[It's actually that all these things you promise are fake.] [

After all, although you have never lied, you rarely talk about credit.

As for if they do come to you and ask for the things you promised, you don't mind letting them go to heaven to see God.

Dominating the theater, Ling Tian squinted his eyes, showing great comfort.

The fun he takes on will affect the world.

"As a lawyer, I am truly the president of the human kingdom, this is really unprecedented!"

"Shall I promulgate after I come to power, what law will be promulgated that the broken beast has the right to beasts, and the dead have the dead man?"

Talking to himself, Ling Tian was really excited now.

Watching others act or something, he doesn't want to watch it anymore.

So now he really decided to go straight to the stage in front of the whole world and then perform in front of the audience.

Although the show he performs is very unreasonable, he just likes it, so it doesn't matter if you like it or not!

"After dealing with this matter, I secretly went to the promised land of the world snake, and it was really strange that she actually sent me a message to let me go there."

Speaking of this, Ling Tian was puzzled for a while.

The last time the Honkai God took the initiative to send him a message, it was to let him go to Siberia to help Celine.

This time he was asked to go to the promised land again, and although he couldn't understand why, he decided to go anyway.

After all, Honkai God is still his boss, and the boss actually spoke, and he still has to complete this as an employee.

Although after going there, he probably did not do practical work again and continued to fish in troubled waters.

If there are teammates, then continue to sell teammates.

And then if not, then he must ensure his own safety.

When in danger, turn around and run, and never delay there.

For more than ten years, he has not paid salaries, nor has he given any overtime pay, just like that, why should he learn from Celine to play with his life!

In case it is gone, there is no regret medicine.

Therefore, cherish life, you must follow the heart from the heart, surrender when you should surrender, and definitely do not delay for one more second, otherwise it is just this second, that may really be gone.

This truth was summed up by Ling Tian as a lawyer for seventeen years.

Although the truth is simple, until now, only he has understood it.

Those who do not understand these truths, such as Celine the Law of Emptiness, have been dead for sixteen years now.

[When you are very comfortable in the domination theater.] [

The whole world outside the domination theater directly turned upside down, because after you came to power, you directly shook out all the things about Honkai. [

And he was elected president of North America as a lawyer of dominance very high-profile.]

[And you have promised those living in North America that as long as you accept your rule, the collapse will not come to North America.] Of

course, of course you will continue to be untrustworthy in this kind of thing.

[After all, you can't control the collapse, and where He comes, you can't know at all, after all, He won't tell you.] [

But after all, there are still some people who are not very smart and believe your nonsense. [

When this happened, the Mandate of Heaven did not move much, and the World Serpent directly did not care about this matter on the surface. 【

When you were fermenting in this matter, you didn't come forward to say anything. [

You just want to have fun, and you don't really want to be president.] [

Besides, you also know that if you really dare to do this, then Kevin will probably come to a heavenly fire and cut you. [

Taking advantage of this time, you directly launched an invitation to Kiana and Raiden Bud to dominate the theater. 【

At this point in time, you can no longer hide anything.】 】

【You are now a multi-core lawyer, and you still have disease gems in your hand that have not been absorbed, and your strength is now comparable to Celine, or even above Celine, so you don't have to continue to scruple.] 】

【Anyway, now the advantage is yours, and it's still a tailwind, what else is it?】 No need to be meticulous, go straight to hardness. In

the dominating theater, on the stage, Ling Tian looked at the other discipliners who had formed a group to beat him, and he did not panic.

After saluting the lawyers, he smiled and said, "Oops! There are so many guests today, which really makes the domination theater in the lower theater shine!

"And I'm here for the first time, so there's nothing to entertain guests, so just invite them to have fun with my dolls!"

After finishing his speech, Ling Tian greeted the puppet that had already been prepared.

As well as the divine machine of destiny, the mecha of reverse entropy and the world snake, the collapse beast death on the imaginary side, and the quantum shadow on the quantum side.

These things are his real family background, although they are not of much use now.

Therefore, Ling Tian decided to let them perform the last show for themselves to be happy.

The scene was immediately chaotic.

"Miss Hill... Yes! No, it's Miss Xi'er, the first time we met, I Ling Tian said hello to you.

When he spoke, Ling Tian deliberately referred to Xi'er as Hill.

After Xi'er listened, her eyes suddenly changed from blue to red.

"I'm going to kill you! You actually dare to call Xi'er Hill, you are dead! "

Holding a huge blood-colored scythe, 'Xi'er' is angry.

She hates being called Ciel the most!

After seeing that 'Xi'er' was angry with himself, the sigh in Ling Tian's eyes did not decrease, but increased.

He finally arranged this scene, and directly exposed the location of the dominating theater, in order to make himself feel happy.

And the easiest way to make yourself feel happy is to make others feel pain, so as to make yourself happy.

According to the law of conservation of energy, the smile on someone's face does not disappear, but transfers to the next person's face.

Now, that's what he does.

"Miss Hill! Miss Hill! How about my name as Miss Hill? Can you kill me, or can you do that? "

After listening to 'Xi'er', he directly flew the scythe in his hand like everything around him.

Then he swung towards Ling Tian.

Looking at the blood-colored scythe that was getting closer and closer to him, the banter on Ling Tian's face did not disappear, but instead stood in place and looked at 'Xi'er'.

"Die!" 'Xi'er' said, ready to swing the scythe down.

But she didn't succeed this time.

"I heard that Miss 'Xi'er' has a very unusual relationship with Miss Xi'er, and it turns out that this is indeed the case."

"Then I also heard that Miss Xi'er has Miss Xi'er's sleeping face album in her hand, could it be that this is also true?"

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