[Kiana: Is it Miss Ben who is hallucinating again?] I always feel that I heard my aunt's voice again just now? 】

[Bronia: Stupid Kiana doesn't need to feel, that's the voice of the headmaster. 】

[Otto: So... Did little Teresa grow up? Already no longer like Roar comics and turned your interest to playing chess? 】

[Rita: Oh, is that so?] Lord Teresa, here is buying you a chess picture, buying a Go picture, I hope Lord Teresa will like it! 】

[Teresa: Aha?! I... Play chess? This... Or forget it, right? 】

Those things are so brain-wrenching.

Not for the wise me.

Don't embarrass Teresa anymore!

It's so difficult, it's so difficult, just thinking about it makes me feel big, how can there be troublesome things like chess and Go in the world?

That thing, who the hell is playing?!

[Bai Ze: Rita, the owner of the refrigerator~ Don't embarrass Delisa-chan, what chess, Go, what's good? Might as well send a backgammon. 】


[Teresa: Gomoku... Barely! 】

[Himeko: So the person in the picture just now is not Lord Teresa?] She's playing chess, and... Also won. 】

[Teresa: Himeko...?! ] You deliberately demolished my platform, didn't you?! 】

I'm telling you!

You're done!

The head of this school will definitely sanction you!

At the same time, the light curtain began a new round of broadcasting.

The captain slowly opened his eyelids, and the darkness receded, and Rita was lying on her side on the bench.

A cold and emotionless female voice with a little helplessness and tiredness sounded first.

"Now that the first emperor has died, the new emperor has not been established, and the world is watching, the rise and fall of the empire is all in one fell swoop."

"If you have the corresponding enlightenment, please open the scroll in front of you."

The words fell, the captain is habitually guilty of a slut, what if I don't?

Rita's answer is also very simple, do not accept the task, then die, you are the pawn this time, but not the only pawn.

So, the captain opened the scroll willingly.

On the reels is a mischievous maiden.

According to Rita's introduction, the captain learned that the girl on the scroll was a portrait of the crown prince when he was gazing at his twelfth birthday.

After that, Rita briefly explained the current situation.

The emperor died, and according to the edict, the twelve-year-old stargazing should inherit the rule and rejuvenate the country.

However, Stargazing left Huangyue City three days ago and his whereabouts are unknown.

And the captain's task is to secretly bring stargazing back to the royal capital, inherit the great ruler, and become the new emperor!

[Rita: So... Lord Teresa of this world is about to inherit the throne and become the emperor of the empire? 】

[Teresa: If nothing else, it's like this, the dean of this college has strong business ability, and it is normal for his status to be higher! ] 】

The headmaster began to fart.

After all.... She is about to become as great as her grandfather!

It was absolutely majestic.

It can definitely be admired by everyone.

It can definitely lead the country to civilization and prosperity!

The corners of Teresa's mouth unconsciously turned up, the arc was quite large, and the avenue could catch two king carps.

However, in such a happy moment for her, her silly niece Kiana played steadily, questioned her, and dealt a merciless blow to her.

[Kiana: Didn't I say that it is necessary to let the great aunt be the emperor, this is how much you have to think about it, isn't this giving hostile countries a chance? It's better to let Miss Ben come, Miss Ben must be holy! 】



[Shirasawa: Sure enough... Only Kiana is Teresa's true nemesis! 】

[Pardophyllis: She.... Have you always been so brave? 】

If... I mean if!

If only one day, I could speak up like her!

At that time, first scare brother, then scare snake sister, and finally fight with Aponia at the top of the promised land!

Correct... Just when Padolphyllis wanted to get into the question.

The nun's gentle exhortation rang softly in her ears.

"Please don't think about it!"

As soon as the words fell, the soft hair of Padofelis instantly hardened.

Stress jumps like a spring somewhere else.

Holding his tail, he performed a French military salute and admitted his mistake: "Wrong, wrong, Pador will not dare to think about it in the future..."

As a result, a joyful atmosphere filled the Promised Land Hall.

Only Pado is still grieving.

The other side.

Inside St. Freya's office.

Teresa huffed and stood in her seat.

"How can it be ?.!?"

"How the hell does Kiana paint the world?"

"If you don't fight for three days, go to the house and reveal the tiles, why are you always against yourself now?"

It's hard to have a bullish identity.

I haven't made fun yet.

This guy just jumped out and made trouble, it's just too hateful, too hateful.

I really like the majesty of myself as an emperor in the video, and I can send someone to press Kiana on the dog's head... Chop off her dog's head with a knife!

[Teresa: I'm telling you, Kiana, you're finished! 】

[Shirasawa: Hmm... She's finished, but... Let's care more about yourself! 】

When the words fell, Teresa was suddenly dumbfounded!

