Ben me: "I recognize it when I turn to ashes, and you tell him so."

Superego: "Let's see what he wants, we can't attack people who don't have weapons."

Benme: "Huh? This person can conjure weapons at any time

Self: "Ask him why you're here."

Fu Hua slowly spoke under the three clapping boards, "Why did I appear here?" "

"Because I don't want you to die."

Otto felt a drama, instantly entered the state, and said it with a complicated and affectionate expression.

"We've known each other for a long time, old friend, I know you won't die if your brain hurts, but I don't want to wait more than twenty years."

"I shot you, so I brought you back and healed all your injuries.

[March 7]: "This guy can really pretend, if it weren't for my whole experience, I would really be deceived by him." "

[Fu Xuan]: "It's over, Lord Marshal is in danger." "

[Yu Kong]: "Don't say anything, no one will stop me and let me open the star to kill him." "

[Jing Yuan]: "This time you are allowed to run the red light, go on, control the sky, and decide that it is you." "

[Stop the cloud]: "Catch the shrimp household, I advise you not to make a mistake, otherwise..."

[Mu Yu]: ""Nine Five Seven" hit Otto first, give him a chance to speak, it will be very difficult, so, don't squeak in the sky, the creation is over!" "

[Teresa]: "Grandpa, you are so miserable, I advise you to be kind." "

[Otto]: "That.... The things in the picture are not necessarily true, and I don't admit that I have done anything like that. "

[Fu Hua]: "Huh. "

Fu Hua didn't want to speak.

It's all this time, and Ao still wants to deceive people.

This is really looking at the snowy eyes of the masses as a light bulb.

It's so shameless.

I really hope that my future self can be smart and not be fooled by his nonsense.

Superego: "How good this man is at whitewashing his evil."

Ego: "He's a viper, but..."

Ben me: "Nothing but he killed you, he attracted Honkai, and he harmed everyone in St. Freya, he has no guilt, not even a trace of remorse!"

"Okay, old friend, this is not the place to talk..."

For unknown reasons, Otto tries to take Fu Hua away and continue his plan to defraud him.

But what he didn't know was that the three mes in Fu Hua's mind had long been arguing into a pot of porridge.

Among them, the self is the most skyrocketing, the most direct, and wants to hammer Otto to death.

Ben Me: "Do you still dare to believe him?" He will not hesitate to betray you and think about it, how did he treat you at that time? "

He uses a golden gun and points it at your forehead from top to bottom.

Look at you with disdain, then pull the trigger.

Bang -

You... He's dead.

But he was still chattering, Red Kite Immortal... I'm not lying!

That memory made Fu Hua feel the anger and pain that had been lost for a long time.

The change in emotions made the self crazy.

Self: "That's it, that's the pain..... Let him taste what you have suffered."

Superego: "He is the most dangerous man on earth and must stop his evil plots, if he is not stopped, more people will die... There will be more tragedies. "

Himself: "He destroyed Kiana, your friend, he turned her into a monster, and he also took Cheng Lixue from you, didn't he?" He thought you forgot it all, but you didn't..... Now is the best chance, right? "

Superego: "Now you can think of it all, nothing can stop you, you can.... Re-complete. "

Self: "First you have to—"

Ben I: "Kill him"

Immediately afterwards, the three I did not argue, and Fu Hua also made his own choice.

Get up and punch Otto's soul steel face hard.

Make a pleasant crunching sound.

Punch after punch, simple repetitive movements, at this moment, become extremely beautiful.

The people of the Xianzhou Alliance and the Dr. Telegraph seemed to be immersed in the excitement.

Subconsciously waved his fist.

Yes, yes, that's it, a heinous wicked man like Otto should be crushed.

At this moment, the honest man Fu Hua also pursed his lips inadvertently.

Who says honest people should be bullied?

Honest people also have spring, is it good?

The picture continues, and after hammering Otto down, Fu Hua leaves the laboratory satisfied.

After that, the strongest S-class Valkyrie of Heavenly Destiny, Yu Lauderdale, came here.

Looking at Otto's corpse collapsed in the corner, he was a little dazed.

Lord Bishop, is he dead?

In a moment, a shrill alarm suddenly sounded at the Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Fu Hua wantonly vented the anger in his heart.

The building collapsed, and the various precision equipment of Heaven's Mandate was smashed into broken copper and iron by Fuhua.

The headquarters of the Heavenly Mandate Floating Island, which had been peaceful and quiet in the past, was once again in the midst of destruction that no one could organize.

