"Prisoner... Captivity? Bud Yi was slightly startled, and his purple eyes quickly glanced at the white-haired dango in front of him.

After observing the teasing hidden in the eyes of the girl in front of her, she seemed to understand something, and asked softly: "Are you... Su Xuan?

"What are you talking about, how can I be Su Xuan!"

The "white-haired danzi" spread his hands and quickly defended: "And Su Xuan is not stupid like me."

"Su Xuan will be angry if she goes on like this."

A crying smile appeared on Raiden Bud Yi's face.

After Bronia on the side heard the sound of lightning bud clothes, she couldn't help but regain her composure.

The silver-gray eyes quickly glanced at the "white hair dango" in front of him.

"You're not stupid Kiana, stupid Kiana just looks stupid."

The voice of the board duck is full of disdain for the white-haired dango.

Just because of "Kiana", the first sentence that just came back was: Bronia, your Xi'er was snatched away by Su Xuan!

Let her directly lose her cool.

Looking back now...

Stupid Kiana wouldn't have said such things to them at all.

"Oh? It seems that I really don't fit to disguise myself as Kiana. Seeing

that he was exposed, Su Xuan no longer hid it, but just nodded to the two.

Perhaps because of his growing familiarity with the body of the white-haired dango, he is now extremely relaxed when controlling the white-haired dango.

In a sense, he should be more familiar with her own body now than the white-haired dango.

Ahem, of course, referring to the combat aspect.

After all, whether it is experience or skill, he is more powerful than the white-haired dango.

It's just that the two balls in front of him are a little in the way.

By the way, it's worth mentioning.

This plan was proposed by the white-haired dango.

Of course, he will not refuse this matter, which is more spoiled by the white-haired dango.

It was indeed her who first greeted her.

Then in the next second, it became Su Xuan.

[I said everything, even if you tell me how to answer, they can quickly see through it, right?] 【

Hehe, don't I want to see my bond with Bud Yi!】 Well, Su Xuan is okay with you, what do you like to do. The

white-haired dango's slightly disgusted voice sounded in Su Xuan's mind.

In the sight of the cooks and the duck, "Kiana"'s face suddenly darkened for some reason, and then quickly said: "Okay Kiana, don't leave this kind of tiring work to me in the future."

As soon as the words fell, the white-haired dango regained control of his body.

White hair dumplings: ???

Su Xuan, why do you want to do this!

Didn't I mean what do you love to do?

Did you betray me in the end!"

"This tiring work... Just don't leave it to me? Bud

Yi whispered Su Xuan's last words when she had just left, and then looked at the girl who was looking at them with an embarrassed expression.

She seemed to understand something.

"This matter was planned by the stupid Kiana?"

"Ahem, how can it be Miss Ben and me, Bud Bronia, you don't believe Su Xuan's side of the words, how can I want to tease you!"

When the white-haired dango heard this, he immediately waved his little hand in defense.

But the two present looked at each other and said tacitly: "yes, how could (stupid) Kiana possibly trick us?" "

Of course Kiana before would not have teased them like this.

If it had been before, they wouldn't have believed it was the idea of the white-haired dango.


Nowadays, people who occupy a very large proportion in the hearts of white-haired dango.

Not Raiden Bud Yi and not Bronia.

It's Su Xuan.


"Huh? Bud Yi, Bronia, why do you look at me like that?

After noticing the gazes of the two, the white-haired dango, who had no bottom in his psyche, couldn't help but gradually weaken his voice.

At the same time....

Su Xuan's world.

The man's gaze was in a trance, and he couldn't help but smile slightly after glancing at the embarrassed girl on the screen.

As for whether he can come to Kiana's world through equipment, let's talk about it later.

Su Xuan shook his head, glanced at Xi'er, who didn't know what he was thinking next to him, and didn't say much, just silently concentrated his mind and took out a sticker from his backpack.

Alicia's small sticker.

The sticker is a mug photo of Miss Pink Leprechaun.

He stared at the sticker in his palm for a moment, or more precisely, at Miss Goblin's head.

Then, as if remembering something, he silently took out the small pink speaker from his backpack.

"Thoughtful tips from Alicia! You can rely on Alicia as much as you want, and she will respond to you with all her body and mind! Listening

to the sound coming from the loudspeaker, ignoring Xi'er, who was attracted by the sound, Su Xuan narrowed his eyes and focused all his attention on the sticker in the palm of his hand.

An inexplicable thought quickly surfaced in his mind and lingered for a long time.

"Stickers... Thoughtful tips.

"Then did I tear it, and Alicia was torn by me?"

He shook his head to put the idea behind him, and then silently tore open the sticker package in the palm of his hand.

However, at the moment he tore it open, a line of handwritten beautiful words suddenly came into his eyes.

[Although I don't know which lucky gentleman or miss can find my sticker, but if you find it, then hum, please listen to this lucky gentleman or miss.]

Once here, there is no follow-up.

Su Xuan looked down curiously.

Finally, I saw a line of small print below that I could hardly see if I didn't look closely.

[Eh, it seems that the cute gentleman or young lady really wants to know what I want to say next, but let me be beautiful and cute and sell a little pass ♪

] [Behind this sticker is the map I personally carved, and there is a treasure ♪ buried by my own hand in the place where the map is circled]

"..." The

corners of Su Xuan's mouth twitched slightly, and then glanced behind him.

Hey, hey, you goblin is fooling people, right?

What map, isn't it just your mug shot?

Could it be that the treasure is you? Can you still pop me out on the spot?

But before Su Xuan could spit out anything more, a slightly playful voice suddenly came from the small speaker:

"Eh, I really don't know what the lucky man who picked up the sticker I left before knew that the so-called map and treasure were just my headshots, what would the expression on the face of that gentleman or lady look like?"

"What to do, what to do, I really want to know ♪

" Su Xuan: "... 6"

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