What do you mean?

What does it mean to care more about myself?

Am I not the emperor of the Yuehuang Kingdom who is about to ascend the throne?

I should be pretty awesome, I don't say... Before he ascended the throne, he will be murdered by a traitor, and he will usurp the throne in advance?!

Thinking of this, Teresa's mood instantly became nervous.

Hurriedly looked at the light curtain, his eyes stared at the plot without blinking, for fear of missing a detail.


After accepting Rita's order, the captain withdrew from the prisoner's room.

But just after the captain stepped out of the gate with one foot, a figure that had long been hidden in the shadows walked out.

Blocked the captain's way.

It was a delicate and small armed doll.

The appearance characteristics are almost the same as that of a national player Dr. Tesla.

So... Just call it a little Tesla doll!

After determining the captain's conversation with Rita, the little Tesla doll successfully identified an anchor point.

Start helping the captain with consciousness mapping.

But at the moment when the consciousness mapping was completed, the back of the captain's head was pressed down by brute force.

A fierce voice sounded in the ears.

"What is the daze in front of the second prince? Don't blame kneeling to salute? "

But... The captain's consciousness mapping is not complete.

I don't know how to salute at all.

After a meal, he gave the popular one not to want, and loudly reprimanded: "Huh? What is the mess? Where is your weekday departure? "


"Drag him out for me and behead!"

The captain was instantly stunned.

What is the disadvantage of leaving the teacher and dying first?

This is called the division is not good to die first!

Obviously nothing was done, and then ... I'm going to be beheaded!

The captain's heart was cold, it seemed that the shortest-lived crosser was none other than himself!

Correct... Just when the captain was ready to turn grief and anger into strength and fight to the death.

The voice of the second prince came out.

"Eh... Forget it, big wolf. This man... Oh oh, this meat is so delicious... Is this person the best candidate for this mission? "

Although the words are intermittent and there are some inexplicable words in it.

But the captain was still extremely grateful to this second prince.

Without her, his little life would not be saved.

In this way, the captain looked up with gratitude, wanting to express his gratitude to the second prince!

But when he raised his head, the picture he saw was unforgettable for him!

Without him.

On the solemn and luxurious dragon chair, a white-haired dango was nibbling on a big elbow regardless of the image.

Tilt your head.

Turn a blind eye.

The expression was extremely forceful and faintly hideous.

The sides of the mouth are all shiny and sticky oil stains.

This extremely comedic picture made the captain forget his gratitude for a while, and there was only one thought left in his heart-

This elbow is really strong!

"Whaa Delicious..."

"Well, this time the meat, ah no... This mission is extremely secret, and temporary substitution will only make it easier to leak. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"As for the specific mission content... Let the military master tell you in detail. "

"Your Highness, the minister is a young master, not a military master, and the minister... The name is jackal, not a big wolf..."

"Oh, got it, big wolf I, you hurry up, ah--dropped a piece of meat..."

"Yes, yes..."

The voice of the military master was quite helpless, obviously, for this unreliable second prince.

He didn't have much good to do either.

As for the captain, he couldn't help but smile and no longer looked at the second prince, but instead looked at the military master.

And then... The captain almost laughed again.

I saw the so-called military master, wearing a dog-headed mask, and could not see his true face.

After that, the big wolf handed a scroll to the captain.

Unfold the reels and take a look.

The character above is none other than the Crown Prince Stargazing.

Short body.

Big head.

Holding a feather fan in his hand.

The eyes are full of wisdom.

No matter what angle the captain looks at, the stargazing on the painting is so wise.

There is no wisdom at all.

In layman's terms, the figure on the painting is not stargazing, but a mentally retarded who looks similar to stargazing.

With the water god Fufu next door, no... It is a mentally retarded person who is even more mentally retarded than the water god Fufu.

When the god of wisdom, Akuya, comes, he must bow down.

And that's not enough.

What made the captain even more nervous was the next words of the big wolf.

The big wolf said, "The Crown Prince stargaze went against the grain, and he cleverly caused the treachery and even the Holy Lord to die, and now he has already escaped from Huangyue City. "

"This thief and Prime Minister Rita secretly changed the emperor's edict, according to the throne of His Royal Highness the Second Prince and his own body.... He is an unforgivable person. "

"Your mission this time is to capture the rebel thief and bring it back here, whether you live or die."

"To live is to see people, and to die is to see corpses."

In the description of the Great Wolf, stargazing is a heinous treacherous man.

But... This portrait... No matter how hard you try, you can't think of a big evil thief who seeks power and usurps the throne?!

And there is... This guy's reputation has been tarnished to such an extent here?

In the end, the captain still couldn't help but laugh.

"If you can't draw, don't learn to draw!"

