When the words fell, Su Shixiu slashed out horizontally!

This sword contained the collapse energy of Su Shixiu's limit, and under this sword, all the attacks of the imitator were weakened a lot!

Moreover, it was accompanied by Su Shixiu's extremely destructive and destructive will, which also caused great harm to the soul of the imitator.

This knife slashed out, as if the entire void had been split in half!

Countless huge emerald blue ice blades directly slashed out from the void and slashed fiercely towards the imitator!

"Poof! The

Pseudo-Lawyer fell to the ground and let out a groan of pain, and he felt that the bones in his whole body were shattered, and his internal organs were also severely damaged!

The imitator raised his head and found that Su Shijian on the opposite side was looking at him with an extremely calm, even full of a trace of coldness, and there was still a trace in his eyes... Sympathy and pity for him ?!

For a while, the imitator felt that he was insulted, and his anger was carried away!

However, in addition to the anger, the imitator couldn't help but shiver!

His authority... Can't be used!

To be precise, his authority seemed to be frozen by frost, and he could no longer use the authority of that core to mobilize Honkai to repair his body!

Looking at his amputated arms, the imitator knew in his heart that he would definitely not be able to pose a threat to him now.

Su Shixiu wanted to eliminate himself, it was simply easy!


At the same time, with a bang, Lesta, whose skeleton was almost falling apart, was also blasted to the side of the quasi-lawyer by the thick icy blue light!

The dazzling and thick purple light filled Ling Zhao's eyes, and even Su Shixiu could see that she wanted to use another force, but she couldn't use it.

As was the case with Su Shixiu, so was he.

The "Law of Heavenly Frost", he can only use the authority of "Frost", and he is unable to use the authority of "Heaven" at all.

In the same way, Ling Zhao could not use that power.

However, this does not prevent them from fighting.

Looking at Ling Zhao, who fell to her side, slowly turning into the appearance of Cheshire, Su Shixiu rubbed her head.

"Hey, honey, am I great?"

"Well done."

Su Shixiu nodded, and then raised the Tang Dao in his hand, and the ice-blue monstrous ice flame instantly broke through the ceiling!

At this moment, I don't know how much thickness of the ground was broken, directly broke through the tall building underground, and instantly turned into a monstrous pillar of ice flame light!

At the same time, the Fire Moth Soldier and the people of the Shenzhou Su Clan who had already copied the Los Via Orphanage on the ground were staring at this Pillar of Ice Flame Light in amazement at this moment!

"Flash away, that's Ashu... Ahem, the power of "Apocalypse" Su Shixiu!! "

Vilvi, who led the Fire Moth troops, immediately ordered a retreat!

A black-haired Shenzhou girl next to Su Shixiu, who was six points similar to Su Shixiu, also quickly spoke immediately after hearing the order given by Weiwei:

"Shenzhou Su Clan retreat!"

After hearing that this was the movement made by the future owner, everyone quickly evacuated near the building!

At this time, in Weivi's communicator, an emergency communication instantly came!

"Vilvie, what's going on over there in Australia? The power of the collapse energy has exceeded 5000HW!!

Listening to Mei's anxious voice, Wilvie sighed.

"Your brother Ashu did it."


Kevin next to May: ......

Is this something that humans can do?

The two alarms that sounded instantly at that time directly startled Mei, making her think that two lawyers' laws were suddenly born at once!

However, when the satellite picture was turned over, looking at the column of icy blue light that had broken through the atmosphere, the entire command room fell silent.

Similarly, including Mark and Alicia who came back from a mission.

They also thought that their teammates encountered some very deadly danger, and the result was actually made by their teammates, which is somewhat incredible!

"Captain Alicia, Ashu's strength?"

Listening to Kevin's inquiry, Alicia sighed a little helplessly.

"Can't compare, can't compare! I didn't expect that in a year's time, Ah Xiu had grown to this point. Well, it's good, it's worthy of being my most proud team member, hmm ♪~"

Kevin and Mark silently looked at each other, and directly gave up the urge to think.

This play a Der, Alicia can't beat the current Su Shixiu, and they are also given for nothing!

