Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

"Bishop Otto, the extreme east Changkong City suddenly broke out, with an energy level of 300hw, but in an instant, it seemed to burst out with an energy level of 1500hw, but it did not cause any damage to the surroundings, and the personnel were still safe and sound."

The Valkyrie of the report couldn't help but have a hint of doubt on her face.

This is something that has never been encountered before.

"Suddenly 1500hw?"

Otto tapped the table, smiled meaningfully, and then ordered the Valkyrie in front of him: "Tell little Teresa about this, and tell her to act on her own." "


Watching his subordinates leave, Otto looked at the location of the collapse on the light screen, not knowing what he was thinking, and then smiled freely.

"It's really interesting, the energy level reaches 1500hw, but no law is detected."

"And..." "

The surrounding buildings and humans were not affected by the collapse energy."

"The K-423 seems to have more secrets than I thought."

For him, this is not a very important thing.

Moreover, the better Kiana performs now, the more sure he will be of his future plans.

The more abilities Kiana revealed, the happier he would become.



A glorious and luxurious restaurant.

At the gate stood rows of waiters who had been waiting for a long time, with warm and bright smiles on their faces, as if greeting their god.

The thick doors that open on both sides are carved with elaborate textures, and the delicate decoration of the inner hall is faintly visible, and the crystal lamps above the head flicker.

Her long burgundy hair is draped behind her back like a waterfall, her dry golden eyes shine through her nobility, and her mature and feminine face is paired with flaming red lips coated with fresh lipstick.

Sitting opposite the woman was a well-mannered man in a suit, with a gentle and bookish temperament in his gestures, looking like a well-cultivated English gentleman.

The woman gently shook the goblet filled with red wine and introduced herself to the man.

"Hello sir, my name is Infinity Tower Himeko."

This was the object that a certain Valkyrie she knew introduced her.

Judging from the physical examination report she got yesterday, it seems that she has not lived for a few years, so she wants to take advantage of this short day to fish for a man.


Just as Infinity Tower Himeko was about to stretch out her hand, she suddenly saw a woman at the door who was very familiar to her.

This is her adjutant.

Just as her adjutant stepped into the hall, the smile on Infinity Tower Himeko's face disappeared in an instant.

She raised her hand, and under the astonished gaze of the man opposite, she slapped it on the table, and the table top instantly fell apart.

The man on the other side was stunned at first, and then quickly said to her in a panic: "Madam, in fact, I like men, you better find someone else." Then

he fled hand and foot.

Violence, good at disguise, and high in force....

This kind of woman, even if she is beautiful, no man dares to marry ah!

Looking at the man's flustered back, the gentle and elegant mature woman before changed her normal attitude, quite irritably crushed the red wine glass in her hand, and said to the subordinate who had come to her: "Say, what can make you so anxious, making the old lady finally feel that the date that is about to become a date is gone!!

"Major Himeko, there has been a small-scale collapse in Changkong City, and the current peak of the collapse energy reaction is 300hw."

"Just 300hw?" Ji Zi was slightly startled, and then her face suddenly changed and she said a vulgar thing that was quite good with her appearance: "The old lady is really * Teresa!" What are you looking for the old lady for this kind of thing, the man who is about to catch is so gone, do you compensate me and me!

The adjutant silently pushed his glasses, and sighed slightly in his heart that his commander was an older single dog, then swiped the terminal in his hand and said anxiously

to Himeko: "Major Himeko, according to the information we got from the Mandate of Heaven headquarters, this time in Changkong City was born as a lawyer, but it seems that there is also the birth of a lawyer."


Jizi Wumei was stunned, and his amber-like eyes couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Quasi-lawyer? It seems that there is still a lawyer born

" "Yes Colonel, Director Teresa wants you to leave immediately, although this collapse does not seem to have damaged the building, but..."

Himeko quickly stood up and strode towards the door with awe-inspiring steps.

If the information of Destiny is true.


This is definitely not a simple operation.

If the name of the lawyer and the lawyer is stained, it means that it is not easy to deal with itself.

Not to mention that in the message of destiny, it also says....

It is possible to give birth to a lawyer.

The events she usually deals with are three-digit events, which she should be able to solve.

But if there really is a lawyer...

That's at least four digits.

1000hw is a dividing line, and at strengths below 1000, the Valkyries will make the rescue of surviving civilians their first priority.


"Wait, did you just say that Changkong City didn't even damage the building."

Skillfully pressing the button on the top floor, Himeko suddenly thought of something, and then quickly turned his head to his adjutant and asked.

"That's right, Major Himeko." The adjutant nodded, and his face couldn't help but have a hint of doubt: "This collapse... Very strange.

"With our current technology and knowledge, it's impossible to guess what's going on there."

The moment the elevator opened, Infinity Tower Himeko galloped out, and after kicking the valuable landing field with a hard kick, a leap of faith jumped onto the deck.

"Hyperion, full speed ahead, target Changkong City!"

"Himeko, why did you mute the communicator!"

As soon as Himeko finished speaking, Teresa's questioning voice sounded in her ears.

A projection of a little loli dressed in a nun costume appeared in the command room.


"The situation is urgent, we will settle your affairs later, the state of Changkong City today is very strange."

"It's so strange that it's as if it didn't collapse."

"Based on the location, we have found the outbreak collapse site."

"But unfortunately, the monitoring there is not known to be affected by the electromagnetic field, and it cannot be monitored."

"To be sure, there are mimetics out there... And maybe the lawyers.

"Finally Himeko..." At

the same time, Himeko's ears sounded the voices of the adjutant and Delisa at the same time.

"The Hyperion is moving at full speed and it will take about half an hour to reach its destination."

"I'm still waiting to drink with you."

PS: Almost out of money to eat (sad).

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