Honkai Impact: Knight Simulation, Meet Alicia

Chapter 174: Fu Hua: Miss You, Wangyue

Mochizuki looked at Graciu's body that now appeared in front of him.

Graciu's small figure looks even more petite compared to Mochizuki.

"You said...my figure already appeared on the canvas before you saw the drama [Kamen Rider Mochizuki]...?"


Although I feel shy and don’t want to admit it, this is indeed the truth.

Graciu nodded her little head vigorously, and at the same time was still afraid that Mochizuki wouldn't believe it, and then said:

"If you don't believe it, you can come to my house and take a look. I have put up all the paintings about you..."

"Hmph! Little trick! Don't think that I don't know that your purpose in saying this is to trick Mochizuki into coming to your home!"

Because Kiana had used this trick before, she originally invited Mochizuki to her home on the pretext that she wanted Wang Yu to help her with her homework!

So now, Kiana took it for granted that Gratius in front of her had the same idea, but what she didn't expect was that after hearing Kiana's words, Gratio obviously realized the ambiguity in what she just said.

When "Nine Eighty", that is, Grexiu bowed slightly in the direction of Mochizuki in front of him, because what he just said did seem to have other meanings in it.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I, I didn't think of these things."

"I am just telling you about some of my previous experiences related to you. I have no other intention."


Looking at the panic-stricken Graceu who was carefully apologizing, Mochizuki showed a faint smile on her face:

"I trust you."


The highlight in Graciu's eyes was also confusing. Mochizuki even felt for a moment that the place where Graciu appeared in front of him was exactly on the boundless grassland in the painting on the wall!

And Graciu didn't expect that his sentence, which originally sounded absolutely ridiculous, would be accepted so easily by Mochizuki.

It was also because of this that Graciu seemed to realize that Mochizuki was not an overbearing and unreasonable person, so she raised her head again and took another look at Mochizuki.

The gentle smile on Mochizuki's face and the pure face left a deep impression in Graciu's mind. Now, Graciu seems to feel that if she can draw the man in front of her, That would be an absolute killer!

However, even if it is drawn, Gratitude will not make this painting public, but will just keep it silently. After all, he has painted so many pictures about the moon before, and Gratitude has never shown any of them to the public. Any one!


Mochizuki nodded again, but Graciu squeaked and hid behind Alicia, but her eyes were still secretly looking at Mochizuki next to her from time to time.

Obviously, the simple Gracie seems to feel some changes in her emotions now, and she has never felt such a feeling before.


Graciu didn't even know how to call such an inexplicable emotion, but simply sealed it deep in her heart.

"Okay, Gracie, do you have anything else to do next?"

Gracie shook her head, then stood on tiptoes and patted Alicia's shoulder to signal her to lower her body.

Alicia also understood and lowered her body, and then, Graciu said in a milky voice next to Alicia's ear:

"Next...let me take you to visit the art museum together!"

Alicia smiled knowingly and immediately repeated Gratio's words like a big colander:

"Ah~ Gratitude, you are so kind, you actually want to take us to this art exhibition~ That's really great!"


Graciu's cheeks turned red. He looked at Alicia in front of him and then at Mochizuki, who was smiling at the side. After all, he still couldn't say one more word, and then he walked directly to the front and started leading the way!

Obviously, when Gracie was stabbed in the back by Alicia, she really wanted to complain. Normally, those few lines of complaining would just come out of her mouth.

But now...

Because Mochizuki was around, Graciu subconsciously wanted to leave a good impression on Mochizuki's face paint.

As for why she was extra cautious in front of Mochizuki, Gracie didn't know. Let's just call it meeting a stranger syndrome!

However, Alicia is not in a very good mood now, because Mochizuki seemed to have just kissed Mebius in the morning. Although Alicia has no conclusive evidence, this matter The possibility has reached 99%, it can be said to be a certainty!

And, now,

He had just led Mochizuki to the art exhibition and in front of Gratitude. Gretius immediately showed interest in Mochizuki.

Also, since we parted ways at St. Freya Resort last time, Eden has been asking Alicia about Mochizuki’s current situation, and he has been asking Alicia to do it when she meets me that month. Remember to take a picture of Eden.

Now it seems that Alicia is surrounded by enemies and love rivals!

Although Alicia is confident that Mochizuki definitely belongs to her, but having to deal with so many underestimated enemies at once, even Alicia seems a little overwhelmed!

"Really...little Mochizuki~can't you stop being so charming?"

Alicia looked at the back of Mochizuki, who was now walking in front of her, and whispered, then she chased after him again.

This time!

Alicia no longer carried emotions, but quickened her pace a little. When she was about to catch up with Wang Yue, she very skillfully put her hand between Wang Yue's arm and body and pulled it up.

"Little Wangyue~"

And Mochizuki did not refuse. Under the current situation, if he refused Alicia's request to hold hands, it would make things more troublesome...

"What's wrong?"


Alicia's eyes flashed with disappointment for a second:

"Maybe...I miss you a little."

"What are you talking about? Aren't I by your side?"

But Alicia shook her head:

"That's not what I'm talking about, you know!"

Next, Mochizuki, Alicia and Kiana successfully visited the entire exhibition under the leadership of Graciu.

Under Gratiu's introduction with professional knowledge, everyone had a different understanding of the paintings on the wall. Although there is no explanation or analysis for a piece of art, But Gratitude can still make a guess about what the painting wants to express through the style, the painter's previous experience and the content presented in the current painting.

Strange to say,

This little girl who didn't dare to talk at first actually talked endlessly when introducing the paintings to everyone. She was not shy at all, as if she was completely immersed in his world!

But now, the art exhibition this afternoon has come to an end.

It’s time for everyone to part ways!

"Wangyue...Brother, see you then~!"

Graciu shook her little palm and said goodbye to Mochizuki.

"Well, see you next time!"

"Next time...will there be a next time?"

"Of course."

Graciu's quiet character is very popular with Mochizuki, and Graciu naturally doesn't need to say more.

"Wangyue...are you coming to my house today? Mother Cecilia misses you so much!"


Although Mochizuki misses Cecilia very much, when he thinks of the last time he went to Kiana's house, when he was constantly molested by Cecilia's mother, Mochizuki feels like he's getting headaches!

"No...no, next time it will be 4.4."

"All right."

Alicia did not speak, because she knew that it was still too early for herself and Mochizuki.

And Alicia also knew that even if she invited her now, Mochizuki would not agree. Therefore, rather than ending in embarrassment, it would be easier not to ask at all.

So, everyone waved goodbye to each other, and Wangyue set foot on the road home alone.


That is at this point in time!

Wangyue's mobile phone received a message from Fu Hua:

【I miss you. 】

It was obviously just four simple words, but it seemed that Wang Yue saw the expression on Fu Hua's face through the mobile phone screen, and now Wang Yong also had a smile on his face:

"It seems like it's already a secret that I haven't seen Fu Hua... Well, let's go and meet him.

Then, Wang Yue sent a message to Padofelis's account that she would not go home tonight and took a taxi. The destination was Fu Hua's apartment building!

[Okay, I'll come over now. 】

【Waiting for you in vain. 】

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