At nine o'clock in the morning on the 11th, Lin Shangzhou was packing his luggage with his uncle at home. He contacted Louis yesterday and found a temporary house in Berlin. In the afternoon, he would send someone to help them carry their luggage.

There were a lot of things to take away. In Uncle Lin Shangzhou's room, he took out all the things from the cabinet according to his uncle's request and prepared to put them in the suitcase. After putting those items into the suitcase one by one, Lin Shangzhou found that there were still some items left. After putting down his notebook, he took it out of the cabinet.

Out of curiosity, Lin Shangzhou opened the notebook directly from the middle. Inside was a color photo of him and his uncle. He sat on the bed while looking at the photo.

Looking at the boy standing next to Lin Yangyu in the photo, Lin Shangzhou felt strange in his heart. Due to the lack of memory, he had no idea what happened when most of the photos were taken, and the boy above was him but not him.

He touched the people in the photos with his hands and imagined what happened at that time.

At this time he heard Lin Yangyu's voice。

“Shang Zhou, have you packed up? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yangyu appeared at the door. He unexpectedly looked at Lin Shangzhou who was holding a pamphlet in the room. He walked into the room and said, "Hey, why are you interested in looking at photos today? You didn't like taking pictures before。”

“I just wanted to take a look at it after I opened it. "

Lin Shangzhou replied. He closed the notebook and wanted to put it in the suitcase. He only knew part of what happened when the photos were taken. If Lin Yangyu asked him if he remembered what was in the photos, it would be difficult for him to explain. However

, Before he could put the notebook into the suitcase, Lin Yangyu sat next to him, took the booklet from his hand, opened the first page, pointed to a black and white photo and said, "This is from that year." The photographer in the village took the photo of our family. "

Lin Shangzhou looked down at the people in the photo. It was obviously a family photo. There were five people in total. Sitting on the chair in the middle was an old man with a solemn and serious expression. It seemed to be his grandfather, standing on his right. A couple. The woman is holding an infant child in her arms. Lin Shangzhou estimates that the child is himself. On the left of the old man is the younger Lin Yangyu. Next to Lin Yangyu is a young woman, Lin Shangzhou. I don’t know if it’s his uncle’s wife or one of his aunts.

But no matter who the person in the photo is, Lin Shangzhou has a sense of intimacy.

Lin Yangyu seemed to know what Lin Shangzhou was curious about, and pointed at the young woman and said: ""This is your sister-in-law, Lin Cuimei。”

“My aunt? "

Lin Shangzhou looked carefully at the young woman named "Lin Cuimei" in the photo. She was indeed somewhat similar to Lin Yangyu.

When he mentioned his sister to himself, Lin Yangyu couldn't help but show a bit of sadness on his face. Lin Shangzhou noticed the change in his uncle's expression, and swallowed back what he wanted to ask. His aunt had obviously passed away.

Lin Yangyu turned to him and said, "Because of your selfishness, I never told you about our family." Now that you have grown up, it is time to tell you about。”

“Well, uncle, tell me. Lin

Shangzhou nodded and listened carefully to Lin Yangyu's speech.

Lin Yangyu pointed at the old man in the photo and said, "This is your grandfather. He was very happy when you were born. It's a pity that he didn't see you." He died of illness when he grew up。”


Lin Yangyu sighed regretfully, and Lin Shangzhou also felt a little sad because of his uncle's sigh. After

sighing, Lin Yangyu moved his finger to his aunt and said, "When your grandfather left, the family had no money. In order to have money to bury your grandfather, your aunt married the stupid son of the landlord. The landlord was not bad, and her life in the landlord's family was very good. But fate played a trick on her, and your aunt later died in childbirth. "

After that, he moved his finger to Lin Shangzhou's parents and said: "Your father was forcibly recruited by the army when you were 8 years old. You should have an impression of this. A year later, the people from the same village who were captured as soldiers came back. , but your dad didn't come back. The man said that your dad was shot because he obstructed the chief and harmed the people. "

Although this is not exactly his father, Lin Shangzhou still felt sad and angry after hearing his uncle talk about his experience. He was sad because of his father's death and angry because of the decay of the army.。

“Uncle, did that fellow countryman tell me what the officer's name was? "

Lin Shangzhou asked. In his plan, it is inevitable to become prime minister or return to China after leaving Germany. If given the chance, he would like to avenge this father he has never met.。

“Hmm...let me think about it. Lin

Yangyu thought about it carefully for a while and said, "I remember his surname was Sun, but I forgot the specific name."….”


