In the expectant gaze of everyone.

Bronia resolutely grasped the harmony of the Law of Reason.

The real test has finally arrived.

The world suddenly turned into pure darkness, and the scarlet tyrannical energy began to fight back against Bronia's broken body!

The situation is already dangerous to the extreme.

But at this time, the trial-level Collapse Beast Traloc appeared!

Bronia, who did not have much chance of victory, had even more hope after Traloc's arrival.

Roar -

A tyrannical low roar continued to come from Traloc's mouth, and it finally attacked Bronia.

It had a broken skeleton that wrapped around Bronia, and in the blink of an eye, the exoskeleton armor on the reloaded rabbit turned to pieces.

The collapse energy in the core of the lawyer is completely out of control and begins to erode the girl's figure.

"Can't move?"

Everyone: "....."


Why should a girl bear the unbearable weight of life?

It is clear that they have already resisted so many difficulties and dangers.

It's just one step away from success.

But.. Fate rejected her, and the lucky girl left her.

The success that is close at hand, but it is biased, it has never been able to be touched by her, and everything is in vain "zero zero".

[Xi'er]: "Sister Bronia, go back, just let Xi'er..."

[Bronia]: "Shut up, Bronia will definitely be able to." "

Bronia clenched her fists fiercely.

Even his body began to tremble slightly.

At this moment, Bronia prayed for herself in the picture over and over again in her heart.

Bronia, you, one can!

For Ciel!

For everyone!

And for yourself!

[Kiana]: "You stupid, hurry up and open your eyes, how can you fall here, stupid Bronia....."

Maybe in the eyes of others, she and Bronia fight every day, and the relationship is not very good.

But in fact, Kiana has regarded Bronia as a close person and an inseparable part of her life.

So, she was in a hurry, she was afraid that Bronia would fall there.

Even more afraid that Bronia will leave her.

[Bud Yi]: "Come on, Bronia, you can definitely do it!" "

Like Kiana, the palm of the cook's hand holding the spatula was soaking with sweat.

The heart hung high.

I'm afraid that Bronia really fell here!

Of course, not only Nha Yi and Kiana, but all the people in the live broadcast room secretly cheered for Bronia in their hearts.

She has experienced too many difficulties and dangers along the way.

You should also get a perfect result!

The video continues.

"Xi'er... Bronia may...."

The girl murmured unwillingly, and a bitter smile appeared on the girl's face with tears.

Countless memories flashed through the girl's mind.

Cocolia orphanage, St. Freya's Academy, Hyperion...

Rosalia, Lilia, Ciel...

Himeko, Mei, Teresa, and the stupid Kiana!

Their figures appeared one after another, and finally stayed together, quietly watching her and cheering for her!

But Bronia is so tired!

Immense exhaustion swept through her mind, and she would close her eyes.

The picture went dark.


Like a flood beast that chooses people to eat!

Her body keeps falling, falling, falling....

The consciousness became weaker and weaker, and even gave up the idea of struggling.

Until a flash of light suddenly appeared in the darkness.

It was a butterfly, a blue butterfly, brilliant and dazzling, floating lightly beside Bronia.

Slowly, Bronia opened her eyelids.

In my eyes, it was a blue-haired girl with a somewhat blurry face, but her smile was so real.


Bronia whispered the name.

And it seems to have infinite magic, re-injecting power into Bronia's broken body.

At this moment, the butterfly disappeared, and the core of the lawyer fell into Bronia's hands.

The star light fell, and the core of the lawyer entered Bronia's body.

In the next second, the picture was dark again, but before everyone could have any questions, thousands of azure butterflies suddenly appeared.

Lingering around Bronia, the azure butterfly representing the core of the lawyer is still dancing in the air.

Cut a graceful arc in the air and fly towards Bronia's heart.

The core of the lawyer was in place, and the reloaded rabbit suddenly ushered in a qualitative change.

Transform into a more terrifying, more threatening, and more windy cool mech!

Bronia, she, is back!

This time, she was not afraid, and she would not be defeated by Traloc.

At this moment, Bronia was really like a dancing butterfly, easily dodging all Traloc's attacks.

