Pre-civilization era.

When hearing the side effects caused by the combined action of divine sounds and man-made collapse.

Even the heroes present.

Unconsciously, I felt a trace of cold sweat dripping from my forehead.

Sometimes the most immediate death is not the most horrific.

Even more terrifying is waiting for death in torture.

That feeling of not being able to survive and not being able to die. obviously...

In the divine sound state, it enters the artificial collapse of Fu Hua.

This is such a state.

Everyone also understood why Mei wanted Fu Hua to wait until everyone was sacrificed before he could start the collapse.

Padofelis:"Then Ahua has never ventured into man-made collapse, right?"

Velvet looked at Pado:"Little Pado, where do you think Mei got these experimental data?"

"I think Kevin was also present at that time, right?"

Everyone looked at Kevin.

Kevin nodded gently:"Yes, I was there at the time."

"In order to prevent Hua from hurting himself, I also entered the artificial collapse"

"And defeat Hua without hurting him."

Among all the Ying Jies, the only one who can say such words so easily is Kevin.

You must know that although Hua is ranked 12th in Zhuhuo Thirteen Ying Jies.

But this does not mean that Hua The strength of Hua is second to last.

On the contrary, if we want to rank according to hard power, it is not a problem that Hua's strength can squeeze into the top five.

But even so, Kai can still defeat Hua without hurting him..

It can be seen that Kevin's strength is too much to surpass Hua.

All the heroes once again had a new understanding of Kevin's strength.

Padofelis looked at the light screen nervously:"Then if it is like this"

"Could it be that when Ahua entered the artificial collapse mentioned above, it was the battle with Boss Kevin?"

Eden:"It's possible"

"In the absence of Kevin, Hua cannot control the consequences of his artificial collapse."

"Even in the next civilization era, I believe that no one can stop the out-of-control Fu Hua except Kiana.

Alicia:"Hua in the next civilization era should also become more powerful.""

"What if 04 goes berserk in the next civilization era?"

"The only one who can stop her is probably Kevin. Graciu looked at Mei worriedly:"Dr. Mei, is there no way to remove the divine voice from Sister Hua?""

"Without the influence of Shenyin, Hua should be able to control the power of man-made collapse."

In this regard, Mei and the other two doctors shook their heads helplessly.

Mebius continued:"There is only one way, and that is to replace Hua's brain."

"But I have never done this kind of surgery."

"No one in the world can do this kind of surgery."

Vilwei:"Even if possible, if the brain is replaced,"

"Will the future Hua still be Hua?"

This is a false proposition that cannot be demonstrated.

Everyone can only pray that Hua, who appears next in the light screen, will not cause any irreversible damage to himself. Compared with the audience in the pre-civilization era , They were worried.

The other viewers were looking forward to it.

After all, they didn't know that there was such a thing as divine sound in Fu Hua.

Instead, they remembered the power of the guardian of China, Red Kite Immortal.

And so powerful The Scarlet Kite Immortal.

There will also be further man-made collapse.

So everyone can’t help but look forward to it.

"It seems that Immortal Red Kite still had reservations about his original strength."

"Or has she never recovered since that incident?"

Otto was very curious.

Hollander looked at Otto and asked:"Bishop, the original strength you mentioned refers to the battle between Fu Hua and the Herrscher of the Sky?"

Otto nodded:"At that time, Fu Hua was forced to use the zero rated power of Yu Duchen."

"That’s why I lost my memory and became the current Fu Hua."

"In that battle, Immortal Red Kite did not activate artificial collapse. Rita continued to ask:"What Mr. Otto just said about not recovering, does it mean that Fu Hua was injured earlier?"

Otto replied:"That's right, and it's still a serious injury.""

"Of course, physical injuries are only a matter of time for a fusion warrior like Red Kite Sento to heal."

"Psychological wounds are the most difficult to repair."


Hollander and Rita continued to look at Otto.

Otto also continued to tell his story of the year:"Back then, after Karen died,"

"I started planning my entire destiny"

"After I overthrew the old destiny, I took Karen's body to China."

"I hope Immortal Red Kite can help me save Kallen"

"Because at that time, Immortal Red Kite was the most powerful existence I had ever seen."

Youlandel:"Bishop, you said this before.

Otto:"No, no, no, I omitted something very important.""

"Even after I went to China, Immortal Red Kite had been missing for nearly twenty years."

Rita:"Did you hide yourself, or?"

Otto said with a smile:"With the development of Chinese civilization, the probability of collapse is getting higher and higher."

