So she didn't believe anything.

Ling Tian also knew this, and he was a little embarrassed.

He dared to assure his personality, even his Alicia figures, that what he had just said was all true.

He was really giving Alicia a hint, and he was talking about the authority he now had.

But helplessly, he usually deceives too much, and Alicia directly does not believe what he says, which is very embarrassing.

But he didn't regret what he had done before, because he had done it subjectively.

From leaving Vostok-51, to stealing the fruits of the Fire Moth in the first collapse, to killing the old Fire Moth, and then secretly controlling everything in this world.

These are all subjective things he did, after all, he is a traverser, and he is not the original indigenous of this world.

So these are things that cannot be washed and cannot be washed off.

Although he Ling Tian was usually extremely hypocritical, since these washing could not be washed off, then why not just admit it?

He Ling Tian is selfish and evil.

"I was just being amorous just now, Ellie, since you don't accept my reminder, forget it, and don't ask me more, because you don't believe what I say now."

Saying this, a moment of pain appeared on Ling Tian's originally smiling face.

But the pain quickly disappeared, and Alicia didn't notice it at all.

Seeing Alicia raise the flying flowers of the past, the smile on Ling Tian's face stopped abruptly.

"Remember what I said earlier? I am God, God with authority. The

right hand gently slid in the air, and the flying flower in Alicia's hand flew directly towards Ling Tian, and then fell in Ling Tian's right hand.

"Look, this is my authority over spirituality, isn't it?"

Smile asked Alicia. Ling Tian looked down at the bow and arrow in his hand.

After playing carefully for a short while, Ling Tian stretched out his right hand and returned the flying flowers from the past to Alicia.

Alicia saw that Ling Tian returned the flying flowers of the past life, she was incredulous, but she still took the flying flowers of the past life.

"Although I am a god now, I still believe in you, which is quite incredible to say, one god believes in another god, hahaha."

When Ling Tian smiled, he suddenly remembered an incident from before, and said: "To tell you a funny story, in the world before I came to this world, there was also your existence Alicia, but it was a two-dimensional paper person."

"And I'm very fond of you, like you to the point of obsession, I can even say that I like Alicia the most, Aimen!"

Alicia put down the flying flower in her hand, she was now not determined to continue with the Houling Tian attack.

Because she couldn't beat Ling Tian at all, she didn't have to strain her pneumatic hands.

She was now looking for trouble with Ling Tian, but Ling Tian was still joking with him.

Although looking at Ling Tian like this, there was no joke, after all, that emotion could not be fake.

But shouldn't it be serious on such occasions? Why is he so... Follow one's heart.

Ling Tian was very excited at this time, saying his previous thoughts in front of Alicia, which was a very exciting excitement.

Translated into human language, it is fun, and it is not ordinary fun, it is a very special fun.

As for shame, that kind of thing has long been gone.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have done so much.

"Since you are not ready to do something to me, then I will tell you about my experience over the years."

Ling Tian walked to the center of the church and looked at the huge statue of Alicia and said.

"After you left, I also left, and I went to the Mu Continent, where I made my fortune."

"I won't go into detail about my family history, because it was made by walking on the edge of the law and through a series of means such as deception."

When it came to the word deception, Ling Tian just wanted to laugh, but he still didn't laugh after all.

"After I made my fortune, it was the first time it collapsed, and at that time, I began to steal the profits of the fire moth."

"Then in order not to be troubled, I was extremely hypocritical to make friends with those who were already hypocritical, and then we successfully became interest friends."

"I gave them benefits, they didn't bother me, and now I think about it only thinks I was ridiculous."

Turning his head to Alicia, Ling Tian took the tea in his hand and took a sip, and his eyes became fierce at this time.

"At that time, I was not satisfied with just controlling Europe, I began to extend my hand to the whole world, and began to slowly control the world."

"And those old dens were not satisfied with the benefits I gave, and then asked me vigorously, and then you can understand what happened, I killed them all, and at the same time, in order to get rid of suspicion, I almost abandoned my original body."

Words that are said with a smile, but the words that are said make people feel extremely cold.

Because the series of words that Ling Tian was saying now was not at all like what a normal person could say.

Not satisfied with controlling Europe, Ling Tian extended his hand to the entire world and began to slowly control the world.

Those high-level Fire Moths asked Ling Tian for benefits, and Ling Tian directly let them all be killed.

And this is not the most ruthless, the most ruthless thing is that he will kill himself.

Even if it was just a body, even if he had other bodies, it was his own body after all, and how ruthless this heart would be to do this.

"On this chessboard, everything in this world is my pawn, even if I am a chess player, I am a pawn, and you are not Ellie."

"Remember when you were in an orphanage? You don't allow those people to bully me, and I'm now rewarding you with everything you wanted before.

When he said this, a trace of madness appeared in Ling Tian's expression.

"Ellie, although you are a lawyer, I prefer to call you a human being, or a human lawyer, even an origin lawyer, so you don't want to be the thirteenth lawyer, okay?"

Originally, Ling Tian was yelling hysterically, but in the back he was begging Alicia.

When Alicia was puzzled, Ling Tian directly collapsed to the ground.

"The Twelfth Law just died, and Sakura's sister died at the hands of the Fire Moth soldiers."

At this moment, Ling Tian's eyes revealed despair.

He knew something the moment Bell died, something enough to make him feel hopeless.

Otherwise, his expression would not have changed, let alone collapsed to the ground like this, and his eyes would not reveal despair.

After Alicia listened, her first thought was that the fire thirteen Yingji was going to be chaotic.

When she remembered what Ling Tian had just said to him.

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