"I go!"

"What does this look like after transformation?"

"Kevin's outfit is a bit too arrogant."

Gui Naifen deserves to be the anchor who is at the forefront of surfing the Internet.

When he saw the appearance of the industry demon Kevin, he immediately gave the most pertinent evaluation.

And Su Shang, who was next to Gui Naifen, Karma Kevin felt something else on his body

"Xiao Guizi, Kevin is so powerful!"

"Stronger than many people I have met"

"Perhaps this is some form he reached after freeing his own power.

Gui Naifen:"Sushang, you mean the ability to transform.""

Su Shang nodded and said yes.

"It shouldn't be wrong"

"Maybe it has something to do with the fusion warrior mentioned by Qianjie before."

Gui Naifen looked at her live broadcast room:"Did you hear that, family members?"

"Although Kevin is very arrogant like this, he is also very powerful."

"Yunqijun’s personal certification is absolutely unmistakable"

"I just don’t know if Kiana and the others can defeat the powerful Kevin next time."

"I initiated a poll, and everyone put the side they thought would win on the public screen."

"Let’s ask Yun Qijun’s opinion"

"Su Shang, what do you think about our fight? Su

Chang ate the buns in one bite and responded:"I don't know, they are all better than me.""

"So I don't know who can win this battle."

At this point,

Su Shang is still very self-aware.

At the same time, in the general's mansion,

Jing Yuan is also very interested in duels.

Kevin is very strong.


Not as strong as him

"Yanqing, who do you think will win this battle?"

Yanqing shook his head in confusion:"Both sides are very powerful."

"So it’s hard for me to make a judgment"

"But Kevin’s behavior of strengthening his own strength through other means......"

Yanqing wanted to say bad.

But I can’t say what’s wrong with it.

For a swordsman like him.

True strength should come from oneself.

Not in this weird way.

To make yourself stronger.

Jing Yuan also understood what Yan Qing meant, but he didn't agree with Yan Qing's view.

He sighed helplessly.

Just like what was said before.

This kid is good at everything, but he's a little too straight.

"Unknown full picture, no comment"

"Maybe this is Kevin's own strength"

"Just wanting to bring it out requires a certain deformation process."

"The power systems in different worlds are different"

"Maybe in Kevin's day, that's how they gained their power. Yanqing 533 said thoughtfully:"

I understand, general.""

"So in the general's opinion, who will be the winner of this battle?

Jing Yuan said directly:" Kevin"

"Kevin will win"

"Although Kiana and the others are not weak in strength, compared with Kevin"

"There is still a big gap"


Yanqing asked impatiently:"But what, General."

Jingyuan sat up straight and his eyes became a little more serious.

"Even with the huge gap, I think this is a fight worth watching"

"Yanqing, you still have a long way to go"

"Watch it with me too."

Yan Qing was stunned.

Haven't I been watching this with you all the time?

If I hadn't been with you, old man,

I would have gone to sword practice now.

But since Jing Yuan said so,

Yan Qing bowed respectfully:"I understand. General."

Tevat Continent, Fontaine.

Funina stood up from her sofa.

Staring at the Karmic Demon Kevin in the light screen.

But she was not attracted by the arrogant man-made collapse of the Karmic Demon Kevin. Attracted.

Unlike other people who saw Kevin, they just found that Kevin was powerful.

Funina saw something else in Kevin.

"You are the same as me......"

"Carrying an extremely heavy future?" Funina seemed to be able to feel the same responsibility from Kevin.

"Kevin, you're in that world."

"What is it that you are carrying?"

Funina couldn't be sure.

She just felt the same feeling as herself in Kevin.

And what are the answers to these questions.

Funina knew that she would only know clearly if she continued to watch.

In the light screen,

Kevin After finishing talking about Fu Hua, he added:"But the Stigma Plan does not require these."

"So I don't mind using my own way to let her rest for a while."

This sentence also proves Mei's guess.

The execution of the Stigma Plan conflicts with the development of the current civilization era.

So it is also to fight against Honkai.

At this time, the Yusanjia and Kevin are on opposite sides.

The war is about to break out..

Then in the conversation between Kevin and Yu Sanjia, the audience also got a lot of information.

But this information is only useful to the audience of the collapsed world.

Among them, Otto benefited the most.

Stigmata The plan, the end, and Kevin's purpose.

Secrets were revealed one after another during the conversation between Kevin and the Yusan family.

Audiences who are watching the collapse of the world and the civilization era

(cbag) was shocked beyond measure.

