Now he wasn't going to do anything more.

After all, according to the world's own development, his purpose must be naturally realized.

Halfway through the concert, an accident happened.

Countless broken beasts and dead soldiers appeared in the dome.

Seeing these things, Ling Tian understood that he should leave.

But at this moment, a dead man flew a scythe and slashed at Alicia on the side.

And at this time, Alicia just looked down on the ground to pick up her own hairpin.

At this moment, Ling Tian's pupils shrank sharply, and then subconsciously used this body to block this attack for Alicia.

When Alicia heard the sound, she immediately looked up and saw Ling Tian, who had turned into the words Ling Hetian.


Closing the Thousand Realms beside him, Ling Tian supported his head with both hands: "This is the end, I 'died' for Ellie to block the next fatal attack, and then she must have fallen into deep self-blame and remorse."

"If by the time my plan succeeds, how much she blames herself now, how much she will hate me by then, what a headache!"

"The feeling of death is also quite uncomfortable, and now I feel a little pain in my body just thinking about it."

Ling Tian muttered to himself, and then a hint of pride appeared on his smiling cheeks.

"But anyway, my game is completely arranged, and now as long as I find what I want in the other worlds of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, my plan can be thoroughly implemented."

He is still very proud of his own plan.

Everything in this world develops under his control.

This is true of the moth of fire, and so is the collapse.

Although he does not have the ability to control Honkai, he has the ability to control everything in this world except Honkai.

For example, the technology of this world.

Technology is studied by people, and people need money to study science and technology, he Ling Tian has not much else, but money can be said to be innumerable.

Now the whole world's printing work is already in his hands, so as long as he wants he can print money without limit, money is not equal to innumerable.

Getting up, walking to a specific chessboard not far away, Ling Tian directly took the chess piece representing the Law of Flame.

"Huh! A lawyer with a trace of human nature is just a joke after all!

"I've seen it before, just like Himeko, but what's the point?"

After taking out an extremely special chess piece, Ling Tian continued with a smile: "There is no point in it, I can even use myself as a chess piece, do you think you still have meaning in yourself?" Hahaha! Looking

at this special chessboard with a smile, Ling Tian casually threw the chess piece representing himself onto the chessboard, turned around and left directly.

And this piece landed impartially in a purple corner of the board.


[A fire burned in Australia for seven days, and on the seventh day, Kevin successfully fused Pavanti's genes and became a fusion warrior. [

To become a fusion warrior, the first thing Kevin did was to go to Australia to fight the Law of Flame. [

After some fighting, the Law of Flame died. 【

After the death of the Law of Flame, the Fire Moth is holding a funeral, a funeral about you.] 【

You who know this news feel very amazing and want to go to your own funeral.】 [

But unfortunately, there is no time, you observed a special world not long ago, and you did not go to participate. 【

When you use the Thousand Worlds to find what you want, the development of the outside world is exactly the same as your idea.】 【

Sakura goes to Dusk Street to investigate the defectors of the Fire Moth, and by chance discovers the Aponia Orphanage. 【

When cleaning up all the people infected with Avalanche, she encountered a thousand calamities, and then she started to move. [

And after you know the news, you directly arrange for the Fire Moth to invite Aponia.

[Aponia, as if he had known for a long time, agreed to your invitation. [

At the same time, you have also created a small collapse in Europe, the most central place you control, so that Sue can take this opportunity to join the Fire Moth. [

After this, the Law of Knowledge descends, and Hua conducts fusion warrior experiments and divine sounds at the same time. [

After the death of the Law of Knowledge, you begin to accelerate the collapse even further.] [

Soon after, with your continuous investment, Velvi researched the Moonlight Throne, so the Law of Rock came. 】

【When the Rock Law Died, he directly took Mu Continent with him.

【After the death of the Rock Lawyer, you know that you should gradually appear.】 】


Europe, looking up at the huge statue of Alicia in the church, Ling Tian's head did not look back and said: "Thousand people and domination, why do you like me to call you?"

"It's all right, Mr. Ling Tian." A man in a suit said very respectfully to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian, on the other hand, turned his head directly, and he said without some joking: "I'll still call you a thousand people, after all, dominating you is not worthy."

The expression on the face of the man in the suit did not change at all: "Just like it, I don't care." Hearing

this, Ling Tian's eyes had a trace of coldness, but he concealed it well, and the man in front of him did not see it.

"Say, what purpose are you looking for me."

"I want to ask Mr. Ling Tian... Die!

The man said, a crazy look suddenly appeared on his face, a pistol suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he quickly pressed the trigger, and a bullet shot towards Ling Tian.

Ling Tian not only did not dodge, but took a few steps forward.

"That's nice to be similar to the authority of the Law of Reason, but why do you think a pistol can kill me?"

The bullet hit Ling Tian's body, and he didn't even wear through his clothes.

At this moment, the man in the suit was already dumbfounded.

"This is impossible, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by Ling Tian.

"Before you were legalized, you followed me for five years! How can I not even understand this little thing.

"Isn't all the information in my office deliberately out there for outsiders to see, and you?" If you actually believe in those things, could it be that your IQ has become lower after becoming a lawyer?

Before the other party could reply, Ling Tian came directly to him, and then easily took out his Law Core Core.

Looking at the core of the lawyer in his hand, Ling Tian smiled with interest: "For the sake of you providing me with so much fun today, I will tell you a secret."

"The reason why you know that I will appear in this church today is that I revealed it~

" "How is it?" Isn't it very pleasant and unexpected. After

the death of the Thousand Man Lawyer in front of him, Ling Tian put away the Thousand Man Lawyer Core in his hand.

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