












握手之后林尚舟便想开口问一些问题,怎么说也要知道面前这人是谁,他还没说话,陌生人就对他说:“希佩尔先生,我知道您有很多问题想问我,但有些事情不方便在这里说,我们去我的车上再说吧 。”




但因为林尚舟的蜘蛛感应并没有提供任何预警,再加上他自恃有预知危险的能力,所以还是决定跟着陌生人上他的汽车 。







林尚舟闭上了嘴巴,静静地等待陌生人说话 。







福尔贝克在陆军总参谋长西克特面前展示了通讯器的实力,而后引起了他的注意,总参谋长西克特因此派人来见自己 。




接着林尚舟意外的看到马恩纳摇了摇头 。







林尚舟心中想到,在他眼里特务找自己的理由除了通讯器就只有自己在斯特拉斯堡干的那些事情了,如果是的话那也很合情合理,唯一让人不解的是为什么特务直到现在才找上自己 。


林尚舟试探性的问道,马恩纳意料之中的点了点头 。




林尚舟的平静让马恩纳很是意外,他认为自己说出从327罢工就开始关注他之后,这位希佩尔先生应该会表现出紧张才对,可现在居然那么的平静 。



马恩纳呵呵笑了起来,他说道:“您倒也不必把我们想的那么坏,不管怎么说您和无忧宫的关系很不错,您做的事情也不是什么太坏的事情,我们怎么可能会对您做些什么呢 。”


林尚舟跟着笑了两声附和道,心里却揶揄的想:别把特务机构想的太坏,啧啧啧 。

“But there is one thing we want to confirm about your side of things in Strasbourg. "

Ma Enna seemed to feel a little cold as he spoke, and put his hands in his pockets to warm them.

Regarding his question, Lin Shangzhou also had a guess in his mind. He estimated that Ma Enna was asking about his relationship with the German industrial workers.。

“Are you asking about my relationship with the German trade unionists?

Ma Enna smiled slightly, nodded and said: "It makes people feel happy to deal with smart people. " Lin

Shangzhou smiled because of his words and nodded in agreement.

However, after smiling, Ma Enna's expression changed slightly. His eyes became sharp, and he changed the subject and said in a warning tone: "I suggest It would be good for both you and me to tell the truth. You have a very good relationship with Sans Souci. It is impossible for me to do anything to you, so feel free to speak. "

As he said this, Lin Shangzhou felt uneasy in his heart. He killed himself here and threw his body in the wilderness. Who knew it was him? Who knew it was someone from the Military Intelligence Bureau who killed him? ?

But Lin Shangzhou still didn't have the palpitations that occur when he predicts danger, so he thought that if his answer satisfied Ma Enna, nothing would happen. So he answered honestly:

"I just want to know. My relationship with the German trade unions? I can tell you very clearly that the Social Democratic Party broke with the German syndicalists, and I was not, am not, and will not be a syndicalist in the future. I am a staunch supporter of Her Majesty Alexandrine. You can rest assured. "

After listening to Lin Shangzhou's answer, Ma Enna fell into silence. After a few seconds, he took his hands out of his pockets, rubbed them against his mouth and breathed into his palms. He seemed to be quite cold.。

“I believe what you said. Ma

Enna said with a smile. Seeing him like this, Lin Shangzhou's inner uneasiness disappeared. He also felt relaxed. It seemed that he had passed a hurdle.。

“So what do you want to know about communicators? Lin

Shangzhou asked. His second purpose of coming to him should be to understand the communicator.。

“Marshal Sickert and others in the General Staff are very satisfied with your communicator. He hopes to see communicators with better performance in the future and hopes that you can provide such excellent equipment to the military.。”

“Don't worry, I will. "

Lin Shangzhou vowed that he had reached an agreement with Cecilia, and even if he had not reached an agreement with Cecilia, Ma Enna would still send the communicator to the military if he did not talk about it. to gain their support。

“If this is the case, then I believe Marshal Sickert and the others will also be very happy. "

After that, Ma Enna put on his hat. Seeing him like this, Lin Shangzhou realized that the conversation was about to end.。

“Mr. Hipper, it's been a pleasure talking to you. I won't interrupt your time anymore. Ma

Enna said to Lin Shangzhou. Lin Shangzhou nodded, said goodbye, opened the door and got out of the car.

He walked towards his car, while Ma Enna sat in his car and watched Lin Shangzhou's leaving back. , reached out and touched the knife in his pocket: "It seems that I am worrying too much....”

Then he drove away.

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