There is no need to be so serious about the angry words spoken by children.

Teresa didn't want Bai Ze to come to Saint Freya.

One is the fear that Kiana will be beaten.

The second is embarrassment.

After all, Bai Ze almost picked her up the body, how embarrassing it would be if they met!

"Hmm... I have to arrange with the security personnel to prohibit Bai Ze from entering. "

Soon, St. Freya's Academy, which received Teresa's order, immediately increased its patrols.

Defend St. Freya Academy.

Never let go of any suspicious person, and the flies outside the school also want to fly into the school.

"Is it a thief? Why did the security guard suddenly become more? "

Wander around the school until you get bored.

Kiana, who just wanted to go out over the wall to play electric.

Looking at the suddenly extra security guards, I was unhappy again.

Bai Ze snatched his reward.

The eldest aunt still does not let herself go over the wall to play electric.

"Ah—God, why am I so unlucky?"

The grinning Kiana was completely unaware that Teresa was doing this to prevent Bai Ze's arrival.

I thought it was my aunt against me.

Huffing, he crouched in a corner and drew circles.

Outside St. Freya's Academy.

Bai Ze looked at the suddenly extra security guards and also made a mistake.

"So many security guards on patrol?"

It seems that I underestimated Kiana.

With so many security guards watching, she can still go out over the wall to play electric, and sure enough, Kiana is very human.

Bai Ze nodded and recognized Kiana's strength for the time being.

Finally, he glanced at the gate of St. Freya's Academy, turned his target, and walked towards the wall on one side.

The normal method is definitely not to enter, and you can only learn to carry the demon knife.

Immortal Law.

The art of jumping over walls!

Some birds are destined not to be kept in a cage, and every piece of their feather shines with the brilliance of freedom.

In the same way, so do free people.

How can the walls stop Bai Ze's determination to beat Kiana?

Bai Ze took advantage of the gap between the security patrols to come outside the fence and successfully entered St. Freya's Academy with a slight jump.

With the blessing of the peerless body method "Floating Cloud Hongyu".

Bai Ze landed silently.

It did not attract the attention of patrolling security guards at all.

It also did not attract the attention of Kiana, who was squatting in the corner and drawing circles.

"It is worthy of being a peerless body."

For the effect of this infiltration, Bai Ze was quite satisfied.

The newly acquired body technique is also surprisingly easy to use.

If before his speed was an old scalper pulling a car, now his speed directly evolved into a high-speed rail, or a cool and handsome Lilu motorcycle of Banduck?

Galloping, Universiade motorcycles.

What made Bai Ze even happier was that the system's rewards were ready to use.

It doesn't take time to grind.

Because of this, Bai Ze was able to thoroughly learn the peerless body method "Floating Cloud Hongyu" in a short period of time.

"Huh? There's a crouch in the corner over there... It seems to be Kiana? "

Bai Ze smiled.

What a coincidence.

It couldn't have been more coincidental.

"She didn't find me, which is so much... Have fun! "

Bad taste quietly rises.

Bai Ze decided to tease Kiana.

Next second.

A shadow completely shrouded Kiana, who was crouching in the corner.

Then there was an eerie laugh.


Kiana's pupils shrank and she raised her head sharply: "Who?" Who is there? "

But no matter how Kiana looks for it.

You can't see anyone.

Without him.

The limit of the body technique "Floating Cloud Hongyu" can achieve short-distance teleportation.

It's hard to think about improving again.

After all, this is just a martial arts technique, not a real immortal art.

It can be used to trick Kiana, it is enough to use it.

"Strange, obviously heard a voice, how can there be no one..."

Kianami's eyes were full of surprise.

Got up from the ground.

He looked around blankly.

"Could it be... Is it really my auditory hallucinations? "

After a fruitless search, Kiana began to suspect her ears.

But at this moment, the eerie laughter sounded again.


"Who? Don't pretend to be a ghost, come out for Miss Ben!"

Kiana's body shook.

No auditory hallucinations.

There are indeed voices ringing.

But no matter how she searched, she couldn't find it.

And then... That eerie laughter sounded in my ears again.

The nerves in Kiana's mind became more and more tense.

I started to panic.

The materialist Taoist heart began to crumble.

"I... Could it be that something dirty was targeted? Great aunt... Save me!!! "

Under Bai Ze's teasing several times.

Kiana finally couldn't help it.

Pull out your legs and run.

A few tears welled up in her beautiful blue eyes.

While running, he shouted: "Great aunt... Save me... I've been targeted by a monster! "

The funny look couldn't help but make Bai Ze laugh.

Kiana seen in the game has become a hero, a hope for people in suffering, a firefly dancing with hope in the darkness.

Kiana like this has not been seen for a long time.

Paramecium, this is Himeko's nickname for Kiana.

It is precisely because of Himeko that paramecium can superevolve into an omnipotent firefly.

Himeko, you are a great teacher, and this time, you will definitely be able to survive and witness Kiana's transformation.

Bai Ze made up his mind.

It must have helped Kiana complete her transformation.

But now... It is still necessary to make her suffer a little, and let her learn to respect the teacher.

"Kiana... Aren't you looking for me all the time? "

Once again, the indifferent voice appeared in his ears.

Kiana, who was so scared that she just wanted to escape, suddenly froze.

Slowly turned his head like an otter.

The beautiful eyes are full of horror.

Then, she saw Bai Ze's face, and just as she wanted to speak, she saw a big fist mercilessly coming towards her.

"Get some sleep, Kiana..."

"When you wake up, everything has changed, and you find that those ordinary routines will never return."

"But don't give up, never give up!"

It is difficult for ordinary people, especially men, to enter the St. Freya Academy.

It was difficult for Bai Ze to stay in St. Freya Academy.

At least he didn't know what justifiable reason he could stay at St. Freya's Academy.

Therefore, Bai Ze decided to blackmail Kiana to make Teresa, and then get the opportunity to stay in St. Freya Academy.

"Eh... It's hard to be a good person! "

Bai Ze carried Kiana, a white-haired ball, towards the depths of St. Freya's Academy.

Not for a while

Bai Ze suddenly regretted knocking Kiana unconscious.

“... Gan... I wouldn't be lost, would I? In other words, the direction of Teresa's office should be this way, right? "


ps: Thanks qq_142 ... big guy for the monthly pass ha

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