But this is also a good thing for the entire destiny.

After all, he is one step closer to understanding the ultimate purpose and the future of collapse.

This means that Otto can make more arrangements.

Finally Kevin said:"Pay the price and defeat Honkai"

"This is a human issue"

"Of course, I'm human too, no doubt about that.——"

"That’s why I expect you to go above and beyond!"

Kevin's meaning is very simple.

Whether it is for the pre-civilization era, the current civilization era, or even the entire human race, the Stigma Plan is undoubtedly the worst plan.

So he hopes that Kiana and the others can find another way..

To truly transcend the end.

So that human civilization can escape from this endless cycle of reincarnation and move towards a more distant future.

With that said, the four of them all got into fighting postures.

Just as Kevin said just now.

He will not refuse anyone's Heavenly Sword.

The Heavenly Fire Saint is in Kevin's hand.

It has a more powerful form, the Heavenly Fire Tribulation.

Siegfried in front of the light curtain looks at the Heavenly Fire Saint in Kevin's hand.

There is an incomparable expression in his eyes. envy and surprise

"The Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment is a weapon inherited by the Kaslana family to this day."

"Later generations of tribesmen failed to exert its true power."

"It seems that only in the hands of ancestor Kevin can it burst out into a truly perfect form."

Cecilia beside her also nodded in agreement.

The Kaslana family, as knights of destiny, has made outstanding contributions in the fight against Honkai.

Almost every holder of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment.

They will all liberate the Skyfire Holy Inquisition in order to protect more people.

But without exception, they end up being killed by the backlash.

This is also the first time that Cecilia sees the posture of the Skyfire Holy Inquisition after its liberation.

No! It should be said is a stronger gesture

"Mr. Siegfried, the power contained in the Sky Fire Holy Judgment is full of destruction."

"promise me......"

"Never free that weapon." Cecilia is very clear about Siegfried's weight. After liberation, the sky fire will definitely not be controlled by Siegfried. Siegfried promised, but he also secretly made a decision in his heart. If there is any disaster in the future, Or the enemy will threaten the safety of his family. He will liberate the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment without hesitation. No one can persuade this. In his opinion, the liberation and unsheathing of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment is just for this moment. And exists. Thinking of this, Siegfried sighed helplessly:"Ancestor Kevin passed down the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment.


"There is no inheritance relative to how to use it. Cecilia thought for a while:"Could it be simply because the Kaslana people later compared themselves to Kevin."" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Much weaker."

Siegfried was speechless for a moment.

It seemed that......

This explanation is more reasonable.

And in the light curtain screen[]

As Kevin took out the sky fire and destroyed it.

A more powerful aura also emerged.

The audience in front of the light screen.

Especially the viewers of the collapsing world.

After feeling this breath, their expressions changed.

Siegfried broke into a cold sweat:"This......"

"What's this?"

"I felt devastation and destruction!"

Cecilia's condition is a little better, but her face has also changed.


"No, more pure than Honkai Impact"

"It makes people's scalp numb even more."

You must know that Cecilia is the strongest S-class Valkyrie in this era.

But under this aura, she can't stand it anymore.

On the playground of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana and Mei are almost there At the same time.

After feeling Kevin's breath, the expressions on their faces instantlywhite.

Fu Hua and Bronya stepped forward immediately.

One person supported Kiana, and the other supported Mei.

Bronya said nervously:"Sister Meiyi, are you okay?"

Fu Hua observed carefully and frowned:"Kevin's aura just now shocked you?"

Bronya:" It shouldn't be right"

"Although that aura is so powerful that it makes people tremble"

"But were the reactions of Kiana and Sister Mei a little too intense?"

Kiana explained:"I don't know why, but I suddenly felt that at that moment"

"It feels like my heart has been pinched hard"

"Feeling a little out of breath."

Mei nodded:"Me too, Kiana, are you okay?"

Even in this state.

Mei Yi's first concern was Kiana.

Bronya immediately asked the heavy-armed rabbit to check their bodies.

Fu Hua looked at the two in silence.

As if he had guessed something.

"Both Kiana and Mei have the core of the Herrscher"

"It seems that the aura that Kevin just exuded should be the power related to the end."

"The Herrscher's power comes from the end"

"That's why the two of them had such a violent reaction. Fu

Hua looked at Kevin in the light screen:"Kevin, are you the Herrscher of the End in this civilization era?""

In the light screen screen,

Kiana, the Herrscher of Xingyan, also immediately felt this power.