"Red Kite Immortal alone cannot take care of such a huge China."

"So Immortal Scarlet Yuan established the Taixu Sword Sect!"

"And took in seven disciples and taught them martial arts"

"To fight the collapse"

"When Honkai was in Ancient China, there was another saying"

"That is the devil!"

Devil!" This word is both familiar and unfamiliar to Rita and Hollander. Familiar because they have learned it before when they were studying in Tianming. Strange because it is the first time they heard Otto use this word. origin

"And the Taixu Sword Sect of Immortal Scarlet Yuan only has one doctrine to recruit disciples."

"That means you will be punished if you become a demon!"

"The whole of China, no matter who it is"

"As long as you are corroded by Honkai Energy, or you cannot control the Honkai Energy in your body, you will become a demon."

"Red Kite Immortal will kill the opponent without hesitation"

"Just like when we faced the 100,000-strong Far Eastern Army of Destiny."

Youlandel narrowed her eyes.

She also noticed something wrong with this:"Isn't this too absolute?"

Otto nodded:"That's right, Immortal Red Kite is so absolute on this point."

"Especially when dealing with monsters, the power and absolute crushing shown"

"Finally one day, her seven apprentices also began to feel fear."

Hearing this, the expressions of Hollander and Rita changed.

Combined with the trauma Otto said just now, the two of them thought of an extremely terrifying possibility.

Rita:"So her seven Disciple, in order to prevent things like being killed by Master from happening in the future"

"He chose to kill the Red Kite Immortal first."

Youlandale:"After the seven disciples killed their master, Immortal Red Kite was seriously injured."

"It took more than twenty years to recover"

"After you went to China, you met the newly recovered Red Kite Immortal. Otto clapped his hands and applauded:"

Yes, that's really smart.""

"They are indeed the two S-class Valkyries that I recognize."

"But it's strange to say. I don't know if it's the sequelae of what happened to the seven apprentices, or if it's some other reason."

"Immortal Chi Yuan, who woke up again, no longer had the courage and determination that he had before when he was possessed by a demon."

"I think I must have been heartbroken."

Rita:"The seven disciples are not possessed by demons, so Immortal Red Kite probably did not use all his strength when dealing with them."

Youlandel:"But the seven apprentices are fighting for an unexpected future and the desire to live."

"Just attack the master who has the kindness to raise you."

Youlandel couldn't help but clenched her fists.

These seven guys are really beasts!

Rita continued to ask Otto:"So Lord Otto has never seen Fu Hua collapse..

Otto shook his head:"No.""

"But judging from the information left over from the previous civilization era,"

"What it will look like after man-made collapse, the closer it is to the human form, the more perfect it will be"

"Just like Kevin's appearance as a karma demon, it's already perfect."

"I just don’t know if Immortal Red Kite can bring us a different surprise."

Otto looked at the light screen with some expectancy.

He wanted to see what kind of state this old friend would be in after entering the man-made collapse.

By the way, it can be used as a reference.

Maybe there is some way to intervene in Theresa in the future. The artificial collapse.

And then let Theresa develop towards the most perfect artificial collapse.

These are all experiments that require data.

In the light screen screen.

As the title disappears, a new video also starts to play. (Watch the exposure For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But this time what caught the eye was not the collapsed Fu Hua that people were expecting.

It was the Karmic Demon Kevin who seemed to be fighting with others somewhere.

But at this moment.

A ball of flame appeared from behind Kevin.

Kevin immediately moved the Heavenly Fire Saint in his hand back.

A huge impact spread out in all directions.

The ball of flame also turned around and landed in front of Kevin. On the ground in the distance.

The moment the flames landed, the entire space burned instantly.

Kevin also entered the sea of ​​​​fire directly.

Surrounded by countless flames.

Kevin looked at something in front of him.

Faintly He opened his mouth and said:"This is really unexpected and reasonable......."

Kevin just finished speaking.

The flames in front of me began to gather into a human shape[]

Then the flames exploded violently.

Red eyes, long white hair, and the collapsing talisman at the tip of the red hair.

Appearing in front of the audience for the first time.

There are also many flame-like lines on the body.

In the palm of your hand, there is this torch burning slowly.

The moment the collapsed fuhua appeared.

Almost all viewers.

One word flashed through my mind - Red Kite Immortal!

It seems at this moment.

The audience got it.

Why was Fu Hua called the Red Kite Immortal in the first place?

Such a posture is indeed not something that ordinary people can have.