"How?! What is your opinion on the Mo Bao of His Royal Highness the Second Prince? "

"Ah, no, no, I was just surprised by His Highness's superb painting, so I couldn't help but exclaim and marvel."

"The brushwork is simple, and the colors are wild and bold."

"Especially the expression in this painting is lifelike, it is simply a stroke of God, such a rare treasure, worthy of His Highness."

"Huh: Count you as a good dealer. "

The captain forced himself to pretend to be serious.

But the long-term smiling made my stomach ache.

At this moment, the captain seemed to understand why the big wolf wore a mask to cover his face!

Without him.

It's really hard to hold back a smile!

In front of the light curtain, everyone saw the so-called ink treasure of the second prince, and the captain's praise with a smile and no conscience, silently giving a thumbs up.

[Alicia: Captain Shinno Shintoya! ] 】

Miss Pink Goblin admired the captain so much at this moment.

Looking at such a wise portrait, he could actually come up with so many words of praise.

And there is no laughter.

What a powerful psychological quality this must be!

It can't be compared, it really can't be compared!

[Pardo Felis: Too strong, if Pado can have such a thick skin, he will definitely be able to become bigger and stronger, and create brilliance again! ] 】

Pado thinks to himself.

The captain praised this from the heart.

Just gouging out her eyes, she can't even say it, and... Then how did the big wolf manage not to laugh in front of the second prince?

Live to be old and learn to be old.

At this time, Pado secretly made up his mind that he must use the big wolf and the captain as idols, train his face hard, and become the biggest profiteer in the promised land as soon as possible!

[Teresa: Kiana, it's not... Kiana, you tell me, you tell me who taught you your art class? 】

I'm not going to beat her to death today.

I wrote the name upside down!

Meow Mia, there is a teaching person to draw like this, this is also worthy of being called painting?!

Too special code abstraction, right?!

Abstract is fine, but why do you want to draw me?!

At this moment, Teresa trembled to the whole body of that painting, is this TMD painting, this TMD is insulting!

"'Principal, the majestic temperament that I have worked so hard to build up will be destroyed!'

[Under the Moon: Human, please allow me to politely offer you a condition, please be sure to dispose of that painter! ] 】

It's really that the moon can't leave the world she is in.

Otherwise... The second prince, that is, Kiana, was so high and low that he was cut into eighteen thousand pieces under the moon.

This picture is too abstract.

She couldn't stand a vampire.

However, the big wolf, as well as the captain, can be wildly praised.

It seems that humans are still too dangerous.

[Bai Ze: Fortunately, Miss Yuexia, I will definitely help you beat up that painter! ] 】

[Kiana: Aha?! What do you mean?! It's Miss Ben... No, is it the bad words of this prince? With a nose and eyes, hands and feet, and intimately drawing a fan for her, isn't this a treasure that is enough to be handed down? 】

[Himeko: Maybe in eight hundred years, your words will be treasures, but unfortunately, the painting style is too advanced for us to accept. (Good Good)

[Shirasawa: Shhhh Could it be that Kiana-chan used to paint people, and she always lacked a nose and eyes, or broke her hands and feet? If that's the case, then Theresa is a real honor! 】

[Bud Yi: But if Kiana paints people, really missing eyes but nose, or broken hands and feet, then she... Wouldn't you be beaten?! 】

The cooker shrunk her neck and shook her head.

How could it not be beaten?

If Kiana painted herself, she would have fewer noses and eyes, and cut off her hands and feet.

Then he will definitely treat her well with a spatula!

So.... If Kiana doesn't want to be beaten, she must not paint people!

[Teresa: Kiana, you're dead, you're dead! 】

[Bronia: This... It's very true to the stereotype that Kiana gave Bronia, but... How can the fool Kiana hold the power and hunt down the headmaster? 】

[Rita: I'm also curious about this question, obviously in the previous video, Teresa is the orthodox of the country! ] 】

Teresa pushed Rita unhappy.

It is clear that Lisa sauce is the emperor.

As a result, he was framed as a chaotic thief who sought power and usurped the throne, and was even chased and killed by the second prince!

But... Just the second prince's foodie who only cares about food is also worthy of governing the country?

If this really continues, then the empire of Lord Stargazing will not be annexed by other countries early.

Turned into a few pages of history books, swept into the pile of old paper of history.

"No, it must not be like this, protect the best Teresa sauce, protect the best Teresa sauce's empire!"

Rita looked up at the light curtain unwillingly.

In the picture, the captain who received the task bows his head and withdraws from the main hall.

And it didn't go far.

A person hiding outside the door suddenly appeared.

The captain was stopped.

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: Who is the person who stopped the captain?] Punishment]

【A: Stargazing】

【B:Little Tesla doll】



ps: There is a picture.

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