"If the food is delicious enough, maybe Kiana will really jump in..."

[Kiana]: "Huh? It turns out that Bud Yi raised me as a cat? That... Meow meow? "

[Himeko]: "...."

[Teresa]: ".... My stupid big niece! "

[Mu Yu]: "As long as there are red electric dragons, it is equivalent to the power of a hundred meows!" "

[Kiana]: "Such a familiar line, say, did you take Miss Ben's script?" Wait a minute... Is the red electric dragon a bud clothes? "

Kiana seemed to open the door to a new world, and her eyes shone brightly looking at the bud clothes on the side.

But what greeted her was a spatula of love.

"Kiana... Can you not label people indiscriminately? "

"But... No... It's Mu Bai...."


"Eh Don't hit buds, I was wrong ... It really hurts! "

Firefly hungry insects covered the little meow's head, full of resentment.

Damn it!

It is obviously Mu Baiqi's nickname!

But the injured, how is it Miss Ben?

This... It's not fair!

Isn't that fair!!

[Ding, correct answer D: Die together with Kiana and the Law of Emptiness, and completely strangle the disaster in the cradle. 】

Emerging next to it is Hua Xinsheng.

"If things really get out of hand, I have to make the worst choice..."

"Let the three of us... Fight like Kilkenny cats. "

"Forgive me, Kiana!"

The girl walked aimlessly, looking for a place to hide from everything.

But she understood that it was futile to do so, and no one could escape their past.

What happens before birth determines who we end up being and doing.

And this is the so-called fate!

The anger towards Fu Hua is nothing more than a vent of the powerlessness that has long been felt about her fate.

Because the girl knows very well what is lurking in her body.

At the age of twelve, she woke up for the first time and caused great damage...

Since then, the girl has been on the run, always pretending that she does not exist.

The girl did not dare to stay anywhere for too long, nor did she dare to get too close to anyone, and the girl was afraid that everything would repeat itself.

Until she meets Nha Yi, Bronia, Teresa, and...

The Valkyrie Himeko who taught her the last lesson.

These encounters made her feel the warmth of home and the idea of wanting to stay.

However, this is just a naïve idea.

No matter where the girl flees, no matter how she struggles, in the end, the road under her feet still leads to the same end....

Unconsciously, the fine glow of neon lights flashed in front of her eyes, and the noisy human voices and the aroma of food disturbed her thoughts.

The girl trembled like a frightened little animal.

She realizes that she can't stay here, she has to avoid the crowds.....

However, this warm night market is so familiar.

Like the streets that I and they have walked through for many days and nights.

In the end, the footsteps defyed the orders of the body and kept walking forward like moths chasing firelight.

Until a new memory came to mind, the girl fell to her knees with remorse.

It was a memory of Himeko.

Once that hot-blooded fool Kiana was captured by Teresa back to Saint Freya, it was Himeko who gave her the first lesson in school!

Unlike her two friends, her way of self stinks, "Miss Ben's name, I think you should have heard of it, right?" My name is Kiana Kaslana."

"Huh? Examination? "

"Hey, this aunt, a battle-hardened student like me should be directly incorporated into the Valkyrie Force without the test, right?"

But Himeko was not used to her at all, "First of all, you should call me Himeko-sensei." "

"Second, when I rescued you and Bud Yi from the ruins of Changkong City, you were still lying on a stretcher!"

"This... Is that what you call battle-hardened? "


Kiana scratched her head in embarrassment, but did not show the slightest repentance, "That... Just a momentary miss! "

"We, the Kaslana family, have always been burdened with the mission of fighting Honkai and protecting mankind!"

"You must know that since I was very young, I began to destroy the Honkai Beast with my father!"

The girl said with a proud face, but Himeko spoke, "Then you have to thank yourself for having a good father, she protects her daughter well." "

Zigfei: "....."

Himeko, I thank you.

It's not lip service, it's a sincere thank you.

After all these years, finally someone can pay attention to my hard work.

I, Siegfried, finally don't have to be in the back pot!

"Damn, I don't need anyone's protection!" Kiana huffed and refuted Himeko's words, and taunted, "Eh... But ordinary people like Aunt Himeko, of course, can't understand a combat genius like our Kaslana family~ That's also a matter of no way. "

Nha Yi: "Kiana, you are so rude to Aunt Himeko like this!" "

Bronia: "No way, stupid Kiana is a big fool!" "

Himeko: "Combat genius? Then, let me, an ordinary person, learn how powerful this genius of yours is! "

[Stop the clouds]: "Engong, Kiana... Has she always been so brave? "

[Yukong]: "What a big boldness! "

[Mu Yu]: "You give Kiana a mouth, she can single out the whole world, five-star general Mike Ashu once said, if God asks me to ask Kiana, I'd rather kill God!" "

[March 7]: "However, it is very spiritual! "

[Star]: "Very spirited? This... Shouldn't it be a thorn? "

[Pam]: "The thorns are all beaten Pam!" "

[Kiana]: "Hmph... Miss Ben didn't lie, Miss Ben is a combat genius, but Aunt Himeko is stronger and hotter than me, is it just a loss? "

[Himeko]: "Just lose it?" "

[Bai Lu]: "Some people are dead, but the mouth is still hard!" "

[Bud Yi]: "...."

