Letia helped Lin Shangzhou walk on the sidewalk. The bartender's words just now made her decide to have a good talk with Lin Shangzhou. Now she is hesitating when to talk about it.

Should we talk after we get back to the apartment? Or should we find a bench nearby and sit down outside to have a heart-to-heart talk with him?

Letia looked around. On the opposite side of the road there were benches for pedestrians to rest, and a little further ahead was the channel of the Spree River.

She looked up at Lin Shangzhou's face and found that his expression was a little painful. Letia said hurriedly: "Fritz, let's go over there and take a rest first." Lin Shangzhou didn't say anything but just nodded. He felt that if he opened his

mouth Make a little sound and it will spit out.

Letia helped Lin Shangzhou sit down on the bench on the opposite side of the road. He felt a little better after sitting down, but the soothing feeling was only temporary. Within a few seconds, the nausea came back again. This time Lin Shangzhou stood up and rushed to the river fence, lying on it and venting everything in his stomach to the Spree River.

Letia followed him to the fence when he got up. She slapped Lin Shangzhou on the back with medium force, hoping it would make him feel better.

After vomiting all the contents of his stomach into the Spree River, Lin Shangzhou felt much better. He raised his hand to wipe his chin with his sleeve, and then saw the handkerchief handed over by Letia. He also heard Lei Diya. Tia's soft voice: "Use your clothes to wipe the dirt. Fritz, are you a child? Use my handkerchief."。”

“.……Thanks. "

Lin Shangzhou hesitated for a few seconds before thanking the girl next to him and taking the handkerchief. He wiped his chin with the handkerchief, then turned and leaned against the fence and slowly slid down, finally sitting on the ground. He did not return the handkerchief to

Letia , but took it in his own hand. Although the handkerchief itself was a cleaning tool, the handkerchief after wiping his chin was too dirty. If he wanted to return it to Letia, he had to wait until he had washed it before returning it. If this handkerchief has no special meaning to Letia, you can just buy a new one for her.。

“Fritz, are you feeling better? "

Laitia leaned over and asked with concern. Lin Shangzhou looked up at Laetia's face and nodded. Then he saw Laidia extending her right hand to him.。

“Aren't you going to give me the handkerchief back?”

“It's too dirty. I'll clean it when I go back and give it back to you. "

Lin Shangzhou shook his head.

Looking at the somewhat stubborn Lin Shangzhou, Laitia had a faint smile on her face. She straightened up and put her hands behind her back and said to Lin Shangzhou sitting in front of her: "This is what Aunt Elena sent to us. There are many disposable handkerchiefs for maids in Sanssouci Palace, so there is no need to wash them. "

Listening to Laitia's words, Lin Shangzhou lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and said to her: "That's it...can I throw it away?”

“sure. "

Laitia said nonchalantly.

After getting Laidia's permission, Lin Shangzhou raised his left hand and threw it up without thinking. The handkerchief was flying in the air with a gust of wind. It flew along the river for a while and then landed on the dark river surface, and finally disappeared into the darkness along the flowing water. Letia stared blankly at

the scene in front of her. She never expected that Lin Shangzhou would throw the handkerchief directly. When she got into the river, she scolded: "Fritz, it's wrong to throw things around. How can you throw things into the river?" "

After saying this, Laidia noticed something was wrong. Yes, why was he throwing things around so casually? The trash can was obviously just a few meters away, but why did he throw the handkerchief into the river? ?

(Because he was drunk, right?)

Thinking of the conversation between herself and Lin Shangzhou from the beginning, Letia came to the conclusion that although Lin Shangzhou looked sober and did not look like he was drunk, his behavior It’s not like he would make it normally, and it’s even less like what he would make in the past two days.。

“It's just a handkerchief..."

Lin Shangzhou said softly. Letia's scolding made him realize that what he did was wrong, and now he doesn't understand why he did what he did just now. Letia thought it was a good time to have a heart-to-heart talk with

Lin Shangzhou At the right time, when he is drunk, he is very likely to confide in himself. If you know what he is thinking, you can come up with a way to help him get out of his grief. So Letia took a step

to the left and came to Lin Shangzhou's right hand , she took another step forward and came to the fence. Laidia turned and leaned against the fence and slowly sat down, sitting next to Lin Shangzhou.。

“Letia, what are you doing sitting down? "

Lin Shangzhou turned around and asked the girl sitting next to him in confusion.。

“I want to sit here. "

Laydia replied, and Lin Shangzhou shrugged. She wanted to sit next to him and he couldn't stop her. He

turned his head back and looked at the street in front of him. After sitting there for more than ten seconds, Laidia said to Lin Shangzhou with a chuckle. : "Fritz, you drank thirteen glasses of beer today. If it were me, I would have been drunk and unconscious after two or three glasses. Your ability to drink is much better than mine." "

When talking about herself, Laitia recalled what happened that day, her cheeks couldn't help but feel a little hot, and a layer of blush flew to her face.

