Meeting the shocked gaze of the white-haired danzi, Su Xuan silently turned off the button of the horn and then explained to the girl casually: "This is what the owner of this horn said, not me." "

White haired danzi:"..." Of

course she knew that this was not what Su Xuan said.


"Does the owner of this horn speak so boldly?"

The white-haired dango asked cautiously.

"I think it's okay." Su Xuan silently put the small pink speaker on the table, and then looked directly at the white-haired girl in front of him: "When I recall that you once said that you wanted to drink the juice of the bud girl, I felt that what the owner of the speaker said was not so bold." "

White Hair Dango: ???

"Su Xuan!" The girl glared angrily at her beautiful eyes, but after suddenly thinking that she seemed to be unable to beat the man in front of her, she instantly softened: "Please don't tell Bud Yi!" "

It's a very sensible dango.

Su Xuan thought.

Kaslanna's fighting technique is not only given to the body, but also to the combat experience of the ancestor of the Kaslana family.

That is, noodles....

Ahhh, Kevin Laozu's combat experience.

In addition, the fighting techniques taught to him by the system directly allowed him to comprehend.

And the white-haired dango's fighting techniques are not perfectly controlled.

That is....

Under the condition of not having the power of the lawyer, he is actually a Tianke white-haired dango.

Yes, gram dead.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now."

Su Xuan shook his head, silently clicked on the cultivation interface, and then pulled Kiana to level 79.


Level 79.

Only level 79!

Under the action of 99 special chips, the forty-level white hair ball can only be pulled to level 79!

(Using the 40-level stargazing pro-test that I cater to

the level of the white-haired dango, the stargazing is said to be good.jpg.) He originally wanted to see what changes would happen to the cultivation system after the white-haired dango reached the 80th level, but he didn't expect it to be so clever.

Level 79....

Forget it, let's focus on the stigmata first.

Feeling the soaring power in his body, Su Xuan sighed slightly, and then focused his gaze on the body of this stigmata.

[Celine Sublimation (Part I)]

[She was originally an ordinary girl, until one day, a researcher approached her, and the girl with hope took her hand, but... Fate seems to have played a great joke on her, and she goes to hell. 【

The hatred of witnessing the death of her friend and the malice of treating livestock filled the girl's little heart.

"With God's favor, she was given a new life, and she washed the hell in blood with God-given power, and punished the demons they deserved.

[Although there are innocent people in that tower, Celine doesn't care anymore. She inflicts her pain on another person without hesitation, because she no longer wants to be with humans. 】

【She, it's Honkai!

"Alas..." Su Xuan let out a long sigh and glanced at the stupid danzi in front of him, as if he wanted to see Xi Lin hidden in the depths of the girl's heart through the dango.


Although he originally sentenced Otto to death in his heart because of this, but now after seeing this introduction, he suddenly didn't want Otto to die so painfully.

At least....

Let him know to see his love being snatched away by that pink-haired donkey spirit!

Decided, when you have time, bring that pink donkey essence to Saint Freya.

After Su Xuan made an idea in his heart, he chose equipment for the girl.

Next second.

A force poured into his body.

And so on....

Why was the power of the void law in his body also strengthened?

Su Xuan's eyes had a hint of surprise, and then after looking at the girl's equally surprised expression, he whispered to the white-haired danzi: "Kiana, I just equipped you with a stigmata, go to the bathroom to see if there is a stigmata in your back."

"Oh oh, it turns out that Miss Ben was equipped with stigmata, no wonder Miss Ben suddenly felt the power in her body skyrocket."

The white-haired dango nodded in understanding, and then walked towards the bathroom.

As for Su Xuan....

Since the white-haired dango was gone, he walked directly to the mirror placed in the corner, looking at the bright red picture-like item on his immaculate back, and couldn't help but be slightly signed.

"The stigmata equipped on the white-haired danzi's body, I even have it on my body?"

He held his chin and muttered thoughtfully.

After hearing the door opening in the bathroom, he quickly put on his clothes, and then asked the girl casually: "Kiana, there should be a stigmata on your back."

"Yes, a stigmata did appear." The white-haired dango quickly nodded his little head, and then asked Su Xuan: "Su Xuan, did Miss Ben still pull out other stigmata?"

She remembered that when she was idly looking at the card pool before, she saw three different stigmata, and this one alone had increased her physical fitness by 10%, plus the setting of this cultivation system biased towards the game.

If she gathered three, wouldn't she be able to take off!

There was a hint of longing in the girl's azure eyes.

"Other stigmata——??" Su Xuan deliberately lengthened his tone, and then slowly walked in front of her under the gaze of the white-haired danzi, and then...

Against the white-haired dango came a three-point brain melon collapse.

"Eh!" The girl covered her reddened forehead and quickly took a few steps back.

After looking at Su Xuan's smiling gaze, he was suddenly so angry that he didn't hit me: "Su Xuan, why are you hitting me!" The

girl's voice was a little puzzled and angry.

"Of course it is... Nope.

"My Miss Kiana, your main thing now is not to improve your strength, but to improve your fighting skills and combat awareness."

"You can improve your fighting skills when you fight me, but your sense of battle..."

"I can't teach you this, you have to ask for your Himeko-sensei's help."

"After all, I won't help you fight for some small things."

Su Xuan said slowly to the girl.

Thirsting for strength is good, but craving strength too much is not.

He knew that the white-haired dango wouldn't do this, but...

"Then I just want to ask you if you have drawn other stigmata, Su Xuan, why did you hit me?"

The white-haired dango said aggrievedly.

"Because my hands itch."

The man explained seriously.

White hair dumplings: ???

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