[Teresa: Rita again?]

Bad memories come to mind.

In the video under the moon, as soon as Rita appears, she is destined for no good outcome.

That.... What now?

Captain and his group, damn it?

"Ahem..." Bai Ze coughed involuntarily a few times.

I was a little surprised.


My body has been strengthened three or four times, how can I still catch a cold?

[Bai Ze: Please allow me to politely ask, who of you secretly curses me in your heart?]

[Kiana: It's me, it's me, it's Miss Ben me!]

[Shirasawa: ............]

[Teresa: Aha? Isn't it? Bai Ze's sixth sense is so accurate?

A sour little jealousy floated in his heart.


She was jealous!

Even if you don't want to admit it, but... The truth is that she has a poor sixth sense and rarely guesses correctly!

"Abominable Bai Ze, one day, the head of this school will surpass you!"

[Bronia: Bronia analyzes that Miss Rita is likely to be the White Witch's spy planted in the Red Queen's garden. 】

For this judgment, Bronia is very confident.

In the roaring comics she has seen and the RPG games she has played, people like Rita who are suddenly in such an important place are eight or nine anti-bone boys!

Therefore, option B can be excluded.

[Tesla: Ahem... Is it possible that the correct option is actually not fixed?】

[Pardolphyllis: How is it possible? I've been punished so many times, can I wonder if there is a correct answer?]

[Mebius: There is absolutely a correct answer, please don't mislead us. 】

[Alicia: Bai Ze, Tesla, Bai Ze, you say... Is this guy your accomplice, specifically here to induce public opinion?]

[Bai Ze: Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, big misunderstanding! Miss Ellie, please don't conspiracy theories, in the next reading Spring and Autumn, like to go straight, don't like to bend around!]

Not to mention, Dr. Tesla is a typical national player.

Very grumpy.

I don't have the ability to let her be her own trust!

But...... Tesla's words are quite beneficial to himself, barely half an ally?

[Tesla: Gee... You shallow people don't believe Dr. Ben? It's ridiculous, a bunch of !!]

Mountain pigs can't eat fine bran.

Good words are hard to persuade the damn ghost.

The dog bites Lu Dongbin and does not know the good heart.

Old lady, I kindly remind you what is the right answer, in exchange... But it is skepticism and disdain!

[Bud Yi: Tesla, Dr., how can you say that the correct answer is not fixed?]

The cooker knows how to communicate with people.

When everyone questioned Dr. Tesla, she was the only one who chose to believe it.

If the 910 comes, she can definitely make a good impression on Tesla!

But...... These are just conspiracy theory understandings, not the real thoughts in Nha Yi's mind.

After all, cooking rice mothers, there will not be so much scheming.

The reason for asking this question is purely curiosity, after all, those engaged in scientific research have always focused on evidence, and they rarely talk about things that they are not sure about.

But... This is Dr. Tesla.

Research is rigorous, but... If you answer the question, it is quite casual!

[Kiana: Aha?! Miss Ben is also curious, can Dr. Tesla tell us about it?】

[Bronia: That... Bronia is also curious, please Dr. Tesla tell us about it!

[Bai Ze: It has to be a bud clothes!]

[Alicia: Miss Bud's charm is great, no wonder I want to touch her ears in the future!]

[Kiana: Ahhhhh

Everyone asked questions one after another, which made Dr. Tesla's mood suddenly improve, not to mention that this feeling of being valued is really good!

After that, she told her experience of answering questions quite seriously.

The first time she answered the question, she had a good attitude, absolute confidence in the options, and was extremely sure, and then... She was wrong!

The second time she answered the question, she was irritable and almost threatening, and she had no confidence in the options, but she was right.

[Einstein: You mean that the answer to the question depends on the attitude of the respondent?]

[Tesla: That's right, or the chicken nest head you know me!]


[Otto: ........]


No mind hi plus one.

Bai Ze couldn't help but want to complain a few words.

Just these two experiments, you dare to summarize the rules?

How dare you?!

Thanks to you still a doctor, as a result, the IQ is similar to Kiana, and the same is mindless.

[Bronia: Bronia analyzes, or don't believe Dr. Tesla is better, the answer to the question still needs to be studied. 】

[Bud Yi: Makes sense. 】

[Mebius: Is this the scientist of the current civilization? Is it really rigorous enough?!]

[Padofelis: Seriously, just the captain and these few people go deep into such a dangerous place, will they really not gag?

If... I mean if!

