Lin Shangzhou rummaged through the ruins of the house, hoping to find some surviving objects with past memories, but unfortunately everything he could think of was destroyed by the fire. He knelt on the ground and picked up a handful with his hands. Ashes, this handful of ashes might be photos of his family.

It's a pity that no matter what this handful of ashes was before they were burned, now they are just a handful of ashes, a handful of meaningless ashes.

Lin Shangzhou sighed regretfully, scattered the ashes on his hands and stood up. He bent down and patted the ashes off his knees and calves. He raised his eyes and took one last look at his house before turning around and leaving this place that he only knew now. A place full of memories that made him sad.

He slowly came to his uncle's body. Next, he wanted to negotiate with the police about the disposal of the body. However, before negotiating about the body, Lin Shangzhou had other questions to ask the police.

It happened that the person in charge of this case here was still Chen Chali, so Lin Shangzhou came directly to him and stopped him.。

“Officer Chen. "

Lin Shangzhou called Chen Chali in Chinese. Chen Chali, who originally wanted to hide from Lin Shangzhou, had no choice but to come to him. He felt extremely guilty for Lin Shangzhou in his heart. He did not dare to look directly at Lin Shangzhou.。

“Officer Chen, I want to know what the police patrolling near Sanssouci Palace were doing when my uncle was killed? Were they transferred? Or is this time period just when the police are changing shifts? "

Lin Shangzhou tried his best not to sound blaming in his tone, but these words sounded extremely harsh to Chen Charlie. He looked to the side and said to Lin Shangzhou: "Mr. Hipper, my companion and I received an order from our superiors this morning. When I went to another area to perform patrol duties, he said that he would send others here to patrol instead of me. However, in fact, the superiors did not send anyone else to patrol here, which is why such a tragedy happened. Chen

Chali said to Lin Shangzhou with great guilt: "This is my dereliction of duty. I will do my best to make up for the losses caused to you by my dereliction of duty..." Before he could finish his words, Lin Shangzhou shook his head and

said : "Officer Chen, you just performed the task assigned to you by your superior. I don't blame you for this matter. You don't need to blame yourself. "

However, the more Lin Shangzhou said this, the more guilty Chen Chali felt. Seeing him like this, Lin Shangzhou continued: "If you really want to make up for something and do something for me, I hope you can Your boss can tell you why he transferred you, and why he didn't send the police who were supposed to be patrolling here. "

After hearing Lin Shangzhou's request, Chen Chali nodded firmly and said, "Please rest assured, I will definitely ask clearly.。”

“Well, trouble. After saying that ,

Lin Shangzhou turned around and squatted down to look at his uncle's body. He did not dare to lift the white cloth. He was worried that he would not be able to control his emotions. He said to Chen Charlie without raising his head: "Officer Chen, my uncle." Your police are going to take the body back for forensic analysis, right? Chen

Chali thought that Lin Shangzhou was unwilling to let them do this, so he hurriedly said to him: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to. You can deal with your uncle's funeral first." "

In his eyes, it is very important to let the deceased rest in peace. It is understandable that Lin Shangzhou is not willing to let them take his uncle's body for autopsy, and based on his relationship, there is no problem at all. However,

let What Chen Charlie didn't expect was that Lin Shangzhou shook his head after hesitating for a few seconds.

Lin Shangzhou looked at his uncle's body in front of him, made up his mind, stood up and said to Chen Charlie: "It's okay, you police can do whatever you want. I will not stop you from carrying out your official duties. "

Chen Zhali didn't know what to say, but he said so. All Chen Zhali could do was nod in agreement.。

“But I hope you can send a copy to my newspaper after the autopsy report comes out. Isn't this request too much? "

Lin Shangzhou asked softly, and Chen Zhali quickly replied: "Of course, I will definitely send it to you when the time comes.。”

“Trouble. "

Lin Shangzhou hates what he did. He wants his uncle to be buried as soon as possible, but if he wants to avenge his uncle, this is something he must go through. A complete autopsy report can let people know how those racists only Brutally killing a Chinese who has nothing to do with them because of racist fanaticism can arouse people's anger against them to the greatest extent.

After explaining some more things to Charlie Chen, Lin Shangzhou walked aside alone. When he came to his car and sat down again, he put his head against the steering wheel and closed his eyes, sitting alone in the car. After a few minutes,

Laetia came over and opened the passenger door. Before he could sit on it, Lin Shangzhou glanced over here. When he saw it was Letia, Lin Shangzhou waved his hand to her and said, "Laitia, I want to be alone.。”

“Well, I won't bother you. "

Laitia nodded. Although she was extremely worried about Lin Shangzhou, but now Lin Shangzhou didn't want others to talk, she had no choice. After gently closing the car door, she stood by the car door and did not leave immediately. She looked inside the car and lay on the steering wheel

. Lin Shangzhou looked at him worriedly for a while and then turned and walked towards Louis. Before she could walk over, a reporter came to her and pestered her to ask if she and Lin Shangzhou were a couple. Letia didn't want to answer these reporters' boring questions. Question, she ignored the reporter and walked straight to Louis.

After coming to Louis, Letia asked: "Louis, where will Fritz live next?" Live in a staff apartment? I remember that there should be a vacant room on the third floor of that apartment. Letia

paused and then said: "But Fritz may not be willing to live with other people now."

Louis thought for a moment and said: "It's convenient to live there, but if you say he wants to be alone, I can buy him another apartment…”

“It’s better to buy a set first and then talk about it. "

Louis said in an understatement. Such a wealthy speech made Letia's mouth twitch. She couldn't imagine buying a house directly.

Letia looked at the car and said: "It depends on what Fritz thinks.。”

“Um. "

Louis looked towards the car like him. He was very worried about Lin Shangzhou's current mental state. Although he seemed to be emotionally stable and normal, it was precisely this stable emotion that made Louis have to worry about him.。

“Miss Adolf, please pay more attention to Fritz next. "

This is the second time Louis asked Letia to do this. Letia nodded, she also had this idea.。

“Well, I will. "

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