However, Lin Shangzhou was looking at the car driving on the road in front of him at this time and did not notice it. Seeing the changes in the girl around him, his chaotic mind did not recall what happened that day. After examining his state, he said to Laetia: "I don't know whether I'm drunk or not. Maybe I'm not drunk. "

Letia was amused by his ambiguous words. After laughing for a while, she said to Lin Shangzhou: "Fritz, I think you should be drunk.。”

“Why do you say that? I don’t even know if I’m drunk or not. How do you know? "

Lin Shangzhou turned around and asked Letia curiously.

Letia looked into his eyes, smiled slightly and said, "Because I have been looking at you for the past two days.。”

“If you were not drunk, you would definitely send me away by saying, "Laydia, I want to be alone," instead of letting me sit next to you and accompany you like this. "

This sentence surprised Lin Shangzhou, but after thinking about it carefully, it was a reasonable answer. Letia must be able to see the changes in herself from before. He also thought of his attitude towards his friends in the past two days. He knew Why did he do that at that time, but now he doesn’t want to do this to Letia。

“That's right..."

Lin Shangzhou leaned against the fence and looked up at the dark, starless night sky and sighed.。

“Fritz, can you tell me why you go out to drink alone? After drinking for a whole afternoon, you didn’t answer our calls. If I hadn’t been lucky, I might not have been able to find you tonight. "

Although there was no hint of complaint in Laidia's words, Lin Shangzhou felt guilty towards Laidia and others. Now he really needs others to take care of him like a little kid... He opened his mouth and wanted to complain to Lei

. Tia apologized, but Letia was one step ahead of him and said: "Answer my question first. "

Lin Shangzhou turned his head to look at Letia with a serious expression, swallowed his words of apology, and then said: "Because I want to cry.。”

“Cry? "

Because of the bartender's suggestion before, Letitia was not too surprised by his answer. Lin Shangzhou did seem to use wine to relieve his sorrows.

But why did he want to cry so much?

Letitia knew the answer without even thinking about it. what is it, but in order to find out���Lin Shangzhou's inner knot, she planned to ask the question, and the only way to solve the problem was to let him explain himself.。

“Why do you want to cry so bad? Letitia

asked doubtfully.

Lin Shangzhou fell silent after she asked this question. A minute later, he sniffed his nose and said to Letitia: "Because my only relative...my only uncle is gone." Uncle, he cares about me so much and takes good care of me. He would buy me a gramophone and records when I couldn't sleep well at night. I like to eat light breakfast, so he gets up early every morning to make it for me for ten years in a row. Breakfast..."

Lin Shangzhou sniffed his nose sharply, took a deep breath with a choked voice, and then continued: "I didn't like to deal with Germans before, but my uncle allowed me to stay at home for ten consecutive years. He knew that I didn't like it. He didn't force me to go to school. He followed my wishes and didn't enroll me in the school. He taught me German at home.…

“He knew that I had grown up, but he still couldn't let go and wanted to follow me to take care of me when I went to Strasbourg. He even asked for leave from Berlin to visit me in Strasbourg because he was worried about me. , He has been thinking about me since I was a child, but I, my nephew, have never done anything for him. In the end, his death was also caused by my nephew..." Lin Shangzhou said to Letia in a trembling voice

. Confessing his inner thoughts, after saying this, he took a deep breath, suppressed his nearly collapsed emotions, and then said to Letia: "I had a nightmare this morning and this morning. There was something in the dream. A person who looks exactly like me said that I didn't love my uncle at all, that I didn't... didn't... think of him as my uncle.。”

“Because since my uncle left yesterday until now, I haven't shed a single tear for him..."

Lin Shangzhou didn't finish his words. He bit his lower lip hard without pain to prevent his emotions from breaking down. It only took a simple moment to stop him. If he could cry, he could prove to the nightmare that he loved his uncle. But for some reason, Lin Shangzhou was unwilling to cry.

He wanted to cry, but he didn't want to.

He lowered his head and tried his best to suppress his almost collapsed emotions. Emotions, but within a few seconds Lin Shangzhou felt a pair of hands holding his cheeks. The hands slowly used force to slowly lift his head up. When he was

lifted up, Lin Shangzhou saw Lei in front of him. Tia, it was Letia who held Lin Shangzhou's cheeks with her hands and raised his head.。

“Fritz, you obviously want to cry, your eyes can no longer hold your tears, they have already flowed out, but why don't you want to cry loudly? "

Laydia's expression was very serious, but her eyes and tone were extremely gentle. She looked into Lin Shangzhou's eyes and wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes with her fingers.。

“Because...because I'm crying for the sake of crying. I want to cry now because I heard what the nightmare said. If I...I...I...I cry, then my crying is not for uncle, but for confusion. My heart makes my heart that doesn’t care about my uncle think that I care about him..."

