[At least certainly not so early.] [

Recalling what the Law of Knowledge said to you, you think that you were still too light at that time, and you should have used some more cruel means. [

After all, it is only a spirit body, and it is also the spirit body of the person who knows the law, and you can't play dead in that space at all. 】

【What's more, you still have black abyss white flowers in your hands, which can be treated at any time.】 [

But now it's too late to say anything, the one who knows the law is dead.]

[And the moth of the fire chasing begins to deal with the whole world after dealing with the law of knowledge.] [

In the process, Mei suffered dozens of assassinations, and if Kevin hadn't followed Mei as a small henchman, Mei might have died.

[The fusion warrior experiment studied by Mebius began to be carried out on a large scale with the support of MEI.

[And Vilvi has made almost all the core of the lawyer in his hand into the key of the god, so as to enhance the strength of the fire moth. [

All this is going in a good direction. 】


In the meeting room of the Fire Moth, Ling Tian sat beside Wei Wei boredly.

"Vilvie, you said that Mei actually asked me to come to the conference room for a meeting, what does she mean by that?"

Ling Tian asked Vilvi next to him in a low voice, originally he wanted to ask Mebius.

But Mebius took another leave, so let Klein come.

And since Klein knew too little, he had to ask Vilvie.

"I don't know, after all, I also just came out of the spiral workshop, so I pulled her over for a meeting.

While chatting quietly with Wei Wei, Ling Tian's eyes kept falling in the conference room.

He could clearly feel that most of the people in the conference room were afraid.

But this is also normal, after all, none of them are afraid that he will wash the fire moth in blood again.

It just so happened that recently, Ling Tian saw that some of them were very upset and was ready to let them 'commit suicide'.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian wanted to laugh a little.

Although he held back, none of the people present were human spirits, so they all found out that Ling Tian wanted to laugh.

Mei looked at Ling Tian, who wanted to laugh, and she somewhat regretted letting Ling Tian come to the conference room for a meeting.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the meeting ended.

As soon as Ling Tian was about to leave, he was stopped by Mei.

"What's the matter with me? "

When you were in a coma for thirty-one hours when you knew the Law, what were you doing in that process?" Seeing

Mei ask himself this, Ling Tian suddenly became interested.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just that in the space of consciousness, the person who knows the law of knowledge was hung with a black abyss white flower for thirty-one hours.

Mei looked at Ling Tian for a while, and after realizing that he was not lying, she nodded.

"Recently, Mu Continent has been assembling a tool to deal with Honkai, so..."

Mei didn't finish speaking, but Ling Tian almost understood the meaning of Mei's words.

Mu Continent was assembling a tool to deal with Honkai, the Moonlight Throne.

The drawings of the Moonlight Throne and its efficacy had been seen by Sylvie before.

And the moonlight throne is still a proud work of Vilvie.

Mei was worried that he would be born because of the Moonlight Throne, an epoch-making product, so he let him go to Mu Continent to stay.

As for why it was him Ling Tian, and not someone else.

That's because he is the most idle in the entire Fire Moth, and the other fusion warriors have other tasks.

And the more crucial point is that he can be stronger than other fusion fighters in terms of combat power.

"Yes, yes, but Dr. Mei, this shouldn't be your whole purpose, right?"

asked Ling Tian with a nodding head thoughtfully.

Mei was stunned, and then whispered: "I received news that someone in Mu Continent is opposing the Fire Moth, so I want you to take a look."

"It's just my personal request, and it's okay if you refuse." Ling

Tian looked at Mei with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes, he had seen each other when Mei had just joined the Fire Moth.

At that time, MEI was still very simple, but now as the leader of the Fire Moth, MEI has really begun to exclude dissidents.

Although she is for the moth of fire, her reputation is completely finished.

After all, she really did the exclusion of dissidents.

"Okay, I accept.

After Ling Tian finished speaking, he turned around and left with a somewhat complicated expression.

The way Mei looks like this now still has a lot to do with him.

After cleaning up the Fire Moth, his next plan is for Mei to come to power and lead the Fire Moth against Collapse.

As it turned out, his plan went right.

[After this meeting, you came directly to the Mu Continent. 】

【After coming to Mu Continent, you don't know how to hang out all day, you are playing games, and you look like you have nothing to do. [

And two months after you came to the Mu Continent, the Moonlight Throne was completely assembled. [

At the same time, the Law of Rock came directly. Looking

at the quasi-black 㓊 not far away, Ling Tian said thoughtfully: "It seems that Mu Continent is going to be gone, then Mei's private request, I don't have to complete it." "

After all, all of them died immediately, so what am I going to find them for?" Speaking

thoughtfully, Ling Tian directly took out the Black Abyss White Flower.

After taking out the Black Abyss White Flower, Ling Tian began to get excited.

This was the first time he had used the Black Abyss White Flower.

Although he had used it once in consciousness space before, it was only a projection that this time, not this one in his hand, so it didn't count.

After gesturing at the Rock Lawyer twice, Ling Tian held up the Black Abyss White Flower and stabbed towards the Rock Lawyer in midair.

He was a little afraid that the Law of Rock would give him a black hole.

So don't say any nonsense, just kill the Law of Rock, and go back to find Vilvi early.

But when the black abyss white flower was about to stab the Rock Lawyer, it was avoided by the Rock Lawyer.

Seeing that she dodged, Ling Tian turned the black abyss white flower and smashed it towards the Rock Lawyer.

The Law of Rock didn't expect Ling Tian to actually smash her with a riding gun.

But she still quickly dodged.

After all, the main material for making the Black Abyss White Flower is soul steel, so if she is smashed, although she will not die immediately, she will almost lack arms and legs.

Ling Tian saw that the Law of Rock dodged again, and he was not discouraged, nor did he use the rated power of the God Key, so he took the Black Abyss White Flower to smash the Law of Rock.

Anyway, the quasi-black hole above the head has almost formed, and even if he kills the law of rock now, it will not disappear.


being smashed by Ling Tian with the Black Abyss White Flower a few times in succession, the Rock Law was obviously angry.

She is a lawyer, how can she be so embarrassed.

And when Ling Tian saw that the Law of Rock was angry, he immediately threw the black abyss white flower to the ground, and took it out with his backhand to cleanse the seven thunders.

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