Her brows also wrinkled:"This breath, it is......"

Kevin replied:"Yes, this is the final power!"

"In comparison, we are no different from the grass and trees on the ground"

"It knows no joy or sorrow, and is tireless"

"Just to reincarnate all things and reshape civilization!"

"It is like death that everyone must face, hanging high above the head of civilization"

"He didn't even bother to laugh at us."

Kevin's tone seemed to be full of despair.

The power of finality was like a god in the sky.

Audiences from the pre-civilization era were also stunned when they heard that Kevin was using the power of finality.


May explained:"Kevin is not the Herrscher of the End of the next civilization."

"In the Stigma Project, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the Stigma Project"

"Kevin will steal part of the Final Power"

"The aura we felt just now that didn't belong to Kevin was the part of the end that was stolen. There was cold sweat on Sakura's forehead:"

It's just a part, but it's already so powerful.""

"Then what if we have to deal with the complete Herrscher of the End in the future?"

"What kind of scene is it like?"

Everyone was silent.

They continued to look at the light screen screen.

This question does not need to be discussed.

Everyone has the answer in their hearts. They just don't want to say it.

In the light screen screen,

Kiana squeezed the Xinyan sword in her hand, and the three of them rushed forward quickly. Come out.

Attack Kevin in three directions.

Kevin fights one against three, not losing at all.

There is even a tendency to suppress.

Suddenly, thunder, fire, and lasers flashed in the square.

Kiana and the three of them exhausted With all her strength.

But Kevin was still able to do it with ease.

When Kiana took advantage of Bronya and Mei to hold Kevin, the Xinyan sword in her hand suddenly burst out with a strong light.

It was not inferior to the calamity that destroyed everyone in Kevin's hand.


"Draw your sword!"

"Fierce fire, slaying without end!"

The huge flame slash struck Kevin.

Bronya and Mei, with their tacit understanding, immediately retreated when Kiana made this strike.

As a result, they just retreated away.

The two could not retreat. Move.

Mei Yi looked at her feet, and she didn’t know when her feet were stuck by ice.

And this piece of solid ice was still growing and spreading.

Mei Yi was frozen all of a sudden.

Bronya on the other side was the same. Situation.

Bronya:"This is Kevin's power as a fusion warrior, the ability of the emperor-level Honkaiju Vishnu to control ice and snow."

Mei Yi said nervously:"These ice cubes must be broken immediately."

"Kiana alone will not be Kevin's opponent."

At this time, Flame Slash has arrived in front of Kevin. The audience has an impression of this move. Previously, it was a powerful move that directly smashed the Herrscher of Domination. But in front of Kevin, it suddenly became worthless. As soon as he mentioned it, Kevin just swung the Jie Destruction in his hand hard. The huge slash was cut off by Kevin. The powerful aftermath also blew Kiana away. Kiana, who fell back to the ground, received and Mei Yi and Bronya received the same reception. He was instantly bound by the ice. The battlefield was instantly quiet. Kevin Buwan said:"It seems that the Herrscher's determination is no more than this." Kiana's body began to burst into flames

"It's not...over yet!"

"The flame will not cool down!"

"it will only……"

"Fire up again!"

In an instant, Kiana broke through the ice.

The thunder exploded on Mei Yi's body, and all the ice blocks that controlled her were shattered.

And Bronya also melted the ice under the high temperature adjusted by the heavy rabbit. Ronya:"I used the Star of Eden to restrict Kevin’s movements"

"Sister Mei, Kiana, you seize the opportunity."

A blue ball appeared in Bronya's hand.

The surrounding gravity was immediately amplified.

Kevin's body was immediately suppressed.

Mei and Kiana immediately rushed forward.

One left, one right. One sword and one sword..

Thunder and fire.

Two powerful forces. Even if the industry demon Kevin is attacked by such a head-on attack, he will not be easy.

However, at this time, Kevin did speak lightly:"It's too slow.……"

There was even a hint of disappointment in his tone.

Then Kevin swung the sword in his hand.

Directly breaking through the suppression of the Star of Eden.

It also directly blew away the two people who were rushing towards him.

The three of them immediately flew behind them.

Hit the wall hard.

Just one move!

Kevin made the three of them lose the ability to fight in an instant.

The Star of Eden in Bronya's hand even rolled to Kevin's feet.

The battle ended so quickly... that the audience in front of the screen.

Haven't even reacted yet.

The battle is over...

Kevin once again proved to everyone how powerful he is……


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