Lin Shangzhou was shocked, could it be Sun Chuanfang?

But this is a little unreasonable. He is from Henan, and Sun Chuanfang is a warlord from the eight provinces alliance, that is, the eastern and southern provinces. It is impossible to recruit troops to Henan, otherwise he will conflict with the warlords in Henan.

He thought about the warlords in Henan in his mind, and he quickly thought of one person: Sun Dianying.

Lin Yangyu was also recalling the specific details at that time, and after a few seconds he said uncertainly: "It seems... Sun... Dian or something?"…”

“Sun Dianying? Lin

Shangzhou continued what his uncle said. After hearing the name, Lin Yangyu nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, that beast named Sun Dianying!" "

After confirming his enemy, Lin Shangzhou made up his mind to deal with Sun Dianying in the future, whether he went to China as prime minister or returned to China for the Northern Expedition。

“But Shangzhou, how do you know his name? Lin

Yangyu reacted and asked Lin Shangzhou doubtfully. Lin Shangzhou smiled and said, "I guessed it."。”

“The kid's mind is very flexible, and he guessed it right. "

Lin Yangyu didn't hesitate too much. He stretched out his hand and patted Lin Shangzhou's head and said with a smile.

But his smile quickly disappeared. He put his finger on Lin Shangzhou's mother and said, "After giving birth to you, your mother My health has never been good, and I became seriously ill after learning that your father passed away. Your mother also passed away half a year later. "

After saying this, Lin Yangyu sniffed. He had been reluctant to think about these things. His family members passed away one after another, and in the end only he and his little nephew were left. He put his fingers on himself and

said : "After your mother passed away, I took you away from my hometown, and finally came to Germany to work as a driver for His Majesty the Emperor. "

After listening to his uncle talking about his family, Lin Shangzhou suddenly felt that the middle-aged man next to him was very lonely. All his family members were gone, and he was the only one with him. And

thinking that Lin Yangyu didn't know that his original nephew had disappeared, Lin Shangzhou He felt even more pitiful.

But this also made him determined to treat his uncle well in the future and let him enjoy all the glory and wealth.。

“Uncle, when I become prime minister, I will definitely return to China to avenge my father! "

Lin Shangzhou said to Lin Yangyu. Lin Yangyu was a little sad in his heart, but his words made him laugh. He said in a dumbfounded voice: "You are quite talkative, uncle, I don't want you to go back for revenge in the future. Just live a good life in Germany。”

“No, no, no, I'm not kidding..."

Lin Shangzhou shook his head and wanted to continue talking, but then he gave up explaining. After all, explanations are not as good as future actions.。

“You, please live your life honestly now, I’m waiting to see my niece-in-law and my grand-nephew, hahaha. "

Lin Yangyu laughed and hugged Lin Shangzhou's shoulders. Then, without waiting for Lin Shangzhou's answer, he turned to the next page and told Lin Shangzhou the stories contained in other photos. Lin Shangzhou was very happy to listen to his uncle telling these past events, and he listened carefully to his uncle

. Then the

two of them continued to pack their luggage. After working for more than an hour, Lin Shangzhou and his uncle finished packing all the luggage. After finishing their work, the two of them sat on the sofa to rest. Out of curiosity, Lin Shangzhou asked his uncle: " Uncle, why have you been reluctant to move away before? Lin

Yangyu looked at the clock on the wall for a while before saying, "Shangzhou, it's almost the Spring Festival."。”

“Spring Festival? "

Lin Shangzhou was stunned. Is it almost the Spring Festival?

Lin Yangyu nodded and said: "I have been counting the time. In a few days, it will be the New Year. Uncle, I don't like to go to strange places to celebrate the New Year. If I don't celebrate it at my own home, no feelings。”

“And uncle, I am a relatively conservative person. Once I get used to living in one place, I don’t want to move to another place. If someone forced me to move there, I would be very uncomfortable. "

There was a strong sense of complaint in his words. Lin Shangzhou could hear his uncle's dissatisfaction with him. He didn't know what to say and scratched his head and laughed. Because of his

experience before time travel, Lin Shangzhou didn't like the trouble of changing residences. It was not a matter of disgust. He had long been accustomed to constantly changing places of residence, and he could adapt well to the environment wherever he went.

