Honkai Impact: Knight Simulation, Meet Alicia

Chapter 243: Meiyi: Can You Stay With Me?

"I really don't know what this guy is thinking... It's a rare romantic opportunity to ask me to play such a piece of music."

Looking at the purple-haired girl in front of him, the singing boy suddenly started to murmur in his heart.

He has seen many such scenes in this restaurant, but the difference is that

The man usually orders some romantic songs about love, and after finishing playing. While the woman is still immersed in emotion, let’s make another smooth confession.

Not surprisingly, the success rate is also surprisingly high. Usually they will be caught on the spot and win a wave of girls' hearts.

But just today, Mochizuki's "753" operation could be said to have given him a real beating.

The purple-haired girl in front of her was no worse than any other woman the singer had ever seen, on the contrary. Judging from this temperament and appearance,

If it were him, this must be an object that he must make up his mind to win steadily at any cost.

But the young man in front of him didn't think so. On the contrary, he was asked to play some light music at will

It seemed like it was done deliberately just to alleviate the embarrassment.

"Mei Yi, what do you think is good? This style of music suits my taste very well." Listening to the melodious guitar sound and the brisk accompaniment of the little brother

This feels really good, giving people a very pleasing feeling...

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two people had relaxed a lot, Mochizuki, who felt relieved, breathed a sigh of relief and said to Mei Yi.

"Well, as long as you like it. I also like this song very much." Mei Yi smiled slightly and responded softly.

Looking at this scene, the little brother's inner emotional changes instantly surged into waves of "turbulent waves".

"Oh my God! Brother, do you think this is the right thing to say in this atmosphere? And this song, pick me some romantic love songs! What a waste of such a perfect date."

For a moment, the little brother complained secretly in his heart, and then his eyes became more and more sharp as he stared at Wangyue.

It's really just like that saying, drought will kill you and flood will kill you...

After a while, all the songs had been played, and the singing boy also came after the performance.

After bowing deeply to the two of them, he gave Mochizuki a fierce look and left.

"Have you eaten already, Mei? How do you feel about this dinner?" Mochizuki seemed to be baptized by the eyes of the younger brother who said "I hate iron but cannot become steel"

At this moment, he just wants to leave this place quickly to avoid being stared at by more people.

After taking out a napkin and wiping her mouth, Mochizuki asked Mei how she felt.

"A perfect dinner, the taste and environment are both impeccable. And the guy who plays the guitar. The style of music is also very suitable to my taste. Thank you Wangyue.

After pondering for a while, Mei Yi summarized her experience and answered.

It's a pity that in the end, I still couldn't find out what Mochizuki's true thoughts were, especially what kind of emotions he had towards himself...

"That's good, I'll pay the bill first. You can think about where you want to go next. I'll accompany you."

Consider it a simple compensation to Mei Yi. After Mochizuki finished speaking, he called the maid who was standing by. Prepare to check out and leave to continue to the next stop.

"Really? Wangyue, thank you so much. Please let me think about it. …

Unable to restrain her inner joy, Yayi's face was filled with excitement. This is probably the first time that Mochizuki takes the initiative to say "accompany her"...

"Well, it's still early anyway. It'll be fine if you don't rush and think about it slowly."

I took the bill and it was as expected. The consumption of this meal, plus the previous singing expenses, was a huge sum that instantly made Mochizuki complain.

But looking at Mei Yi's excited look, after thinking about it, I think I spent my money wisely. It’s enough to give your companions such a wonderful experience!


Walking out of the hotel, in the dark night sky, the bright moon hung high in the dark sky very elegantly.

Under the cold moonlight, Mei Yi and Mochizuki slowly moved forward one after the other.

"How's it going? Have you decided where to go Ya Yi?" Mochizuki chose to be the first to break the silent atmosphere and proactively asked Ya Yi her final thoughts.

"Well... there are so many places I want to go with Mochizuki, and it's hard for me to make a decision at the moment. Allow me to think about it again?"

Turning around, the girl's originally delicate little face was now filled with worries. It could be seen that she wanted to go out somewhere better."

It's a bit hard for her to choose...

"Don't be in a hurry, just rest here for a while. Take your time and think about it, everything will be fine." Pointing to the bench on the side of the road, Mochizuki suggested.

Meiyi also nodded and agreed with Mochizuki's idea. After all, I couldn’t think of this for a while.

After sitting down, compared to Mei Yi's contemplation. Wangyue seemed a little restless.

As soon as he said this, he felt something was wrong. What I said was a bit too spring...

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