St. Freya College.

Teachers' dormitories.

The man with a slight stubble on his chin, a dark cyan jacket, orange stripes on his sleeves, and black slacks with orange stripes under his chin pushed his black-framed glasses, and there was a hint of solemnity in his brown eyes.

The second law and the third law ...

He appeared so openly in this academy that cultivated Valkyries, and Otto did not even intervene in any way.

Even Teresa didn't make any moves.

Isn't she worried about luring wolves into the house?


Walter doesn't seem to have found a problem.

That is, he himself seems to be a... Particularly large bosses.

As we all know, St. Freya College is a girls' school, and in the eyes of normal people, it is difficult for men to blend into this school.


This girls' school really mixed in with a man!

That is, sit-ups ..... Blah blah, Walter Young.

A former professor of history at Harvard University, he obtained his doctorate in various fields before the age of 30, and then joined Santa Freya as a history teacher in response to Teresa's educational policy at St. Freya.

If you add that he is the creator of Roar Comics, then....

Walter can be said to wear many hats.


If it weren't for the explosion of Roar Manga, Reverse Entropy might not even have the starting capital (laughs).

So in general ....

Walter, as the anti-entropy alliance master, the sworn opponent of destiny, did not carry out any disguise, did not even change his name, and directly joined Saint Freya under his real name.


Teresa didn't find any problems?

And there is also a moonlight throne under St. Freya's Academy.

It can only be said that ....

This wave, Teresa carries the cauldron!

Walter thought for a moment, then looked at the time, and straightened his clothes. Get ready to walk towards the classroom.

The next one is his lesson.

It's just...

Recalling the achievements of the girl named Kiana Kaslana, the corners of Walter's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He also taught at St. Freia for many years.

I've seen stupid ones.

But I have never seen such a stupid one.

It was the first time he had seen a guy who couldn't even do a question correctly.

This is no longer an existence that can be described as a fool.


Maybe Teresa knew that this second law was very stupid, so she was at ease with her?

Walter thought so in his heart.


Another dormitory.

"Miss Rita, say, what is Otto looking for you for."

The gray-haired and blue-eyed girl looked at the elegant maid in front of her and said lightly.

Rita, as someone who often appeared by Otto's side, certainly remembered her.

"Lord Fuhua, Lord Bishop sent me to help you in your actions."

The maid lady bowed slightly.

Fu Hua: "..."


There was a moment of thought in the girl's light cyan eyes, and then slowly said: "Yes." "

Actually... She actually misunderstood Rita.

It's not so much that Rita is spying on her, but that...

It was Rita who wanted to find a reason to approach the white-haired dango.

Because the white-haired dango refused her very crisply at that time, not to mention Raiden Bud Yi and Bronia, they also directly refused.

She now lacks a reason to approach the white-haired dango in an upright manner.

And Fu Hua is the key to her approaching with integrity.


She is the squad leader of the white-haired dango.

At that time, when she goes to face Kiana and them again as Fuhua's maid, she will also slightly dispel some doubts in the hearts of the trio.


The maid lady couldn't think of it.

These three little ones already knew her true identity.



It's night.

"My Miss Kiana, how the hell did you do it?"

Su Xuan picked up the report card of the white-haired dango, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink sharply.

"Ahem, of course, Miss Ben personally took the test!"

"How about it, isn't Miss Ben very powerful!"

The white-haired dango pinched his waist and said with a proud face.

It was as if she had scored a perfect score.


In a sense, she really got a perfect score.

Su Xuan covered his face: "Yes, yes, Miss Kiana, you are really powerful."

"It's the first time I've seen it in so many years of living... Fill the entire test paper, but perfectly avoid the correct answer, not a single point, and still ... The case of the liberal arts.

Ebony-like black eyes silently stared at the white-haired dango's report card.

He suddenly had the idea of bringing this ball back into the furnace and reconstructing it.

Mathematics: 0 points.

Physics: 0 points.

Chemistry: 0 points.

History: 0 points.

Other physical qualities and the like are full marks.


All subjects that require brains.

The white hair dumplings are all zero points!

Damn it.

Isn't this a husbandry or what?

No wonder it's called paramecium.

Su Xuan finally understood.

Previously, he thought that this was an exaggerated rhetoric on the white-haired dango.


He kind of understood.

This is not an exaggeration, but a metaphor.

Simple mind, well-developed limbs ....


"Hmph, see how powerful Miss Ben is!"

The white-haired dango did not feel any shame, and his fair and pretty face was full of energy.


man was stunned for a moment.

Then looked at the triumphant white-haired dango in front of him, and silently put down the report card in his hand.

And then....

Moved his wrist a little.

A coldness suddenly hit his heart, and the white-haired danzi's body couldn't help but shiver, and after calming down, he suddenly found Su Xuan who was moving his wrist.

"Huh, Su Xuan, what are you doing here?"

A trace of doubt flashed in the white haired dango's azure blue eyes.

"Just to teach a lesson to some shameless fool."

Su Xuanpi replied with a smile.

"Shameless fool?" The white-haired dango was slightly stunned, and then said with a puzzled face: "Su Xuan, who are you talking about?"


Xuan, why are you looking at me with such a fool's gaze?"


The white-haired dango suddenly woke up, and her little white hand couldn't help but point to herself: "Am I the shameless fool?"

"Answer... That's right.

"So Kiana, how do you say I'm going to reward you?"

A bright smile appeared on Su Xuan's face.

"Ahem... That one... Can it be lighter?

"What do you say? My Miss Kiana ~ "

PS: Ahem, I'm w, you know QAQ.

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