It's completely different from Kevin's man-made collapse.

Kevin's artificial collapse has elements that can detect Honkaimon visible to the naked eye.

But in Fu Hua's body, the elements of the Honkai Beast have almost merged with her.

And it was displayed in an extremely perfect manner.

It's like Fu Hua was supposed to be like this.

There is not the slightest sense of disobedience.

The temperament of an immortal is clearly visible.

In front of the light curtain.

Kiana saw Fu Hua like this.

Immediately dumbfounded

"This is so handsome!"

"Handsome and good-looking! Bronya couldn't help but said:"Squad leader, I finally understand why you were the Red Kite Immortal in the myths and legends of China."

Yayi nodded:"Yes, squad leader!""

"Your artificial collapse is even more perfect than Kevin's."

Fu Hua looked at himself in the light screen.

It seemed that at the moment when he appeared in the artificial collapse, an energy in his body also trembled.

"Is this resonance?"

Fu Hua didn't even remember that he had such a powerful energy.

Qiana:"Squad leader, you really look good like this."

"Those indifferent eyes look so handsome!"

Mei Yi:"And the feathers on the chest that stretch out like flames.

Bronya:"Those tail feathers behind you should be the original form of the phoenix in the Chinese legend.""

Everyone commented.

It was as if the Fu Hua on the light screen had no weaknesses at all.

The sense of power and oppression reflected in it was unique to Kevin's existence.

Outside the office,

Theresa looked at the collapsed Fu Hua..

They couldn’t help but say:"It’s so beautiful......."

At least Teresa has never seen such a beautiful scene.

The beauty of Alicia and Mei is a little different from before.

The two of them are a kind of beauty that transcends human nature.

And Fu Hua is more like a beauty independent of the world of mortals.

The word immortal.

For the first time, Theresa felt so close to Fu Hua.

It was as if it was tailor-made for Fu Hua.

Theresa couldn't help but fantasize about what would happen if she entered 467 and suffered a man-made collapse.

Can you be as perfect as Fu Hua?......

Ji Zi:"I didn't expect that Fu Hua has such a powerful force."

"According to this strength, even Youlandel will not be Fu Hua's opponent, right?

Theresa shook her head:"If it were the current Hollander, she would indeed be no match.""

"But if it were Youlandel of Tianyuan people"

"That's another story.

Ji Zi said happily:"It seems that in the future, everyone will continue to become stronger."

Teresa corrected:"Others have become stronger, Fu Hua has just regained the power that was his own before.""

"There is still a difference between the two.

Ji Zi:"Hey, I really hope Fu Hua can find this powerful power soon.""

"This way we can hug our thighs with peace of mind"

"From now on, St. Freya Academy can sit back and relax.

Teresa glanced at Ji Zi with disgust:"It's just your ambition!""

Destiny Headquarters.

Hollander and Rita were also shocked when they saw it.

This power.

And this look!

No wonder he became the patron saint of China back then.

And Otto's eyes were full of curiosity, and he kept looking at Fu Hua man-made collapse


"This is simply the most perfect man-made collapse!"

"The characteristics of Honkaimon can no longer be seen on the body of Red Kite Sennin. The only characteristics are the manifestation of energy."

"I didn’t expect that someone in the pre-civilization era could achieve such a perfect man-made collapse!"

Pre-Civilization Era......

Padofelis was extremely excited:"Hua's Man-Bang is so handsome!"

"So perfect!"

"This is even more perfect than Kevin's."

Padofilis was more shocked by Hua's appearance.

Others were focused on Shenyin.

Su's eyes opened slightly and looked at Collapse Fu Hua's eyes:"Mei, it seems that the situation is not the same. Not that bad.

Alicia also said:"Hua's eyes are very clear, and there is no feeling of going crazy at all.""

Kevin:"Indeed, it's completely different from when I faced her before."

"At this time, Hua has his own sanity and thinking ability. Mebius narrowed his eyes:"Has the future Hua already escaped the control of Shenyin?""

Hua Ye said:"I seem to be able to feel that it is completely different from the previous experience of entering man-made collapse.

After careful observation, Mei finally gave a definite answer:"Hua has not been affected by Shenyin.""

"Could it be that in the future, Hua will find a way to remove Shenyin?"


What happens in the future.

No one knows, they can only guess.

The only thing I know is.

In the future, Hua will be able to control man-made collapse.

This is undoubtedly the best news.

The terrifying scene that I was worried about didn’t happen in the end.......

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