Roar -

Traloc went completely insane, his attacks were even more tyrannical, and the deep purple tyrannical collapse energy converged in his mouth.

It turned into a terrifying pillar of light and smashed towards Bronia.

Under this terrifying attack, space rippled, and time faintly stopped.

A blue barrier appears, enveloping Bronia in it, shielding her from Traloc's terrifying onslaught.


Reload Bunny: "All programs are unlocked. "

Bronia: "Rideon"

Reloaded Bunny: "Rideon" (read the violent novel, go to the Flyu Novel Network!) )

With those words, the reloaded rabbit was transformed and reconstructed again, turning into a cool blue locomotive.

Bronia entered safely, drove the car, soared into the sky like a shooting star, and kept shuttling around Traloc.

Its trajectory turned into countless blue ribbons, binding Traloc to death.

Countless keys to truth appeared above the high sky, converging into a blue ocean, and the countdown slowly sounded....


engine roar,

An orange red flag appears on the gauge

Didi Didi——

The beeping sound kept ringing, but Bronia didn't care.

Within range, the truth goes.

Now, it is the end of the judgment-level Collapsed Beast Traloc.

Traloc waved his arms in an attempt to block Bronia's path, but it was all in vain.

Bronia did not flinch and would not back down.

The engine roared -




"——— drink!"

After a whisper, Bronia's eyes brightened like never before, "Honkaiceitica1."

(Maximum speed reached)

The scarlet warning lit up, Bronia no longer hesitated, and the azure blue brilliance shot rapidly from the rear of the motorcycle into thousands of streamers.......

Countless memories flashed through her mind, and what she was pursuing seemed to be right in front of her -

Blue butterflies, bonfires, gifts, companionship!

This is what she longs for, she doesn't want to lose it again, she wants to protect this!


Keep accelerating

Hope and despair – birth together




A blue beam of light passes through Traloc's head!

—Che is coming to an end!

The color of six stars appeared in Bronia's eyes, standing high in the sky, and the thousands of keys to truth behind her opened fire at the same time, completely slamming Talaroc into powder!

Bronia retracted her gaze and looked into the distance, "Xi'er, Bronia is looking for you!" "

This is the end of the screen!

Everyone without exception was deeply attracted by Bronia's last lawyer form.

Without him.

It's so cool.

Beautiful girls, mecha, cool cars, all this combined, and Bronia became the real protagonist!

[Xi'er]: "Sister Bronia.... So handsome, Xi'er likes it so much, can Sister Bronia take Xi'er for a ride in the future? "

[Bronia]: "All said, believe Bronia, Bronia will not let everyone and Xi'er down!" "

The perfect ending at the end makes Duck Duck happy.

The ups and downs along the way finally got a perfect ending.

This in itself is a perfect thing, not to mention, the spicy car is spicy and cool, riding it with Xi'er for a ride, it must be cool and very windy, Xi'er will definitely like it!

[Kiana]: "That... Bronia, shall we discuss something? "

[Bronia]: "Bronia refuses, Bronia will never lend the car to the stupid Kiana!" "

[Kiana] 0.3: "Huh? Can Bronia read minds? I haven't said it yet, how do you know? Also, just lend me the car, just once, once! "

[Bronia]: "No, stupid Kiana doesn't have a driver's license and can't ride on the road." "

[Kiana]: "Then you don't have either!" "

[Bronia]: "......."


The loophole in Bronia's words was caught by Kiana.

And then was anti-generals of the first army.

She is also a minor, does not have a driver's license, and cannot drive a car on the road.

Therefore, Teressa, who is the head of the academy, should stand up!

[Teresa]: "Come on, let me keep the car, Bronia!" "

[Bronia]: "Bronia thinks that Dean Teresa is more dangerous to ride, and the legs are too ....."

[Teresa]: "....."

Bronia, you're playing with fire!

My Judas, already hungry and thirsty, come, Bronia receive divine punishment!

You, it's over!

Seeing that the development was somewhat dangerous, Mu Yuguo broke off the topic and avoided the topic.

[Mu Yu]: "That... Everyone said, if Bronia rode this car on the road, would Kevin still be able to stop her? "。

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