[But in the end, you gave up this 'method' for nothing else, because this 'method' is gambling, and if you win the bet, you are finished.] [

So you still decide not to gamble. [

There is really no way to gamble on the right path, and you will take this road again. 】


[One thousand one thousand and twenty-five days.]

"Ling Tian, you are a trash, you know?"

"I really don't know why Ellie looks for you every day, you are just a waste with physical problems, and it is difficult to even walk two steps."

Looking at the other children in the orphanage who mocked him in front of him, Ling Tian was not angry, but wanted to laugh.

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm a waste right now, but I have Ellie, what about you? Ha ha...... Ahem! "

The cause of this matter is because they are jealous that Ellie comes to Ling Tian every day.

And after Ling Tian understood this, he directly mocked them with this.

"Huh? Our bodies are not as wasteful as you, and we have to cough when we walk two steps and say two words!

"Ellie spends the most time with me."

"Ling Tian, you only have one friend, not as many as ours!"

"I'm good enough to have Alicia, friend! I don't force this, as long as it's good for me. The

two children in front of him were almost angry with Ling Tian's words.

Repeating a sentence over and over again, the point is that they have no way to refute it.

The relationship between Alicia and Ling Tian is really good.

"Can you stop saying that Ellie has a good relationship with you? We all know that you and Ellie have a good relationship. Seeing

that the other party admitted, Ling Tian nodded with a smile.

As he nodded, he coughed again.

"Ahem...! I'm not going to talk about this, do you have anything else to say about me? Keep talking! Ling

Tian said to them with a smile while coughing.

But Ling Tian's face was sickly pale at this time, and he was still smiling.

This frightened the two children opposite him and fled here.

Looking at them walking away, Ling Tian sighed slightly.

"How did you run? I was going to continue playing with you, but it's a pity! Pity! "

When I turned around, I was ready to leave.

But as soon as he turned back, Ling Tian saw Alicia.

Alicia looked at Ling Tian with a worried expression at this time.

"Ellie, why are you looking at me like that? Could it be that something happened? Ling

Tian just didn't understand why Alicia looked at him with worried eyes.

So he asked directly.

"They should sue you now, accuse you of bullying them, and after a while you will probably be criticized."

Alicia's words made Ling Tian very unimpressed.

"Accuse me of bullying them? How did I bully them? With this problematic body, it's not bad if they don't bully me, and I bully them, hehe! This is really... Ahem! Before

the words funny could be spoken, Ling Tian coughed again because of his emotion.

He really can't get used to this body now, there is really a problem.

I really don't know if the luck was drawn before the crossing, otherwise there would be no gold fingers after the crossing, and I also have a body with problems.

"Ah Tian, don't get emotional, drink your saliva first and then talk to me."

Taking the water cup handed over by Alicia, Ling Tian picked it up and began to drink it.

He was used to it, and he would put it off in the past.

But Alicia was looking at him angrily, so he could only drink.

After all, he also knew that Alicia was caring about herself.

After drinking half of the water in the teacup in his hand, Ling Tiancai continued to speak.

"Although my body is a bit wasted, my IQ is still fine, so Ellie, you don't have to care about me so seriously."

After Ling Tian finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something.

"I found the fairy tale book you borrowed me last time, and I'll return it to you now."

While speaking, Ling Tian took out a fairy tale book and exchanged it with Alicia.

When Alicia saw this fairy tale book, her eyes were full of joy.

Because this fairy tale book is her most important thing.

"Ellie, when are you going to look for that flawless paradise?"

After hesitating for a moment, Alicia still smiled and said, "Maybe I'll go in a few months, can it be that Ah Tian will also go with me?"

"Well, if I'm okay, then I'm definitely willing."

Ling Tian did not directly promise Alicia, but said very vaguely.

One is to not dismiss Alicia's interest, after all, she has always wanted to find a flawless paradise.

The other aspect is to leave room for himself, lest he promise Alicia something when the time comes, he can't do it, then Alicia will be very disappointed.

Because of these two reasons, don't promise not to refuse, and leave room for yourself, so Ling Tian said very vaguely.

Alicia knew this, too, but she took it back and continued to ask.


[One thousand two hundred and sixty-three days.]

"Ellie, what are you calling me here for?" It's midnight, and if the Dean knows that you and I don't sleep so late, he's going to criticize us.

Under the starry sky, looking at Alicia who pulled him over, Ling Tian covered his chest, looked left and right, and said very vigilantly.

After a year of training himself, he was finally able to say a few words in full.

"Well, Ah Tian, this time I came to say goodbye to you, I want to go to other places in this world?"

"Why?" Ling Tian blurted out.

Then, he noticed his gaffe and quickly apologized to Alicia.

"Sorry, Ellie."

"It's okay, I know you care about me, but I really want to see the world, Ah Tian, can you come with me?"

Alicia's invitation, Ling Tian really wanted to agree.

But after hesitating for a while, he refused.

After all, he knows his own physical condition, not just as simple as the difference, but really bad to the extreme.

Feeling uncomfortable after walking a few steps, dizziness and coughing.

This simply could not go on a trip with Alicia.

"Well, okay."

Seeing that Ling Tian refused his invitation, Alicia was slightly disappointed.

But she also understood that Ling Tian's physical condition was very bad, so she did not continue to invite.

After sitting on the grass, Ling Tian suddenly remembered something and asked Alicia.

"Ellie, do you say that there is a possibility that I can change my body, or that I can cure this defect in my body by some means?"

Alicia looked at Ling Tian in surprise.

To be honest, she has lived here in Vostok-51 for so long and has never heard of these methods.

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