Honkai Impact: Knight Simulation, Meet Alicia

Chapter 204: For The Power Of The Herrscher

[But it’s okay, maybe looking at the entire series, there are not many people who can compare with Brother Otto...]

[Indeed, this feeling of being completely led by the nose is really uncomfortable. I sympathize with Wangyue for a second. 】

[In fact, it’s not just a strategy. I feel that Bishop Otto’s strength is not that weak. After all, even the vice-captain of the Immortal Blade cannot detect his whereabouts...

I really love this sense of mystery. 】

【It’s getting more and more interesting, it feels like watching a witty drama.DE

【Hurry, hurry, hurry up for the next episode! 】

[I feel very good now, so hurry up and bring up the new updated content!] "Zero Eight Three"

As the plot continues to advance, the "gear of fate" slowly begins to turn...

Return to the plot scene of episode 12 of the drama [Kamen Rider Mochizuki]

Since being transferred to Laboratory 42 of the Imperial Research Institute with Tesla, Mochizuki has also noticed some subtle changes in Tesla.

The girl who was always lively and optimistic no longer had the same positive spirit as before. Ever since she came to this new place, she always looked absent-minded.

Several times Mochizuki went to look for her secretly, and every time he would see the girl there in a daze. It's really new, I can actually see Tesla like this in the experiment

Not only that, the dark circles at the corners of his eyes are getting heavier and heavier. Sometimes you can still see the dried tears on the cheeks.

However, every time when Mochizuki asked her what happened, she always forced a smile and waved her hands to Mochizuki, saying, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just too tired."

How did the boy know that the night before they set off from the Tianming Headquarters to Laboratory 42 of the Imperial Research Institute?

Bishop Otto once again secretly met with Tesla

"As I said before, this is your fate. It cannot be changed."

"If Mochizuki knew that you were involved in this plan, do you think she would believe your words? Human beings are such contradictory creatures.

"So, our secret...if you want Wang Yong to ignore you for the rest of his life. You can keep it and tell him what happened in the past few days."

It can only be said that he can sit in the position of Bishop of Destiny. Otto's method of controlling people's hearts is really sophisticated.

With just a few words, Tesla finally chose to hide the matter. Not only does the girl want to cherish the friendship between her companions, but also for her own position in Mochizuki's mind

Once a girl falls in love with someone, the emotion is really heavy.

Carrying these secrets, under extreme uneasiness and panic. Tesla finally meets Mochizuki again

Later, during his time in the research laboratory, Tesla gradually became autistic. Every day I keep condemning myself in my heart, feeling so ashamed!

She felt that everything was her responsibility. She cannot escape the blame for letting Wang Yue fall into this quagmire!

In the days that followed, Wangyue felt more and more that everything around her was very strange.

Whether it's Tesla's abnormal performance or the letters he sent here from his pen pal "The Clown" as always.

"Is this all too much of a coincidence? Am I part of someone's conspiracy?"

With his keen senses, the young man could not help but begin to doubt everything in front of him.

Finally, without comment. On the way to training, Mochizuki saw the postman delivering the letter and after looking around, he went straight to the aircraft heading for Tianming's headquarters.

"How could it be? Could it be..." An ominous premonition suddenly came to mind, and Wangyue ran back to the room.

I dug out a recent letter from the past few days, put it to my nose and smelled it...

"This familiar smell... Could it be that the so-called clown is Bishop Otto? Why did he take such pains to get close to me..."

The fragrance coming from the letter was exactly the same as the smell on Otto's body that day. He didn't expect that the close friend he finally found came with a plan against him.

Without stopping to think, Wangyue followed this clue and gradually sorted it out.

Otto did not hesitate to use the pseudonym "Joker" to get close to him, Tesla's strange reaction, and his sudden transfer to this research institute...

I'm afraid all this is for the "power of the Herrscher" in him...

Thinking of this, Wangyue couldn't help but shudder. Is such a careful calculation for this in the end?

It's really ironic. He didn't die at the scene of the "First Collapse", but he was almost plotted and murdered by fellow human beings... Sure enough, the most dangerous thing is the human heart.

"It's really dangerous... In this case, we must leave here 2.0 as soon as possible... We must get out before the next bad situation comes."

Thinking of this, Mochizuki hurriedly ran out of the room. Go straight to Tesla's laboratory

Never let your partner fall into their hands!

"Oh? It seems that our little 'chess piece' has begun to doubt... He is so sharp! It doesn't matter, the data he wants has been obtained, and there is no use for him.

At Tianming Headquarters, Bishop Otto immediately saw the abnormality in Mochizuki through the monitoring screen. After taking a look at the various analytical data placed on the table,

The man smiled lightly and immediately turned off the monitor screen.

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