Looking at Ling Tian in front of her, Alicia felt the urge to scold Ling Tian.

When you're done, you actually ask me.

And if Ling Tian knew that Alicia wanted to scold him, in order to show his own difference, he had to say two whole sentences: Quickly scold me, quickly scold!

[After that, you very cleverly appeased Alicia. 【

While you and Alicia are chatting happily, the world begins to break out all kinds of collapse events. [

And you are just looking for some small troubles with the fire moths, and you have not torn your face with them.] [

Because you also understand that if you dare to tear your face, their group of old dens will dare to kill you directly.] [

What's more, this is not in your interests, so while looking for trouble, you also send things to the group of old dengs.] [

Although those old dens refused on the surface, they secretly accepted what you sent. [

Without him, you send too much money, so much that they can't refuse. [

So they don't care about your little actions, and they also send soldiers from the Fire Moth to help you deal with the collapse on the European side.]

The reason they are like this is because you don't have the slightest threat to them.

[And they have a series of weapons such as the Collapse Fission Bomb in their hands, and you don't have any weapons.] [

You also know this, so you don't dare to tear your face with that group of old dengs.]

[And they sent people to deal with the collapse on the European side, and you also increased your gift giving. 】

【Anyway, how much to give to that group of old dengs now, you can take it back twice in the future, so there is no loss.】 [

While you are giving gifts with those old dengs, you are trying to deal with your physical problems. [

But they all failed.] [

Although they all failed, you also came up with something.] [

For example, you have a certain amount of Avalanche adaptability.] 【

After getting this result, you are really relieved.】 】

【The whole world is now prone to collapse events, if you are not careful, you have no adaptability and resistance to collapse events. [

Then you can directly say goodbye to the world.] [

You don't want to die until your goal is accomplished. 】


[Three years later.

"Well, the waste in terms of genes has not yet borne fruit, I really don't know what I use so much money for them a year."

Ling Tian looked at the experimental report in his hand, and he scolded in a low voice.

"Then I can only learn Otto to use it for body replacement, but the most embarrassing thing so far is that there is no soul steel, and without soul steel, it can't be made at all."

At the mention of soul steel, Ling Tian felt a headache.

At this time period, he didn't know where to do with his fake identity.

So of course, there is no such thing as soul steel.

Otherwise, with the fact that he paid a large amount of protection fees to the group of old Dengs of the Fire Moth in a year, he would have already obtained the method of making soul steel.

"I don't want to, the Void Law should be coming soon, according to the original plot, Alicia should go to fight her."

"Although I have changed so much, fate will correct itself, so there is a high probability that Alicia will go on a crusade against the Void Law."

"Although this is not much for me, there is one thing that has something to do with me, such as meeting the group of old dens who chased the fire moths."

Speaking of the group of old dens who chased the fire moth, Ling Tian was just angry.

Ask him for things all day long, ask for money today, ask for land tomorrow, and ask for money the day after tomorrow.

And he asked for more at one time than once, so much that although Ling Tian's body was not good, he wanted to fight with that group of old dengs.

The more he thought about Ling Tian, the more angry he became, which reminded him of something he was not particularly happy about before.

Originally, he was going to start an Alician Cult, but Alicia said that this was not good.

Then he had to cancel the name.

Of course, he did not tear down the church because there was a large Alicia figure inside.

While thinking about it, Ling Tian's phone rang.

"Mr. Ling Tian, have you made a decision, when will you come to chase the fire moth?"

Hearing this voice, Ling Tian's face was full of disgust, but he still pretended to be very gentle and said, "My health is not very good, so everything on my side is handled by my subordinates."

"But there are some things they can't handle these days, so I can only deal with it, so please forgive me!" I'll go when I'm done.

On the other end of the phone, an old man said with a smile: "Good to say, good to say, then you can deal with it slowly, don't worry, old man, I am waiting for you to come in the fire moth." Hanging

up the phone, Ling Tian directly began to scold.

"Lao Deng, when I change my body, the first one to do it is you, and let me not be in a hurry, of course not in a hurry, give you so much money every month, of course don't be in a hurry!"

Through the series of words Ling Tian said, it was obvious that Ling Tian was very emotional now.

But excitement is also normal, and protection fees must be paid every month, which changes who is not excited.


[When you were clamoring in your office to get rid of the group of old dens of the fire moths.] [

The second collapse has come. [

The Fire Moth reacted very quickly, and soon sent soldiers to Siberia to organize a retreat.

They were in the conference room discussing how to divide the interests.

[After you learned of this situation, you had already thought about how to make a profit, and you also sent your people to do it. [

After letting them go, you, as a handshaker, went directly to the Fire Moth. 】


"It's a real young man! Mr. Ling Tian. Facing

the praise of the middle-aged man opposite, Ling Tian replied with a smile: "I'm sure I'm young, after all, I'm only fifteen." Ling

Tian's words directly silenced the middle-aged man on the other side.

He also knew Ling Tian's age, including how Ling Tian made his fortune and a series of other things.

But what made him most strange was how Ling Tian had achieved this point through a few thousand yuan in the first place.

This is simply not in line with what he has always known.

After all, Ling Tian was not a fool, and even if he asked Ling Tian, he would not answer him.

As for how Ling Tian managed to achieve this point with a few thousand yuan, it was very simple.

Put on a black robe, dig something in the field, and sell it at a very low price.

Then through the money from the sale, find someone to be a puppet on the open side, and he Ling Tian will command in the back, isn't this done!

Quite simply, I was almost caught and sent in several times while digging.

If he hadn't prepared a way to retreat at that time, he would still be in it now.

"Mr. Ling Tian, those are waiting for you."

Following this middle-aged man, Ling Tian acted uncaring.

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