That year eighteen, stand like a minions!

The captain of the ship, who had just crossed over, cut off all contact with the ferryman under the intervention of the system.

No more interference from the ferryman's thinking.

But when the captain finished digesting the memories in his mind, his face suddenly turned livid.

The system cut him off from all contact with the ferryman.

This also includes those abilities that the ferryman gives to the captain.

In the plot, the captain kept going back in time and space, and after hundreds of thousands of attempts, he finally rescued the moon.

But now, the captain has no chance to go back in time and space.

In other words, the captain only has one chance to save the moon, and if he does not succeed, he will become a benevolent!

“.... Gan... What hell joke? "

The captain was dumbfounded.

One chance to rescue the moon, how is that possible?

Even if he knows all the plot, it is impossible to do it, he is the biggest change, who knows if the plot will change?

Great under the big moon.

But the current captain has successfully unlocked a certain Bible in the three worlds - I can't do anything!

After that, the captain discovered another thing.

[Ding, test the captain in the shuttle... An error in the captain's landing anchor was detected


[Blocked by unknown forces, correction failed....].


Landing anchor error, correction error?

What the heck?

It's just that you don't have the ability, the world is also wearing the wrong one, you can't say that this is where the main plot is located, right?

[Ding, the captain needs to go to St. Freya Academy alone to guide Kiana to grow up and complete the main plot in order to successfully activate the time flow rate of the world bubble where the captain's line is located].


"It's really time to travel to the main plot!"

The captain covered his head a little big.

Isn't that embarrassing?

I have already unlocked the Bible, and how to guide Kiana to grow, I am afraid that I can't even enter the gate of St. Freya's Academy.

And what is the situation of the world bubble where the captain's line is now located?

Is it stopped by the system?

So what is going on at this time under the moon?

On the way to escape, are you still sucking the blood of beautiful girls, or are you weakly falling to the ground as a sleeping beauty?

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's see how to use this encyclopedia system to become stronger!"

The captain shook his head and shook those superfluous thoughts out of his head.

The most important thing at the moment is to improve your strength.

The encyclopedia system will have rewards, and the captain knows all the plots, so the captain will definitely be able to take all the rewards.

The advantage is in me, how can I lose the flying dragon riding face?


"All members have been detected to join the live room"

"Please tune in next..."

"A Midsummer Phantom Night of a Ship's Bizarre Adventure"


[Teresa: Midsummer Night? Sounds like a beautiful story! 】

And so on....

Judgments cannot be made lightly.

For some reason, Teresa's mind suddenly flashed the roar comic she had just read.

Little girl who bought a nuclear bomb.

At first, she also thought it was a beautiful story, but in the end, everyone saw the girl's mother's milk!

What kind of BT is it to create such a 'fairy tale'?

[Kiana: What does Midsummer Night mean?] 】

[Nha Yi: I don't know. 】

[Bronia: Bronia is also hearing this word for the first time. 】

[Alicia: Hehe, Midsummer Night, it sounds like a sweet love story! 】

[Captain: It's Ellie, I guessed it all, Midsummer Night is a love story, but.....].

[Alicia: But what? 】


"If the captain is detected to be a spoiler, give a warning, and if there is a ban for half an hour next time, the qualification to answer the question will be canceled!"


"Hiss... It's terrible, and the ban will be disqualified, which scares me! "

The captain shrunk his mind.

A black line.

[Captain: Miss Ellie, I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry, I can only say that this story is very warm and sweet! ] 】

[Teresa: Really? Principal: I love sweet stories. 】

[Kiana: I like it too. 】

[Einstein: Childish, what's the sweet story?] Only bursting mechs are the most romantic! 】

[Rita: A story that the school grown-up likes, Rita also likes it! ] 】

Needless to say, Mi Yu is quite vicious.

Rita is a lolicon, and Teresa is a loli who will never grow up.

However, Teresa did not like Rita, and was even a little afraid of Rita.

She flees, she chases, she can't fly!

He should have given the overlord script to Rita, but Mi fooled and gave Rita's maid the script with bad taste.


"The live broadcast has officially begun."

"Please enjoy—Midsummer Night!"

The light curtain in the sky began to change, and videos began to emerge with an orange-haired youth lying on the ground.

"Hahh... Hahh... Big, the brain is shaking..."

"This feeling, this feeling..."

"Could it be that I am finally going to become the hero who travels through another world, and become the strongest in the world by relying on ordinary careers?"

"It's nice to be in another world!"

"I really want to open my eyes and see a maid lady with a cute headdress standing in front of me!"

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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