, but also became a failure of the group of people's experiments, and almost lost her life!

"No, don't, don't shark me, don't..."

Noticing that someone in front of her found her, the girl didn't even dare to look directly at Su Shixiu, quickly lowered her head and closed her eyes, her whole body was still trembling madly because of extreme fear!!

Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing and took out Cheshire, which had turned into a small ball, from his pocket.

With a flash of light, Cheshire changed back to its normal size, and she looked at the extremely frightened silver-haired girl in front of her, and her blue-blue cat eyes couldn't help but show a trace of distress.

"Cheshire ... I don't quite fit, please!

"I know master!"

Cheshire nodded and took the initiative to approach the silver-haired girl, while Su Shixiu turned around and walked directly outside.

In some special cases, comforting some people who are severely traumatized and extremely frightened is much better for girls than boys.

Cheshire is undoubtedly the most suitable, although she gives people a silly and sweet feeling, but Cheshire must not be equated with paramecium!

Being cute and cute does not mean being stupid and ignorant, Cheshire actually knows some things, not to mention that Su Shi has taught her a lot.

Looking at the complicated corridor around him, Su Shixiu perceived it a little, and then began to ask about his Penglai Temple Jiuxiao in his mind.

"Lord Jiuxiao, is it below?"

"Well, be careful."

Receiving Jiuxiao's affirmation, Su Shixiu nodded, and the Chengying sword in his hand was directly transformed into a sword cannon mode, and a laser cannon directly hit the ground!

"Boom !!"

Feeling the instant concentration of collapse energy that I don't know how many times, Su Shixiu glanced at Cheshire and the silver-haired girl, and only then breathed a sigh of relief.

Cheshire don't worry, as for that girl, she also has a good resistance to Honkai, otherwise she would never have survived so many experiments.

As for this little bit of collapse can leak, there should be no incident.

Su Shixiu didn't stay any longer, and the Chengying Sword Cannon form in his hand directly turned into two short swords.

Holding the two short swords, Su Shixiu exhaled a deep breath and jumped directly to solve the biggest trouble of this lower level!

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