Lin Yangyu lovingly stretched out his hand to touch his nephew's head, and said with a smile: "But since my nephew is so concerned about his uncle's safety, then I can't help but move, hahaha。”

“But you have to take Letia to our new home for a meal in the evening. She is quite pitiful. She broke up with her father. I had promised her a long time ago that I would cook a delicious meal for her, but I never did. You have to remember to pick them up this time. "

As he spoke, Lin Yangyu changed the topic and spoke to Lin Shangzhou in a commanding tone. Lin Shangzhou was not disgusted by this and nodded in agreement. After lunch, Lin Shangzhou went to

work in the newspaper office, and Lin Yangyu was waiting at home. Someone from the freight company came to the door.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Yangyu was checking the things he and his nephew had packed. At this time, there was a knock on the door. Without thinking, he went over to open the door. After opening the door, he saw a man standing at the door. With three strangers behind him, he said to the stranger standing at the door: "Louis must have called me here to help move things.

The three of them were stunned, and the one standing at the front immediately reacted and nodded and said, "Well, that's right, Mr. Lewis sent us to help you move your things. "

Lin Yangyu was confused by this man's name for Louis. Shouldn't he call him "Mr. Bonaparte? " "But he didn't think too much. Maybe they have a good relationship with Lewis.。

“Come on in. "

As he warmly welcomed them into his home, three strangers walked into the room

one after another. After looking around the room, the leading man asked Lin Yangyu: "Where is the other person? Is he at home? Lin

Yangyu shook his head without thinking and said, "Shangzhou, he's not at home at work, but it's okay if he's not here. Let's move everything to the car first." "

After saying that, he walked aside and picked up a box to go out the door. When he passed by a person, Lin Yangyu noticed something wrong. He found that the person seemed to be holding something in his hand. More importantly, he thought about the fact that he didn't see a truck outside the door just now, and the three people didn't look like porters.

He thought about the extreme racists Lin Shangzhou mentioned two days ago, and associated them with each other. Later, Lin Yangyu felt deeply that something was wrong, and he quickened his pace to leave.

The three of them were very dissatisfied with Lin Yangyu's answer. They turned to look at Lin Yangyu who was walking to the door. They looked at each other when they saw him speeding up his pace. , took out the dagger in his pocket, walked quickly to Lin Yangyu's back and stabbed the knife into the back of Lin Yangyu who was about to leave.

Then he covered Lin Yangyu's mouth tightly so that he could only utter out With a dull "Woo" sound, the other person thrust the dagger in his hand into Lin Yangyu's abdomen from the side, and quickly stabbed the second and third times. He stabbed

Lin Yangyu several times in the abdomen. The man later released his hand covering Lin Yangyu and took a step back. Lin Yangyu fell backwards to the ground after losing his support. Blood continued to flow from the wound and radiated around Lin Yangyu's body.

The three murderers came outside the house, took the gasoline from their cars, went to the house, and sprinkled gasoline on the ground. Starting from the room on the second floor, they sprinkled gasoline all over the house.

Lin Yangyu could feel himself His life was passing by. He wanted to say something, but nothing could come out. The past scenes flashed before his eyes like a slide.

Finally, it settled on Lin Shangzhou's face. He remembered what he had just said to his nephew in the morning. He wants to watch his nephew get married, he wants to watch his nephew have children, he wants to watch his grandnephew grow up...

There are many things he wants to do and see, and he has also thought about his future. Death, but at that time he was thinking about what his nephew would do if he died?

But after seeing his nephew's growth, he no longer worried about this problem, because his nephew was already stronger than his uncle.

In After that, the death he thought about was to finally close his eyes surrounded by his family. He wanted to see his nephew take care of him and die.

But now, all this was impossible.

At this time, Lin Yangyu understood why His nephew would be so eager to let him move. In a trance, he saw his nephew's face appearing in front of him. He wanted to apologize to him, but he opened his mouth and said nothing. Finally, a stream of blood surged from his throat. After that, Lin Yangyu's eyes lost the color of life.

The blood pouring out of his mouth flowed down his cheeks and mixed with gasoline. The next second, a blazing flame burned. The red flames mercilessly swallowed up Lin Yangyu, who was lying on the ground lifeless, and also swallowed up the house. It swallowed up

Lin Shangzhou's only relative.

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