Without suspense, in front of this ordinary person, the girl lost. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Without any fancy movements, without wasting a trace of strength, the giant sword simply swung and chopped, accurately judging her every foothold, and pursuing mercilessly.

This is the strength that belongs to ordinary people, and it is tempered after a thousand times, ten thousand sword swing training... Unremarkably powerful.

When he reacted, the big sword was already on the girl's neck.

The female instructor lowered her head and looked directly into the girl's eyes - remember, this is the first lesson I taught you.

In the days that followed, Himeko took the trouble to tell the girl many things.

During a certain after-school training, Himeko, who drank too much, talked a lot with Kiana, from her future planning, to her thoughts about her father and teacher, and finally Himeko asked Kiana a very important question——

Those girls who should have a good future become Valkyries because they protect humanity and fight against collapse, and lose everything they should have.

Is it really worth it for such a thing?

In this regard, Kiana showed her hot-blooded and stupid side, "Hmm... I don't know if I know or not. "

"But there are some things that someone has to do."

"Just like the smelly dad told me, the people of the Kaslana family, when they see innocent people suffering, they can't help but feel their blood rushing and want to help."

This answer made Himeko laugh heartily, yes, some things don't need a reason.

The mountains are there, and there are always people who want to climb and conquer.

What is the reason for this?

It's just where the mountain is!

After that, Himeko decided to have a friendly after-school solo training session to prove her love for Kiana.

Kiana complained about this, it's already school time, training or something, save it for tomorrow.

But Himeko didn't plan to let Kiana go.

But in the end, Kiana's after-school training didn't really come, and Himeko drank too much that day to even lift the sword.

In the end, the girl struggled to carry the dead guy to the bedroom.

The moment she closed the door, she didn't know if it was an illusion, but from the sleeping face of the instructor, she saw the nineteen-year-old girl who still believed that the future was rosy.

Time passed quickly, and the girl also learned a lot in St. Freya College.

Become a real Valkyrie.

Finally, she ushered in the first actual combat training that she wanted to directly participate in.

Before the actual combat training began, Himeko told her very seriously: "If one day, your comrades can lose control because of the collapse.... You must not hesitate to end her life. "

Hearing this, the girl let out a confused voice, "If it's Himeko-sensei who is out of control, do we have to do it too?" "

The bits and pieces of daily getting along have made Himeko's face deeply engraved in the girl's heart.

She didn't want Himeko to get hurt, and she didn't want to do anything to himeko.

But Himeko's tone was so firm, "Even if it is me, you must not hesitate, wanting to protect the life of the out-of-control Valkyrie will only cause more sacrifices, if you don't understand this, I won't let you step on the battlefield." "

"I... I understand. The girl's words were a little hesitant.

At that moment, the girl thought of many things, especially her in the body.

For a long time, the girl asked Himeko a question, "Then one day, I... I mean if, I lose control, then Aunt Himeko you must..."

Without waiting for the girl's voice to finish, an extremely firm voice came, "I won't let that happen!" "


Kiana was stunned, raised her head, and looked at Himeko blankly.

At dusk, the fiery red figure and the confident side face were deeply imprinted in the girl's heart.

It was Himeko's promise, an ordinary promise of an ordinary person, but she finally miraculously fulfilled it.

"As your instructor and captain, I will protect each and every one of you as much as I can and not put you in danger."

"Ah...," Kiana was upset, "what kind of cunning statement is this?" "

Himeko: "This is my principle. "

Good memories are often accompanied by greater pain, and Kiana recalls the past bits and pieces, already in tears.

Whispers full of grief began to come out of her mouth.

"You said that when a comrade-in-arms is controlled by Collapse and loses her mind, she must end her life without hesitation."

"But why..."

"But why are you..."

The fiery red figure half-kneeling on the ground with a long sword slowly disappeared, and the mocking voice of the Void Law resounded again,

"Human beings, always make the same mistake, sacrificing everything they have in order to save others."

"However, she never imagined that with her sacrifice, you will leave a wound in your heart that will never heal, a crack that will make me return again."

"That's why, you'll never get rid of me."

"Any brief distraction, any painful memory, will give me more freedom to turn every place you stay into ruins."

"Escape? Where can you escape? "

"Because, I'm you, Kiana beggar!"

This concludes the screen.

New problems arise.

[Question 2: May I ask who helped Kiana win this repechage match of the puffer fish lawyers? 】

[A Fuhua. 】

[B: Teresa. 】

[C: Gray snake. 】

[D: Himeko. 】。

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