After saying this, Lin Shangzhou almost collapsed. He bit his lower lip to prevent himself from crying, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. , with distressed eyes, Letia took out another handkerchief from her pocket, and used it to gently wipe away the blood flowing from the corner of Lin Shangzhou's mouth.

Then Letia held Lin Shangzhou in her arms with one hand. Holding Lin Shangzhou's back and stroking the back of Lin Shangzhou's head with her other hand, she lowered her head and said softly to the person in her arms: "But you remember so clearly what Uncle Ful did for you. If you don't care about him, you won't care about him at all." Will you remember it so clearly?”

“You remember Uncle Ful making breakfast for you every morning; you remember Uncle Ful buying you a gramophone and records because he was worried about you so that you could have a good sleep; you remember Uncle Ful teaching you German at home; you remember Uncle Ful Always worried about you, you remember all the love Uncle Fowl had for you…”

“You remember all the kindness that Uncle Fule did to you. Even if some things are forgotten by your memory, you still remember the kindness that Uncle Fule did to you, right?”

“If you really don't care about Uncle Ful and don't regard Uncle Ful as your uncle, why would you remember these things? Why do you say these things?”

“Fritz, I don’t know what you dreamed about in your nightmare, but I know that you can’t believe what the bad guy in the dream said. You love Uncle Fal as much as Uncle Fal loves you, but you haven’t had time to put you back yet. Just show your love to him。”

“So, Fritz, don’t suppress your emotions anymore... Just cry if you want..."

Letia choked up her last words, and Lin Shangzhou, who was held in her arms, felt the emotions that had been suppressed in her heart. Completely released at this moment, he cried loudly in Letia's arms, completely venting the sadness in his heart. Facing Lin Shangzhou who was in pain in his arms, Letia held him tightly He held him in his arms and sobbed softly.

For some reason, almost no one was passing by on this road at the moment, and no one came to disturb the two of them. In this world beside the Spree River, only They met a young man who was crying in pain and the girl who held him in her arms.

Letia held Lin Shangzhou and sat on the ground against the fence. No one came to disturb them, and she just held her arms quietly. As time went by ,

Lin Shangzhou's crying gradually weakened. In the end, his crying turned into even breathing. Laitia had already stopped sobbing. She held Lin Shangzhou who had stopped crying in her arms. She was willing to let go, as if he would leave as

soon as she let go. Although she was determined to keep a distance from him, Laitia could never really keep the distance.

She lowered her head and relaxed her embrace and softly called Lin Shangzhou's Name, but got no response。

“are you asleep? "

Laitia moved Lin Shangzhou's body vigorously and let him lie in her arms. At this time, she found that Lin Shangzhou was indeed asleep. She looked down at Lin Shangzhou's sleeping face and smiled unconsciously. Sometimes she wondered what she was doing

. Why do you like the man lying in your arms? Is it because of the year-long relationship? He pretends to be your boyfriend? Helps you break up with your father? (Although this is not entirely a good thing) Or is it because of his greatness? ideal?

He obviously has a "love heart", a shortcoming that can give girls plenty of reasons to reject him, but Letia still likes him.

Thinking of her love for Lin Shangzhou, Letia smiled sweetly, and she lowered her head She gently kissed Lin Shangzhou's forehead. After staying on his forehead for a few seconds, Laidiya raised her head with a hint of joy on her face: "Now I am the first one to kiss you..." Then

Leidiya Tia leaned back on the fence and looked at the street in front of her. Lin Shangzhou was crying now. She also believed that Lin Shangzhou's condition would definitely get much better, but this was what happened next. Now Laitia was secretly happy in her heart. Facing another big problem - how to get back to the apartment.

(Wake up Fritz?)

Letia gently poked Lin Shangzhou's sleeping face with her finger. She was reluctant to wake up Lin Shangzhou, but she could go back without waking him up. It's a nuisance…


Letitia sighed. She didn't expect that she would encounter another problem just after solving one problem, but it was not a big problem. After all, the most difficult part had been solved. After leaning against the fence for a few minutes,

Letitia Ya reached out and fumbled for the communicator on Lin Shangzhou. She wrote down the route before leaving.���Si's number, the next step is to call Louis and ask him to come pick them up.

After groping for a while, Letia took out the communicator from Lin Shangzhou's pocket. When she was about to turn on the communicator, she noticed a strange figure walking on the road ahead.

The moment she saw the stranger, Laidia became alert. She quickly held Lin Shangzhou in her arms, watching the stranger warily while turning the knob.

The stranger stopped a few meters away from the two of them. He put his hand into his coat as if to take out something. Because of the darkness, Letia did not see what the stranger took out.

All she saw was that the thing in the man's hand was pointed at her.

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