She finally drew the attention of Teresa and her group away.

The fruits of victory are at hand.

It turned out to be cut off by a man who appeared out of nowhere.

Although it has not yet been successfully cut.

But... She was indeed, which is a very unpleasant thing.

And after her rush to answer this time.

Teresa and they will definitely react to compete with herself, and it will be much more difficult for her to get the reward.

"Really a hateful person."

Kokolia thought so, her eyes became more firm than ever, staring at the light curtain to prepare for the next round of rush answers.

In any case, this time she must not miss it again.

As for Teresa, the 'majestic' school principal, at this time, he had decided to break the jar and break it.

If there is no reward, let her go.

She must make Kokolia pay, even if the anti-entropy army has withdrawn, she will definitely think of making Kokolia feel pain.

"Second preemptive countdown: 3, 2, 1."

"Congratulations Kokolia!"

"Please answer..."

Grabbed it!

Kokolia breathed a sigh of relief and was overjoyed in her heart, and finally let her grab it.

"I'll pick C, and Himeko will kill Karin."

"Correct answer."

"Reward: A buff for Ear Lift on Kokolia for one week. The effect is that her words are more easily understood by her own children. "



Kokolia was a little discouraged.

This bonus.... It's really too chicken, it's not a good improvement for myself at all.

The gain is not proportional to the effort.

This time she got a reward for answering the question, but.... She loses more than anyone.

[Bai Ze: Ear Ti Mian Life is really a good reward, Kokolia come on, you must be a good mother, you must make your daughters feel happy, don't let them do stupid things! ] 】

It's not nice for rewards to be taken away.

But is the reward Kokolia really a reward?

Rather than a reward, it's a kind of... Advise?!

Be a good mother, be kind to your daughter, say something more educational....

"Hehe, die laughing."

Bai Ze mercilessly unleashed a yin and yang strange aura on Kokolia.

A commander with anti-entropy, with great pains, turned out to be such a mediocre thing.

All that can be said is... God has eyes.

[Aponia: Please accept Mr. Shirasawa's suggestion and be kind to your daughter! ] 】

[Raven: Please accept Mr. Shirasawawa's advice and be kind to your daughter! ] 】

[Bronia: Please accept Mr. Shirasawa's suggestion and be kind to your daughter! ] 】

The essence of man is a repeater.

Bai Ze's words were repeated by the nun, the killer miss, and the board duck.

They are all persuading Kokolia to be kind to their daughter, so that this reward can be truly implemented.

Kokolia orphanage.

Lilia and Rosalia had smiles on their faces and were looking forward to seeing a brand new Cocolian mother!

But... Kokolia didn't want to speak at all at this time.

Don't let that reward you.


After the correct answer is revealed, the video in the light curtain continues to play.

The sudden sound of gunfire cut through the silence of the night.

And when the captain arrived, the familiar Himeko had already fallen in a pool of blood.

Not far in front of Himeko, the white-haired girl she had seen last night stood there quietly.

There was also a gun in his hand.

Vaguely, a trace of hot gas could be seen coming out of the muzzle.

The captain looked at this picture with horror on his face.

Thousands of thoughts crossed my mind.

But what comes out is a jumble of words and an escape from reality.

Perhaps the captain also did not understand what he was trying to express.

Just simply want to vent the chest full of shock, pain, irritability, anger, and unwillingness, guilt, and regret on top of this.

"Eh... Wrong... This is a joke, right? "

"Ahaha... Feeding is not good... Tell me.... This is a joke, right? "

"Tell me?!!!

But the white-haired girl just looked at Himeko who was lying in a pool of blood.

The eyes are not without grief.

But the words are so indifferent.

He didn't care about the captain's angry venting and questioning.

The bloody reality is exposed and presented in front of the captain, breaking the last illusion in the captain's heart.

"She's dead... I killed it. "

The hoarse voice continued, and the captain's body trembled, but he did not know whether the reason for his trembling was fear or anger.

Looking at the white-haired girl not far away, the captain once wanted to reprimand, question, insult her...

Even here he ended her life with his own hands.

But in the end, all that came out was a powerless question: ".... Why? "

The white-haired girl did not speak, and fumbled a file from her coat and threw it to the captain.

The captain silently opened the file with trembling hands.

There was data on a subject numbered A-872.

[1996 Subject A-872.]

All previously used subjects that had been added to the cells of the fusion Avalanche 'Vishnu' were dissolved.

I judged that Vishnu's cells were too powerful and needed to be balanced with the addition of other elements.

I tried to add the energy of the eroded bond in subject A-872.

The results were surprising.

A-872 not only does not dissolve, but also exhibits wonderful properties.

It can inject the bacterial type into the body of the vampire when it collapses through the act of blood sucking.

Within 48 hours, the infected person of the bacterial type Avalanche Beast will also be transformed into a half-human, half-Avalanche Beast.

Unfortunately, infected people lose most of their senses, their memories become blurry, and they have the same blood-sucking impulses as A-872.

But relatively capable of sharing life with A-872.

The blood-sucking behavior of infected people can produce positive feedback on the power of A-872, which in turn can gain near-eternal life as long as A-82 is not fatally threatened.

I suddenly thought, do these bacteria-type beasts also have an effect on dead people?

If, if that's the case...].

This is the end of the record.

The captain looked at the file in his hand and did not speak for a long time.


Long silence.

The captain's reason told her that everything recorded in the archives was true.

But if this is the case, where should this feeling in the chest go?

Time... The captain could only look at the file in his hand stunned, unable to organize his words.

However, what the white-haired girl said next made the captain's heart shake again.

"She knows all this, I followed the trail of A-872 here, originally wanting to seek Himeko's help."

"Unexpectedly, she is also one of the infected."

"I told her everything about the A-872 and what a difficult decision she had made, I can't imagine."

"But... She eventually chose to die as a human being. "

Hear the white-haired girl tell all the truth.

Fragmented memories flashed through his mind, and indescribable thoughts completely enveloped the captain's heart.

The captain suddenly understood.

This choice must have been the last thing Himeko wanted to express to herself on the night on the rooftop.

It's just that at that time, I couldn't understand the decision

There was even a hint of complaint about her.

"I'm leaving, A-872 is still in this city, I'm going to make a break with her next."

Looking at the back of the girl leaving, the captain subconsciously asked out loud.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Karen and it's just... A hunter chasing the shadows of the past. "

Kalien's tone was not without sadness.

For some reason, Karen gave her contact information to the captain when she left.

After that, the captain returned to his residence in dismay.

Rudely crumpled the contact information that Karen had left for herself, crumpled it up and threw it out, and then lay down on the bed.

"Sleep, it's just a nightmare."

"When you wake up, maybe..."

"Perhaps... Everything will be beautiful. "

The captain deceived himself so much, and his consciousness once again fell into the mire of darkness.

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: whose appearance can the captain see next?] 】

[A: Vampire girl].

[B: Himeko].

[C: Kalien].

[D: Roseweisser].

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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