The second chapter ends playing.

Coming soon – Chapter 3: The Poetry of the Wind.

The Valkyrie level exam came to an end, and everything was back on track.

According to the message from the hub of the 'Moonlight Throne', the Valkyries began a search mission for the four gems.

The first place to go is the Oceania branch in New Zealand.

There, longing gemstones await them.

Once an A-class Valkyrie of the Oceania Branch of Heavenly Destiny, an S-class Valkyrie seed, is expected to become the youngest S-class Valkyrie of Heavenly Destiny.

Fate infuses her legs with thirsty gems for life, resulting in a lifelong disability in her legs and loss of promotion.

What makes her desperate is that the Desire Gem is only stable in Wendy's body, and has never been used as a container to keep the Desire Gem.

From the genius who is most expected to become the youngest S-class Valkyrie in this era, he has been reduced to a nobody, and his name is not even worthy of being recorded in the archives.

After decades of house arrest by Destiny, Wendy inevitably resented it.

Teresa, who recommended herself to accept the gemstone, felt immense hatred for the destiny she once believed in.

When Team Kiana managed to find Wendy, she was alone in a wheelchair, hundreds of meters away from the base of the Oceania Branch.

There was no one by her side, and she looked very weak at this time.

After that, the trio who learned about Wendy's story from Himeko decided to help Wendy control the gem-hungry power in her body and let her live an ordinary life again.

Under Bronia's persuasion to lead by example, Wendy accepts the three and decides to return to St. Freya with them.

But at this time, Himeko suddenly detected a strong collapse energy reaction.

It is the power of Wendy's desire for gems in her body.

From the beginning of 1500HW, all the way to 2000HW, this concentration of collapse energy reaction is enough to match the real lawyer.

"2000HW?" Wendy muttered the number, and said with some expectation, "That should be able to destroy Hyperion in one shot, right?" "

Turquoise light continued to radiate from Wendy, and at the same time, the background behind them turned from a ruined manor to an endless sea of flowers.

"A bunch of hypocrites."

An almost distorted smile suddenly appeared on Wendy's face, and she waved her wind-colored wings built entirely of Honkai energy behind her and rose to the sky.

A voice full of thick reluctance and resentment came out of her mouth, and her hair color and pupil color changed to turquoise.

"I hate you..."

"Hate all of you..."

"I can't wait to kill all of you..."

Strong hatred was vented by the assassin, and Wendy sewed into the sky like a free bird.


[Xi'er]: "What a poor girl, Sister Bronia will definitely be able to save her." "

In the Quantum Sea, because of Bronia, Ciel and Wendy have empathy.

She didn't want Wendy to keep going like this.

I also hope that Sister Bronia can help Wendy live a normal life.

And Heixi, the idea is blunt enough.

She believes that Sister Bronia sympathizes with Wendy because, except for her hair color and pupil color, Wendy is exactly the same as Xi'er.

It was Sister Bronia who poured out her love for Ciel into Wendy.

No, Xi'er is the cutest in the world, so he won't become Wendy's kind of fierce lawyer.

[Bronia]: "Bronia will work hard, Bronia will definitely find a way to let Wendy live a normal life."

[Kiana]: "Hey, smelly little devil, how can you do it alone?" Take Miss Ben with one, Miss Ben is the strongest S-class Valkyrie of Destiny in the future. "

[Nha Yi]: "Take me one too, and together we will help Wendy live a normal life." "

[Teresa]: "Come on, I'll find a way to help you." "

Teresa spoke from the heart.

If it weren't for her introduction to Wendy, Wendy wouldn't be what she is now.

Although Wendy has always said that she does not blame her, Delisa has always apologized to Wendy, and if there is an opportunity to help her, Teresa will definitely not miss it.


"Miss Wendy, she... Flew away! Kiana looked at the green figure that disappeared into the sky, looking a little anxious.

"Now we must quickly report the intelligence to the headquarters and request that an S-class Valkyrie be sent to capture her."

For Himeko's words, Bronia immediately objected: "I don't think Wendy will hurt others. "

Himeko: "We can't take risks, her energy level is enough to match the Lawyer, and besides, there is a good chance that her personality has been eroded and distorted by Honkai." "

This is, Kiana took the initiative to take a step forward and walked to Bronia's side

"I also want to believe Wendy, when she was in Changkong City, Nha Yi was also controlled by Honkai, but in the end she defeated Honkai with her own will."

After the two girls made a statement, Bud Yi also followed, "Kiana is right, as long as we help her, Miss Wendy will definitely be able to recover her heart." "

At this moment, Himeko and her students have a disagreement about Wendy's treatment.

The communication fell silent for a while.

Finally, Himeko slowly spoke, "From the time my situation is reported to the headquarters, it will take at least thirty minutes to the arrival of the S-class Valkyrie. "

"Do you hear clearly?"

"If you want to do something, it's only 30 minutes."

After getting Himeko's permission, the three Kiana chased in the direction where Wendy flew away without the slightest hesitation.

But Wendy still refused to return to St. Freya with Kiana.

At the same time, the Destiny S-class Valkyrie and the troops of the Anti-Entropy had already rushed to Wendy's location.

The only purpose of both parties is to capture Wendy, the fourth lawyer.

Kiana and the girls are running out of time and must give up looking for Wendy and return to the battleship to strictly follow the orders of the Mandate of Heaven.

But at this moment, Teresa suddenly established a holographic communication with Kiana.

As you can see from the picture, Teresa is in a pretty good mood.


This is the end of the screen.

New problems arise.

[Ding, points mode, question 7: Why is Teresa so happy?] 】

[A: Bronia and Buddy have successfully found Wendy and brought Wendy back to the battleship. 】

[B: The S-class Valkyrie of Destiny first reversed entropy and captured Wendy. 】

[C: Teresa openly backstabbed the S-class Valkyrie who came to support Destiny and was quite satisfied with her actions. 】

[D: Teresa assisted the S-class Valkyrie who came to support Destiny and completely wiped out the anti-entropy mecha troops. 】

[Answer mode: preemptive answer.] 】

[Quota: Elite chat room (3 people), ordinary chat room (30 people)].

[Elite correct reward: points +1, random reward! ] 】

[Elite error punishment: points -1, random punishment! ] 】

[Normal correct rewards: +1 points, +10% chance of entering elite chat rooms, random rewards! ] 】

[Normal error penalty: points -1, chance of entering elite chat room -8%, random punishment! ] 】


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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