At this time, on the satellite screen, the ice flame light pillar quickly retracted down!

At the same time, deep underground, Su Shixiu also completed this terrifying blow, and there was even a hint of purple intent in the deep blue cold light of his eyes!

"Hello, sorry. Finally, goodbye. Under

such a monstrous and deadly power, the crazy gaze of the young man, who had already been occupied by the personality of the lawyer, actually had a trace of clarity that belonged to human nature!

Su Shixiu, who noticed this change, was too late to withdraw the attack on his hand!!

He just wanted to do his best to retract this terrifying blow, but the young man looked at Su Shixiu's clear and determined eyes and showed a hint of a smile.

"Thank you."

Su Shixiu was stunned, and then instantly accelerated the speed of swinging the knife in his hand, and the whole person instantly passed through his body!

Standing behind the imitator, Su Shixiu slowly put down the Tang Dao in his hand, and the Tang Dao turned into an ice-blue shadow, which disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"No, I should have said sorry."

As Su Shixiu's soft voice fell, the body of a lawyer-like person instantly appeared countless ice-blue sword marks!

The ever-expanding sword marks instantly froze his entire body perfectly, and then directly shattered on the spot!

The broken frost turned into raindrops falling in the air, dripping into this underground space, washing away the blood stains under the feet and on the body, and washing away the once unknown painful experience here.

With just this sword, Su Shixiu directly killed the person who mimicked the law!

Looking at the place where the dissipated Quasi-Laws had stayed, Su Shixiu sighed, and the icy temperature around him instantly returned to normal.

Even the flow of the watch hands on the wrist began to flow at a normal speed in the next moment.

However, Su Shixiu's attention was not here.

I saw him slowly step forward, standing in the place where the imitator was eliminated, and was silent for a long time.

And Cheshire also saw that his master's mood was not quite right, so he silently followed him to the side and did not say anything more.

After a short while....

"Don't move! All of them... Chief Su Shixiu?! A

fire-chasing moth squad that had just burst in, looked at Su Shixiu and Cheshire standing in the center of the platform below, dumbfounded on the spot.

Su Shixiu just calmly raised his head, glanced at these warriors, nodded silently, and then put his gaze in front of him again.

Lawyers, no one is innocent, and if they had not been persecuted, then they would not have become messengers of "Him" and thus accomplices in the eradication of human civilization!

All he could do was to mourn for those human beings, for the innocent human souls in these lawyers.

Wei Wei, who came in with the team, also saw the following situation and had a general guess in her heart.

"You guys search the rest first!"


Virvi came to Cheshire and Su Shixiu's side, stood silently beside Cheshire, and quietly asked her with her eyes what was going on.

Cheshire pointed to Su Shixiu's face, but didn't say anything, so Vilway also had a rough guess.

However, with the arrival of Weiwei, Su Shixiu suddenly set his eyes on her.


"Axiu, is it a quasi-lawyer?"

Su Shixiu was silent for a moment, and then nodded.

"The authority similar to "life" also has the authority of the subsidiary broken beast similar to "death"." Su Shixiu paused for a moment, and then his gaze tightened, "This time it was too smooth. "

It's good that things go well... Too?

"Yes." Su Shixiu's cold eyes looked at the situation here, and the whole person's mood became more and more solemn.

"It felt as if you had invited me in on purpose."

When Wei Wei was said by Su Shixiu, she instantly frowned, and began to think about what was strange about this action.

Indeed, this operation was really smooth, it was simply overdone!

Smooth is a good thing, too smooth has something more wrong!

Give somebody a dose of his own medicine? Or do you have other plans?

They didn't find out who was behind the scenes, but what they did know was that the trip was not as simple as it seemed!

In fact, their concerns are quite right.

However, what they don't know is that in the Australian region at this moment, in a small village that is not very conspicuous, there is a person silently looking at the screen on the computer.

On the top of the screen is Su Shixiu's face, as well as the moment when he liberated the lawyer's ability.

"Unexpectedly, the warriors of the fire moth actually have the same kind of monsters. An orthodox messenger of "God"? Hehe, then the next thing can become much more interesting..."

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