At five o'clock in the afternoon on the 11th, Louis drove Lin Shangzhou to the employee apartment. He wanted to stay here temporarily tonight, so Louis took him here.

It wasn't time to get off work yet, and there was no one on the first or second floor of the apartment. They came to the third floor and opened the door and walked in. Louis walked into the living room and shouted Harvodt's name loudly. There was no one in the empty room. respond to him。

“I'll probably study it on the fourth floor. "

Louis said to himself. He turned around to say something to Lin Shangzhou, and found that he was already sitting on the sofa alone. Louis came to Lin Shangzhou and said to him: "Havot should be doing research on the fourth floor. You first Stay here alone. Next, I will tell everyone what happened today and ask them not to disturb you. "

After a few seconds, Lin Shangzhou turned to look at him. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he said nothing. He just nodded to Louis. He

wanted someone to accompany him, but he also wanted to be alone. A quiet moment。

“If you need anything, just use the communicator to find me. I'll go up first. "

After saying this, Lewis turned and left the room. When he walked out of the door, he closed the door gently. After closing the door, he came to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor, he found Harwater who was doing research inside.

He told Havot what happened today, hoping that he would try not to disturb Lin Shangzhou when he went back to the room. Havot was surprised and said that he could just live on the fourth floor these days, but before Louis left, he called Louis said, "Is it really okay to just leave Fritz alone? "

Louis stopped and leaned against the door frame to think about this problem worriedly. He knew that he couldn't just leave Lin Shangzhou alone. There was a high possibility that the more he was alone, the more likely he would have problems. Since then

, Louis didn't see Lin Shangzhou shed tears after seeing him at his home. This was very wrong. Although Lin Shangzhou's mood seemed to have stabilized from his performance, who knew what it would turn into in the end? "I want to go there too

. Comfort Fritz, but he himself refused to let Letia and I get close to him..."

Louis sighed, and Harvot also looked embarrassed. He himself refused other people's comfort, so there was nothing he could do. If you force yourself to talk to him, you might even arouse his disgust.。

“At this time, comfort from family members or lovers is the most appropriate, but Uncle Ful is Filitz's only family member, and he has no lover, which makes it difficult to deal with it. "

As Louis said this, he was thinking about whether to bring Letia over and let her take care of Lin Shangzhou, but Lin Shangzhou also refused Letia to approach him at the time. If he brought Letia over forcibly, it might have the opposite effect.。

“Now we can only see if he can come out on his own. "

Louis said worriedly, and Harvodt nodded in agreement.

Then Louis left here and came to the newspaper office. Everyone in the newspaper office had already learned about the murder of Lin Yangyu, and they all expressed regret and concern for Lin Shangzhou. Kai When Wen learned that Lin Shangzhou wanted to be alone, he said that he could live on the first or second floor, and just leave Lin Shangzhou on the third floor for him to live alone. They did the same thing after that

. I did it. No one in the apartment at night disturbed Lin Shangzhou who was immersed in sadness, but he sat on the sofa with his mind in confusion for more than an hour. At 6:30, he stood up because of hunger and came to the kitchen to prepare. Cooking.

Lin Shangzhou found the ingredients for cooking in the kitchen. He picked up two pieces of potatoes. After cleaning them, Lin Shangzhou picked up a knife and prepared to peel them. After scraping off a little potato skin with the knife, he cut absently. He hurt his finger.

The wound was not big, not serious at all, just a little stinging. The stinging made his brain less chaotic. Lin Shangzhou put down the potatoes and turned on the faucet to wash his fingers and wash away the blood that flowed out. Finally he turned off the faucet.

The pain made him regain some sense. He looked at the potatoes on the chopping board, picked up the knife and potatoes and prepared to peel them again, but when he put the knife on the potatoes, he hesitated. He was worried He cut his finger again. Lin Shangzhou laughed at himself when this thought came to his mind. It was

such a simple thing in the past, but today he did not dare to do it because he accidentally cut his finger.。

“Why don't you even dare to cook..."

He laughed at himself and recovered naturally, then put down the potatoes and the knife and walked out of the kitchen. Since he couldn't cook, he planned to go out for a meal.

Lin Shangzhou came to the door As soon as I opened the door, I saw Letia standing at the door. She still had the key in her hand and looked like she was ready to open the door.。

“Letia, what's the matter with you coming here? "

Facing the sudden arrival of Letia, Lin Shangzhou was a little surprised. He didn't expect Letia to come.

Letia didn't answer Lin Shangzhou's question. She stretched out her hand to push Lin Shangzhou away and walked into the house and asked him: "Not yet? Tell me, what are you going to do when you go out?”

“I go out to eat. "

Lin Shangzhou answered honestly. As he spoke, he hid his left hand behind his back. Although he knew how to cook, he dared not cook today because he cut his finger. If Laitia knew about this, Lin Shangzhou would feel very embarrassed.

Letia naturally noticed his small movements. She quickly reached out and took Lin Shangzhou's left hand and pulled it out. Then she saw the finger that was still bleeding. At first, Letia was a little confused about what Lin Shangzhou did

. He hurt himself. It didn’t take him a few seconds to realize that he had hurt himself while cooking.

Injuring your fingers while cooking is a very common thing, but Laidiya was extremely worried. She was worried that Lin Shangzhou would Did he do anything stupid? He put down his hand and said, "Don't go out to eat. I'll cook something for you."。”

“you? "

Lin Shangzhou looked suspiciously at Letia, who said she wanted to cook for him. In his memory, this girl didn't know how to cook.。

“how? Don't believe it? After all, I also worked as a maid in Sanssouci Palace for two months. Although I can't cook too complicated food, I can still cook simple ones with Noya's help. "

Laitia frowned slightly, feeling very unhappy that Lin Shangzhou doubted her. Lin Shangzhou did not take remedial measures as before, but said lightly "Oh". This

performance made Laidia feel unhappy. Turning into worry, she pulled Lin Shangzhou to sit on the sofa, and went to the kitchen to cook.

After that, Laitia watched Lin Shangzhou finish his dinner, and watched him sitting in the living room in a daze until nine o'clock. After Lin Shangzhou entered the room to sleep, she quietly left the room. On

the first floor of the apartment, Louis was discussing the next countermeasures with Goebbels and others. When he saw Letitia coming downstairs, he drove Letitia back. Arriving at Wushou Palace.

Lin Shangzhou lay on the bed for a long time and couldn't fall asleep. He had a suppressed emotion in his heart. He wanted to vent it out, but no matter what he did, he couldn't vent it out.

He lay on the bed and tossed and turned for a long time. He fell asleep, but within a few dozen minutes he woke up again. This time he couldn't fall asleep, and Lin Shangzhou didn't go back to sleep until the sun shone through the curtains in the room.

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