As soon as the camera turned, the strongest S-class Valkyrie of Heaven's Destiny, Lauderdale, was shot to the ground in embarrassment.

After rolling several times in a row, the body stopped.

But at this time, a new crisis had appeared, and the ink-black figure struck again.


Fortunately, Lauderdale summoned a huge blue and white machine at the last moment to help him block the blow.

But in the next second, strange black feathers fell from the sky. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Like a ghost, he easily crossed the barrier and came to Lauderdale's side.

The red light appeared, and the blue and white machinery was disintegrated by the huge energy.

Lauderdale lost, quite crisply.

At this moment, the familiar figure appeared again, and Otto changed into a new soul steel body and looked at Fu Hua from a distance.

Glancing at the life support capsule that was completely destroyed by Fu Hua,

A flash of happiness flashed in Otto's heart.

It's good that all the soul steel bodies are not put in one place, otherwise .....

Fu Hua: "Good guy? You're not dead yet? "

Otto: "Wait..."

Fu Hua: "How?" Scared? "

"It must have been cool when you held a gun to my head, right?"

"Now, I want you to taste that too."

Fu Hua walked forward angrily, while Otto kept retreating.

Always keep a safe distance from Fuhua.

"You're not a bad person."

"Gee... Of course, I am not a bad person, I call this for the Tianxing Dao, for the world to fight for a clear blue sky! "

"So can we be reasonable?"

Without waiting for Fu Hua to answer, Otto's tentative words came out again, "I did kill you, this is my crime, just now you wanted to take revenge I did not resist..."

"So.... One life for another, and the grudge between us was cleared. "

Listen to Otto's shameless words.

Fu Hua had a black line on his head.

I'm honest, not stupid, you don't need to look at me like a fool!

"I have to kill you, until you can't resurrect the position."

Fu Hua said quite affirmatively, and kept approaching Otto.

But she was not in a hurry.

Always not only not only walking slowly.

The complicated look on Otto's face made her feel quite happy.

Therefore, she was not in a hurry to kill Otto, and slowly tortured him like a cat and mouse.

As for Otto, he kept receding backwards.

Fine beads of sweat appear on the forehead.

The person in front of him was not Fu Hua, at least, not the Fu Hua he knew before.

"Nope... It shouldn't be like this. "

"I killed you, you killed me, I resurrected you, you also gained a new life, didn't I help you heal your body and give you the chance to be reborn?"


Fu Hua's footsteps suddenly stopped.

His expression became subtle.

Seem... Otto is right, he saved himself, but instead of being grateful, he wanted to kill him.

So he is a good guy and himself that vexatious bastard?

No... That's not true.

Fu Hua began to waver, and his eyes flickered, as if the person who made the mistake was really himself.

After that, Otto relied on the attributes of his divine stick.

Pointing to the collapsed buildings, the precision instruments that turned into scrap copper and iron, and the injured Valkyries, a new round of flickering began.

Quietly, Otto has placed himself on the moral high ground.

Word by word, he accused Fu Hua of his crimes.

"They are all sacrificed for you, and these buildings were destroyed because of you..."

"It's impossible to get it back."

"And you are to blame for all this." 4.2

[Kafka]: "Isn't it? Fu Hua won't really be fooled by Otto, right? She wouldn't be that stupid, would she? "

[Silver Wolf]: "Probably not, after all, she was killed by Otto once." "

[Yu Kong]: "Report Fu Taibu, the situation has changed, please instruct." "

[Fu Xuan]: "..."

[Kiana]: "Fuhua squad leader? You wouldn't really be scammed, would you? He's..."

[Bronia]: "Stupid Kiana, do you think of the Fuhua squad leader as you?" Captain Fuhua was so smart, how could he be deceived by Bishop Otto? "

[Mu Yu]: "Bronia is right, the Fuhua squad leader will not be deceived by Otto, but what if, the Fuhua in the picture is not Fuhua?" "

[Fu Hua]: "Huh? "

[March 7]: "Huh? "

[Einstein]: "Huh? "

What the heck?

What is the Fuhua in the picture and not the Fuhua?

If it is not Fu Hua, who can she be?

No, it's really the marshal of the world next door, right?

Mu Yu's words caused some downtime for the CPU of everyone in the live broadcast room.

How big a Fu Hua, you actually said that it is not Fu Hua, this is possible, the lie is not so, right? .

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