This simply cannot deal with the Law of the Wind.

"I'm going back to Dusk Street next, are you going to come with me?" "

You're not begging..."

Before she could say anything, Velvi reacted.

Immediately, she shook her head and refused: "Forget it, I have something to do with Mebius now."

"Okay, I'll go first."

After finishing his words, Ling Tiantou left without looking back.

[As you can imagine, the Fire Moth did not look for you this time, but ordered Kevin to go on a crusade against the Wind Lawyer. 【

You are a little unhappy about this.】 [

But not unhappy, you still didn't lose your temper directly. [

You are already accustomed to the behavior of those high-level people who chase the fire moth. [

The Lawyer did not come, cut the funds of Mebius and Vilvie.] [

The lawyer descends, from the original condescending, to whispering to beg them, and then raise all the funds back.]

[And in this case, those high-ranking people are still grabbing some interests, and they will not hesitate to send people to assassinate other parliamentarians. [

This talent for infighting is really home. [

It is precisely because you know this situation that you choose to ignore this matter directly. [

Anyway, if Kevin fails, they will come to you.] 【

At that time, you will solve the Law of Wind.】 [

As for how many more people will die in this way, then you don't know.] [

Anyway, even if you know, there is nothing you can do.] [

If you go to the battlefield now to fight the Wind Lawyer, the Fire Moth may take advantage of the time when you kill the Wind Lawyer and kill you too.] [

After all, who told you to be disobedient.] [

Whoever disobeys them will kill whom, this kind of thing those high-level can really do.] 】


Soon after, Dusk Street.

"Brother Ling Tian, what kind of lawyer are you not going to fight against this time, what are you doing back to Dusk Street?" Facing

Pado's doubts, Ling Tian smiled slightly.

"No task, no going.

"Oh, then I still don't understand.

"If you don't understand, forget it, it's a nuisance to understand this kind of thing." Ling

Tian wanted to continue to be a riddler, so Pardo didn't continue to ask.

Just as Ling Tian said, if she really understood this kind of thing.

Then her comfortable life will change.

So I still don't ask, I will naturally understand when I should understand.

"Last time the price on my wanted warrant was only 600,000, and this time I am trying to get it to 1 million.

"Brother Ling Tian, this is really something you can do.

Pado's praise made Ling Tian very satisfied.

I had been dealing with the hypocritical high-level of the Fire Moth all day long, and although they also praised themselves, it was nothing more than false praise.

But Pado, this is really impressive.

Raising the price of your wanted is something that a normal person would not do.

But that's what he did.

"Let's go, first go to the biggest gang on Dusk Street to buy goods, and send some money to every household with the money from the purchase and sale!

"Okay, Brother Ling Tian, I'll take you there." "

Follow Pado, Ling Tian will go to stock.


Meanwhile, in the Mebius lab.

"Those old immortals actually want me to submit the results of the research in the past few days, otherwise they will continue to cut funds!

"Mebius sat very angrily on the sofa and complained loudly to Vilvi on the side.

Mebius, aren't you the elder of the Fire Moth, or are you going to complain at the meeting?"

If she can complain at the meeting, then she still complains in front of Vilvie about what to do, there is nothing to do, she is idle!

"Mebius, what about Mei, isn't she with you today?"

As he spoke, Mebius almost gritted his teeth and his face was full of anger.

Vilvie sighed, what happened to her and Mebius was similar.

But one thing is different, she doesn't cut as much money as Mebius.

As for the reason, that's simple, she has a better reputation for Mebius.


Fourth Law has destroyed all of New Zealand and is destroying inhabited islands near New Zealand, and Kevin from the past of the Fire Moth has been seriously injured, and if it weren't for the timely rescue, he would be dead by now."

When Wilvi heard this tragic result, she was a little silent.

Most of the lawyers, in the past, were dealt with by Ling Tian, but now that Ling Tian has not gone, the fire moth is now the same as when he faced the law of the void, and there is no way.

That's all the last few years.

Mebius saw that Velvi was silent, and she laughed a little sarcastically.

"Those old immortal guys, who are now in a hurry to die at the meeting, are desperately calling Ling Tian, but without exception, they have not been connected.

"Vilvi, didn't Ling Tian end up with you, what is he doing now?" Vilvi

thought for a moment, and replied with some uncertainty: "It should be to buy goods at Dusk Street, right?

"It's really in line with what he can do." While

Mebius and Velvi were chatting happily, the high-ranking people of the Fire Moth were anxious to die.

They couldn't get through to Ling Tian's phone at all.

If this continues, their interests in Australia will be gone.

That's what they don't want to see.

So they directly asked the Fire Moth stationed in Dusk Street to find Ling Tian, and they must let Ling Tian hurry up to fight the lawyer and reduce their interests.

[And while those high-ranking people are anxiously looking for you, you are happily buying goods with Padot at this time.] [

Half an hour later, they found you in the warehouse of the Fire Moth.]

】【You were a little embarrassed when you were found, you were buying goods from the Fire Moth warehouse at this time, and then you were discovered by the main owner. 】

【Although you are usually a little faceless, you are still slightly embarrassed at this time. [

They didn't talk about you about it, after all, the matter of your purchase, the high-level of the fire moth knows]

[But they shouldn't have seen it, anyway, the value is not particularly high, so you can take it as you like.

[After finding you, they asked you on behalf of the high-ranking people to go against the Law of the Wind.] [

And after you blackmailed, you still went. [

As for why there is extortion again, it is because you are running out of money. [

Mebius and Vilvie's experiments, you have to invest a little money every month, so your money is used quickly. 】

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