If the captain's group quacks away, can Rita's appearance perfectly correspond to option A?

It's like Rita in the urban weird video under the moon. 】

[Teresa: The hero sees the same thing, and the principal of this school thinks the same!]

[Pardolphilis: Sorry, Pardo is not a hero. 】

[Teresa: ........]

"Aha?! How can there be such a person?"

Teresa was a little surprised.

Everyone in this world wants to be a hero, but this Pado.... But he insisted that he was not a hero.

What's more... Teresa had just said that she thought the same as Pado.

That Padot is not a hero, doesn't it mean that he is not a hero either?

For a while, Teresa was a little embarrassed, and a hatred of iron and steel rose in her heart.

At this time, the countdown to the first preemptive answer came as scheduled.


"Congratulations Tesla!"

"Please answer..."

[Tesla: Okay, old lady, I will only show you guys once, or that sentence, the choice is correct or not depends on your attitude!]

The more Tesla, who was questioned and despised, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

I really can't swallow that breath.

In the end, she decided to prove her analysis with practical actions.

So, she cursed the encyclopedia answer system in her heart again, and made the same choice as last time.

Tesla: "I choose C, fight the captain, and throw the captain mercilessly out of the queen's garden." "

"Wrong answer!"

"Punishment: Imposing the civilized person certification mark on Dr. Tesla for three days. This is manifested in the fact that Tesla will slap himself whenever he swears!"

How so?

After seeing his wrong choice, Dr. Tesla's face turned green!

It's a shame!


Snap -

Before the dirty words could be spoken, Dr. Tesla viciously gave himself two big bibs.

The sound is crisp and the reverberations are all around.

Einstein on the side was stunned, and said weakly: "It's not... You, what are you doing?"

Tesla's eyes shone with crystal tears.

Buzzing in the head.

I have to say that those two big competitions are really ruthless!

And this is exactly the punishment that the system punished her.

She really wanted to scold her mother!

But.... She didn't dare, but if she didn't scold her mother, how could she vent the stirring emotions in her chest?

Tesla wanted to cry without tears, but he couldn't make up a complete sentence.

In the end, Dr. Tesla returned to his room full of anger and cried secretly under a small quilt.

[Teresa: I knew that Tesla was wrong, and she took the initiative to show us, eh... I can only say that it's too stupid, I've never seen such a stupid guy!】

[Bai Ze: No, you've seen it more than once!]

[Bronia: Are you talking about stupid Kiana?]


No... Stinky little ghost, you have a problem, right?

Why do you always want to target Miss Ben?

It's really abominable!

Kiana waved her fists indiscriminately to vent her anger. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Then she organized a vicious language and prepared to taunt Bronia.

But before she could say it.

The video in the light curtain begins a new round of playback.

Rita suddenly appears, successfully joins the captain's adventure squad, and informs the captain of the true fear in the queen's garden.

Under the Red Queen, there is an incomparably powerful existence with incomparable mental strength.

Known as the Four Stars of Spades.

Then, according to Rita's description, the captain discovers that one of the fierce four stars of spades is by their side.

So, the captain and his party began a new escape.

Without him.

Can't beat, really can't beat.

But... What the captain could not have imagined was that this time, the opponent they encountered was quite tough.

After a long escape, they are finally caught, and the Four Stars of Spades knock them unconscious and put them in the dungeon of Spades.

And when the captain woke up from the coma, only Bronia was left by his side.

But just as the two discussed how to escape from the dungeon of spades.

An unexpected guy appeared.

It's the Cheshire Cat.

It was the Cheshire cat who was tricked by the captain into the Red Queen's castle with a lie.

She surreptitiously pried open the dungeon door and rescued the captain, but... She had one more question for the captain to answer.

She had obviously rummaged through the Red Queen's Castle, but why hadn't she found the Philosopher's Stone?

Hearing this, the captain was a little embarrassed.

Without him.

The so-called Philosopher's Stone in the Red Queen Castle was originally a lie he made up.

And now, when the bitter lord came to the door, he could not say that he had lied.

I had to carry out the scam to the end.

The captain said that the Philosopher's Stone was very important and must be kept by the Red Queen.

The mindless Cheshire cat believed again.

Not afraid of danger, he immediately set off to find the Red Queen.

Seeing that the development of things began to go uncontrollable, the captain hurriedly added, "The matter of friends is the matter of my captain, and I am willing to go with you."

Hearing this, the Cheshire Cat was overjoyed in his heart.

