[March 7]: "Something is wrong, this Li Suxiang is not right, obviously she just took the exam, why can't she remember the topic of the essay question?" "

[Star]: "It must have been taken away by dirt." "

[Pam]: "It was the one who knew the law that took Pam." "

[Li Suchang]: "Why do I know the answer?" I hadn't taken an exam, so that person wasn't me. "

[Yanqing]: "I don't believe it. "

[Sushang]: "Huh... Not who you will be? It can't always be me, right? I feel like I'm smarter than you! "

Star Dome World.

Looking at the deflated expression of the world next door, Su Xiang was overjoyed in her heart.

You have to ask her what she's happy about,

She couldn't say why.

It's happiness anyway.

Happy and it's over.

[Mu Yu]: "Su Xiang, are you very smart?" Smart has a fart use, come out to mix, talk about power, rely on the background, which road are you? Oh, it turned out to be Xiao Xiao San Oh! "


[Blue Sparrow]: "Hmph! What's wrong with my family's plain clothes? What is her background, say it and see? "

[Li Suchang]: "I am a supreme disciple, Li Suchang, please teach me." Well... The master ancestor is Fu Hua, doesn't the person who knows the law want to incorporate the Tai Void Mountain? Then she is also my background. "

[Su Xiang]: "Oh, big guy, originally born from the same root, fry each other...."

The video continues.

Li Suxiang's tone became resentful, like a little girl who couldn't eat sugar, pitifully accusing of some evil deeds.

"Exhausted early in the morning, I can only snooze."

"Gentlemen, call me..."

"Big pillow Li."


The air was filled with a jovial breath, of course, it was a merciless mockery of Li Da's pillow.

But illiterate, Li Da Pillow, who has big ambitions, will care about these?

Of course not.

She 627 has a unique beauty that has not been polluted by knowledge.

Reporter: "Next is mathematics and English, these two subjects, will it be difficult?" "

Li Suchang: "Every time I listen to foreigners speak, I mumble there, are we really speaking a language?" "


Reporter: "Reporter, then go home next to eat first, or..."

Without waiting for the reporter to finish speaking, the happy Li Big Pillow took the initiative to start answering, "Don't go home, go to the card hall, play cards." "

"Hey, hey... The strength of playing cards is impossible to practice without thinking. "

"Playing cards to this point, this girl is quite satisfied with herself."

"Eh, rest."

"In the future, this sentence will definitely appear in this girl's transfer and leave a name in history."

When the words fell, Li Suxiang squeezed out the pile of people with a puff of smoke.

Run towards the deck.

Only leave a cheerful back for everyone, living like a silly roe deer.

Big pillow jumping and jumping, quite free.

This concludes the screen.

For Li Suxiang's final decision, Qingque gave a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart.

Children can be taught.

Children can be taught, too.

As long as Li Suxiang can maintain this for a long time, then in the future, he can definitely be famous in history!

In this regard, Li Suxiang did not dare to agree.

Playing cards or something, how boring it is, it's better to go to the electronic music hall to play DJing.

As soon as the invincible ditty came out, she, Li Suxiang, was also the most beautiful boy in the crowd.

Come on, let's all swing!

[Silver Wolf]: "Shenzhou's compulsory education system is really worrying." "

[Black Tower]: "What?" Can schools be blamed for this? Didn't you listen to her? Her nickname Li Da Pillow was given by her husband? Understand? "

[Kafka]: "It's over, the top hacker is going to be angry." "

[Silver Wolf]: "Black Tower, are you raising a bar with me?" I'll tell you, you're done, and I'll hack your space station's network tonight to let you know what a top hacker is. "

[Black Tower]: "..... Oh, I'm so scared. Top hacker, you come with a ladder, the electric gate of the space station is very high, I am afraid of you ...."

[Silver Wolf]: "............%! *()! ())"

[Ding, the members of the live broadcast room were detected, the silver wolf spoke inappropriately, and he was banned for 30 minutes! ] ——The Internet is not a place outside the law, please don't feel crazy! 】

Top hackers, hi mention the silence card package, and the Black Tower wins the final victory.

Turn your attention to the issue of the live broadcast room.

The humanoid machine is provided by the gray snake, so nine times out of ten, the encrypted communication on the Hyperion is initiated by the gray snake.

The purpose is to complete memories that have not been completed before.

As for the previous plot, the gray snake was killed by the S-class Valkyrie Rita, it was a complete joke, and the gray snake did it on purpose.

Just like she left many dolls.

The gray snake must also have more than one body.

Life is short, machinery is eternal, come on, join this glorious evolution!

Belch... It seems to have snatched the line of the screw grunt, but it is not here either, it should be okay.

