"Ahem, did something just happen?"

Miss Goblin coughed dryly, looking like she didn't know what had just happened, and even Su Xuan, who had been next to her, almost believed it.


The corners of Su Xuan's mouth twitched slightly, and after seeing the big watery eyes, the words he originally wanted to complain couldn't help but take back.

Looking at the bangs in front of the girl's forehead, Su Xuan's eyes couldn't help but have a trace of doubt.

"Little Su Xuan, what are you thinking?"

"I'm a little curious... After the Liu elevation in front of your forehead goes, will it appear that your forehead is very high?

Su Xuan subconsciously expressed the doubts in his heart.

At the first sight of Alicia, this idea could not help but appear in his mind and lingered for a long time.

Alicia: "..."This

boy, who is cuter than a girl, did not praise her beauty after seeing her, but said her forehead?

"Huh, little Su Xuan, you really know how to joke..."

said the pink fairy lady calmly.

But Su Xuan did not intend to let her go, but pointed to Alicia's bangs and said affirmatively: "According to my calculations, Alicia, your forehead is really quite high." "

Alicia: ???


"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Alicia quickly stretched out her little white hand to cover her bangs.

"Xiao Suxuan, how can you slander the innocence of a cute girl out of thin air!"

This kind of thing, of course, Miss Pink Goblin will not admit it.

After all, once accepted, it is a problem of damaging the image!

If she admitted, wouldn't her image of a beautiful girl be shattered?

"I feel like I'm telling the truth."

The man named Su Xuan replied expressionlessly.

Who called this fairy lady a cute little sister when she first called him?

He called this courtesy exchange.

And not slander.

"Huh? Little Su Xuan, you are also too much, bullying a cute girl so much, but you won't be liked by girls~"

The girl entered Su Xuan's ears with a slightly angry voice.

Sure enough, this is a normal girl.

Su Xuan thought silently in his heart.

Think of the white-haired ball he is now pink.

He felt that when he faced her, it was like facing his daughter who had not yet grown up.

Although he does not have a daughter.

But when facing the white-haired dango, a feeling as if you are looking at your daughter arises in your heart.

It's a strange feeling.

But Su Xuan did not hate it, but still enjoyed it.

After all, when he first started playing Bangsan, he looked at the white-haired dango placed on the board, and he came with the mentality of raising his daughter.

"Miss Alicia, you must know that this matter was first provoked by you."

The man said expressionlessly.

Even if it's Alicia?

Can you do whatever you want with your cuteness?

"But Xiao Suxuan looks cuter than most girls, isn't it normal for me to admit her mistake?"

Miss Pink Goblin blinked her bright eyes with a bright smile on her face.


Xuan didn't speak, quite like you are slowly arguing, I am listening.

"Huh~ This attitude makes me chill ♪

" The girl's eyebrows are like a crescent moon, her face is like a woldan, and her laughter seems to be a human elf, innocent and romantic.

In just the girl's words of skill, Su Xuan felt that the haze in his heart was removed, and his heart was happy.

Good mood can also be contagious.

Even a person with a haze of psychology will be infected when he sees this girl who is so pure and lovely.

"Okay, okay, I surrender, so if Miss Alicia has nothing to do, I'll go cook first."

Su Xuan raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, this is his relenting.

But actually...

He wants to regain control of the discourse.

This pink leprechaun lady is indeed terrifying, and he has been led by her nose since he just came out.

Saying that the forehead is high is also his way of resisting.

It's just...

Unfortunately, in meeting Alicia, the ultimate social terrorist, his social phobia in front of her is like a beautiful girl without the power of a chicken meets a BT lesbian.

And so on....

Why would he describe himself that way?

"Xiao Suxuan, can you tell me where this place is?"

When Alicia heard this, her expression recovered, and her originally gentle water-like gaze became a little fierce.

The world seems....

Not the world before her?

"This is not your world, and this world has not collapsed."

"So you don't have to worry if the collapse in your body can disappear without self-preservation."

"Can Honkai disappear?" The girl was slightly stunned, and then slowly raised her right hand, and a pink bow and arrow appeared in front of the man: "But Xiao Suxuan, can my collapse disappear?" "

Huh?" Su Xuan was slightly stunned, and there was a trace of doubt in his ebony black eyes.

Could it be because Alicia was drawn from his high-cold system, not the cultivation system?

[That's it, this system doesn't have as many limitations as that FW.] A

mechanical voice with a little pride in the cold sounded in Su Xuan's mind.

Is that so....

"That's probably because you're my problem."

Su Xuan explained to the girl with an unchanged face.

"Because Xiao Suxuan drew me?"

"Oh, Xiao Suxuan's words are very easy to misunderstand" "If others heard it, they would think that I had become Xiao Suxuan's ♪

personal belongings."

"I think only Miss Alicia would say that."

Although what you said is indeed the truth.

In every sense, the ownership of this leprechaun lady was indeed his.

To know....

The card that stored Miss Leprechaun was still in his backpack.

As long as he wants to take it back.

Then the pink goblin will immediately return to the card.

It's like a pet on a chain?


Why is his recent thought like this....

"But isn't it?"

Alicia still had a bright smile on her face, and her smart eyes were bent into two crescent moons, even if she already knew her condition at this time, it would not affect the girl's mood at this time.

Through this brief exchange, she has already been let know.

The boy in front of me, who is cuter than a girl, is a person worth believing.

The clear eyes did not have the slightest evil thought when they looked at him, it was just...

He seems to have a dark belly.

The equally black-bellied Miss Goblin thought so.

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