She and the captain obviously met Ping Shui, but the captain was actually willing to do so much for her.

This captain is really a really good man!

At that moment, she recognized the captain as a friend.

As everyone knows, all this is a lie of the captain, and the reason why they want to go together is because they are afraid that the Cheshire cat will be killed because of themselves.

After all, the Cheshire Cat helped her captain so many times, the captain couldn't watch the Cheshire Cat die.

At the same time, the captain secretly made up his mind.

Later... You must not lie anymore, the price of lying is really too great!

A new three-person squad was formed.

After a thrilling adventure, the captain, the Cheshire Cat and Bronia finally arrive at Castle of Hearts.

Meet the real Red Queen.

And that Red Queen... It was Miss Rita that the captain had met earlier.

A pleasantries.

The captain finally stopped being weak, no longer hiding behind Bronia, and fought the final decisive battle with the Red Queen.

"O tyrant of the Winter Kingdom, let me show you what the hell flame looks like. "


"The key that seals the power of flame, show your true posture in front of me!"

"Skyfire - out of the sheath!"

After a string of incomparable lines, the captain held the sky fire and pointed to the tyrant Red Queen on the opposite side.

"Well, tyrant, let me count your sins. "

"Tyrant, what is wrong with all the women thinking?" said the Red Queen Rita's tone suddenly angry.

"It is because there are always self-absorbed people like you who call themselves brave that my position as a ruler is so difficult!"

Entering here, the captain subconsciously said the words in his heart.

Isn't it good to be a maid honestly?

As soon as these words come out!

The vinegar jar is knocked over!

The Cheshire cat was the first to be unhappy, and Bronia directly threatened: "Captain, reload the rabbit warning." "

And the fighting is still going on.

The blade formed by the flames swung out.

The scythe in the Red Queen's hand was sharp, and it could not cut off this flame.

With a crisp sound of the scythe hitting the ground, the Red Queen fell.

The captain won the final victory by completely suppressing the Red Queen with his harmless heavenly fire.

Although there is an ingredient in which Rita puts water.

But the captain is still the winner.

However, they didn't find a way back to the real world from Rita.

Once again, Rita repeats the Bible of the Broken World.

I can't do anything!

She slowly pulled out a thin card from her chest.

It says -

[You open your eyes, there is an unfamiliar ceiling in your vision, don't panic, elegant dictator.

Your name is the Red Queen, and the challenge from the brave will be your next aftershow.

The White Witch's seal is about to collapse, so try to maneuver with his doppelganger.

Assist the brave to go to the realm of time to repair the seal, and all the answers are there. 】

This is the final card, through which the captain understands that if he wants to leave here, he can only defeat the White Witch.

After the goal is clear, the temperature in the castle suddenly drops sharply, and the white ice crystals fall down.

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded in the empty castle.

"You guys say.... Who are you going to reseal?"

"O king of mankind... Although I knew that you had different intentions earlier, I did not expect that your purpose was to seal me again for the joint captain. "

"Huh, hahahahaha... Fun, fun, if you can, do it. "

"However, time is running out for you, and my patience will only last until the moment the seal collapses!"

"At that time, I will fulfill my vows in full form, like this wonderful world built with the divine punishment of eternal winter!"

"Then without further ado, this game of betting on Dirac's fate begins now. "

With the voice of the white witch doppelganger, the voice fell.

The scythe held by the Red Queen in her hand suddenly flew out of her hand and floated in the air.

At the same time, the pointer on the scythe began to spin uncontrollably.

The surrounding scene was blurred and distorted in an instant, but it returned to its original in the next moment, and the indescribable disorder and disorder made the captain and his party at a loss.

And at the end of time, everything will collapse, shatter, and return to nothingness.

For the captain, it seems that all that remains is a never-ending fall .... Fall.....

Click, click, click....

The scene changed for a while.

In front of the background full of gears, the captain slowly opened his eyes.

Coming into view is the Red Queen Rita.

She said that this is the time gap where the white witch's body is located, that is, the realm of time.

Here the captain once again met Fu Hua.

and the red-haired Himeko.

As for the March Hare and the Cheshire Cat, they are people of this world and cannot be here.

And Bronia is more sad!

She was held hostage by the White Witch and became a bargaining chip in this game.

What the captain has to do is to go to the center of the realm of time, repair the cracks, and truly seal the white witch.

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: What is the true identity of the white witch?]


【B:Bud clothes】


[D: Otto].

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