[Black Tower]: "I choose B, Gray Snake." "

[Ding, Black Tower answered incorrectly, random punishment in progress.....]

[Punishment: Gupa Gupa, I am the Black Tower, let's go around in circles! ] 】

[The penalty is mandatory for live broadcasting.] 】


How could this genius be wrong?

There must be something wrong with the Q&A live broadcast room!

The Black Tower of Genius Club members, made suggestions for a complete overhaul of the Q&A live broadcast room.

But... The Q&A live broadcast room will definitely not listen to her. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The entire figure of the Black Tower appears in the picture.

Then, Black Tower's face turned terrified, and his eyes widened.

She could sense that an inexplicable mighty force descended on her.

She tries to evade punishment by transferring her consciousness to other puppets, but she fails.

I saw that she slowly walked to the center of the picture.

Facing the camera, he bowed deeply, "Hello everyone, my name is Black Tower, please go around in circles with Black Tower." "

As soon as the words fell, the magical BGM suddenly sounded.

"The magic of love turns in circles, and you think of the night and day, but I am afraid that love is only for a moment."

"In the blink of an eye, I will not see me, I will take a slow adventure, the magic of love will turn in circles, sweet miss your smile is in front of you."

"But I'm afraid that love is only for a moment, and in a blink of an eye, I won't see how to overcome the danger."

"The feeling of electrocution has appeared all over the world, and I want you by my side all the time."

"The feeling of electrocution is a little dangerous, what way to love you will never transform."

With the blessing of the magical BGM, Lady Hita begins her favorite circle session.

Turn left, turn right.

Turn forward, turn backward.

Keep spinning, keep spinning, Eribati hi up, swing with the beat, and let the Black Tower circle with everyone!

"The magic of love turns in circles, and you think of the night and day, but I am afraid that love is only for a moment."

"In the blink of an eye, I will not see me, I will take a slow adventure, the magic of love will turn in circles, sweet miss your smile is in front of you."

"But I'm afraid that love is only for a moment, and in a blink of an eye, I won't see how to overcome the danger."

"The feeling of electrocution has appeared all over the world, and I want you by my side all the time." 、

The magical BGM continues, and the way Ms. Hita spins in circles at this time becomes more and more outrageous.

Newton's coffin board could not be suppressed.

In the picture, Ms. Heita's eyes are full of wisdom, and her expression is beautiful, which is the beauty of brain congestion.

She's still spinning in circles.

Keep spinning in circles.

She stands on the wall and spins in circles, she stands upside down and spins in circles, she hangs in the air and spins in circles ....

As time passed, the cheerful video finally came to an end.

And at the end of the video, the Black Tower, she is still spinning in circles .....

[Black Tower]: "That's not me, absolutely not, please don't go around in circles in front of me, otherwise..."

The front foot regains control of the body.

The back foot justifies itself in the live broadcast room.

She is a member of the Genius Club, she wants to save face, how can she be stupid enough to keep going in circles?

[March 7]: "Hahahaha... Laugh at me, Black Tower you are really cute. "

[Star]: "It's funny. "

[Pam]: "Gupa Gupa, I am the Black Tower, please come around in circles with me!" "

[Estelle]: "The screen has been recorded, and when I am sad, I will rely on it to adjust the atmosphere and overcome the mood!" "

[Black Tower]: "Esda,??? Are you playing with fire? Delete the video for me, delete it for me, you nasty fellow! "

[Yukong]: "Wipe, misstep, I already knew that I should have recorded the screen." "

[Kafka]: "Black Tower, Silver Wolf asked me to tell you, you are finished, she will now build a website for Black Tower to circle in circles, so that everyone can watch you go in circles." "

[Black Tower]: "....."


Silver Wolf?

I don't want face, right?

Can you stop doing things so desperately?

[Kafka]: "Black Tower, Silver Wolf said again, a black tower circle website is not enough, she has to build hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands..."

[Black Tower]: "....."

[Mu Yu]: "Shrimp pig heart, it's a hateful silver wolf!" "

Star Dome World.

The banned top hacker Silver Wolf had a rampant smile on his face, and his fingers kept beating on the keyboard.

Today, she, the silver wolf, is going to destroy the Black Tower!

The homepage of all websites in Star Dome World must be a social death video of the Black Tower circling.

The soundtrack is naturally the exclusive BGM of the Black Tower - the magic of love in circles.

As for the Black Tower, he had long given up hope, and his face was pale and weak.

Originally... Social death, really in an instant.

The Black Tower doll, it's also time to change to a new face, just change to the silver wolf's, and defeat the magic with magic.

Bronia: "....."

Black Tower, are you polite?

Why use the image of Bronia to die in society?


Reloaded Bunny, Fire!!!。

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