The so-called end, its existence itself has long been separated from the human body.

It is the last embrace given to humanity by the final cocoon, a final exam for civilization.

As a result, Kevin knew that the war would be far tougher than usual.

He knew that he had to go all out in this battle.

Kevin's icy gaze fell into the "swamp" in front of him, and there was no emotion in his pupils.

At this moment, there was no fear in his heart, but full of hatred.

The collapse that took away his loved ones and killed his comrades, its last apostle is about to appear on the moon and appear before himself.

And he finally has the opportunity to make Honkai pay for it.

Thinking of Sakura, thinking of Alicia, Kevin's hands holding the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor suddenly clenched.

The fire light is constantly compressed, gathering into the core at the hilt of the sword, replenishing it with a steady stream of strength.

The eight stood side by side, and only silence became their common language.

Hua checked the situation of the Tai Void Grip, and Qian Calamity threw dozens of Xuanyuan Swords on the ground with disdain, moving his wrists.

Mebius's eyes were full of calm, and Padot squeezed a silver coin tightly, his eyes closed, not knowing what he was muttering quietly.

Time passed minute by minute, and five minutes soon passed in the silence of the soldiers.

Honkai can constantly gather, and its terrifying power makes even Kevin's eyelids jump.

All the collapse energy of the entire moon seems to converge at one point.

What kind of gesture will the lawyer who appears in such a terrifying force be?

Even Kevin didn't dare to think about it...

However, this is not the time to succumb to fate.

For example, with the last forty seconds left in the appearance of the final lawyer, Kevin finally spoke up:

"Pado, it's your turn."

The hair on Phyllis's tail exploded, and her whole body couldn't stop shaking.

However, she still took the box that was reproduced by Vilvie and took a firm step.

"Leave it to me! Boss Kevin! "

"Padofelis must have lived up to the mission, my luck has always been good...."

"Farewell... Everyone. "

In the picture, the cat-like girl rushed out of the team alone and rushed to the dark swamp in front of her.

Kevin's expression was still cold, but he closed his eyes.


A dull explosion sounded in Kevin's headphones, and Pardophyllis's signal was cut off.

Kevin knew that this usually energetic girl might not even have ashes left at the moment.

The first dead of the lunar showdown have appeared.

But at the moment, there was no sadness in his solid heart.

All sorrow was replaced by anger compressed to the point of almost horror. 903

"The battle begins!"

Kevin's fierce voice came out of everyone's headphones, but before that, everyone had already attacked.

Mebius's body instantly expanded, and a dark green giant snake emerged from it.

The shadows on the ground seemed to come to life, and dark green arrows sprang out from within, almost penetrating the presence in the dense fog.

However, things are far from that simple.

The arrow cut through the fog, dispersing all the flying sand, but unable to do the slightest damage to the things in it.

The smoke and dust cleared, and the image of the Law of the End finally appeared in front of the soldiers.

Unlike any regular lawyer on earth.

Its body seemed to be made of sand and stone in the center of the earth, and the extremely fine purple electric arc jumped at her side.

The fine quicksand in the "swamp" slipped down her body, giving her stone statue-like posture a touch of girlish texture.

And Mebius's attack in the collapse state only made it open its eyes.

Suddenly, two dazzling rays of light shone on the lunar land.

The lawyer's golden pupils were like two rounds of the sun, and she stood up, her height was more than 100 meters.

The Kevin Seven were in front of her, simply an ant-like existence...

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly broke out.

[Kiana: Huh? The final lawyer turned out to be like this! I thought she was similar to the other lawyers.....]

[Lauderdale: This gesture... She's not human! It's more like some kind of natural creation on the moon...]

[Zhongli: Rocks make up her body, and gravel decorates her appearance... In essence, the Law of Perfection is a special rock element creation...]

[Dadalia: If the old man says so, can't he manipulate it? 】

[Zhong Li: In terms of general rationality, I am just a guest secretary of the Past Life Hall, and Your Excellency Gongzi is a little too high on me. 】

[Rita: Is this the power of cocoons... Such a concentration of collapse energy can even destroy the earth several times..."

[Otto: The image of the Law of the End is actually a human girl? Hahaha, it's really bad fun, I thought it would be more abstract...】

[Mebius: I have to say that the civilization that put the cocoon is really bad enough. 】

[Teresa: Grandpa, you're still laughing! We'll probably encounter this kind of thing in two years, shouldn't we think about how to deal with it? 】

[Vilvi: Don't worry, lovely audience, everything has turned around. 】

[Padophelis: It's okay, let's just say, our luck has always been good. 】

[Kevin: As long as you don't go (AGFJ) to hinder the Stigmata Project, you don't need to worry about the "end". 】

[Bud Yi: Huh?! ] Will Kevin come and fix the problem? 】

[Fu Hua: In reality, Kevin's state does not seem to be too good, and you can't bet all your hopes on him. 】

Sue: If you can, I still hope you have your own set of tactics. Kevin's "Stigmata Project" needs to pay an unimaginable price.]

[Alicia: Although I dedicated myself to Project Stigmata, I essentially expect Project Tinder to succeed. 】

[Eden: Huh... After all, tinder is not necessarily effective in prehistory, and the existence of this knowledge is enough to help civilizations of any period to achieve breakthroughs. 】

[Kevin: But... This still does not bring civilization out of "childhood". 】

[Himeko: Hmm... What you're talking about is a bit esoteric...]

[Kevin: It's not complicated, you obviously have a better choice than the end on the light screen. 】

[Kevin: It's just... I am still looking forward to your ability to leapfrog the end in the future, no matter who that end is..."

Kevin's barrage had just floated past when he was engulfed in thick flames.

In the picture, Kevin swung a terrifying sword.

He grew black wings, and his body showed a tendency to be animalistic.

On the contrary, his strength has gained a terrifying boost.

Artificial caving karmic demon form.

The flames released by the calamity soared into the sky, causing a pillar of fire to rise between heaven and earth.

In the violent explosion, the body of the final law was instantly overturned.

This gives others a chance.

Kos Demon also entered a caving state in an instant, taking the opportunity to devour the power of the end.

But how could things go so well.

How can the power of the end be the power that Piszna?

Suddenly, the tyrannical collapse energy accumulated in Kosdemo's body, and Pyrinu was unable to digest it at all.

Kosmo suddenly spewed blood from his mouth, and he desperately maintained the collapse, turning the indigestible power into an attack, and launched an attack on the final body.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Law of the End was temporarily knocked out by Kevin, all the heroes launched their strongest attacks together.

Suddenly, the cannon fire flew together, the sword god descended from the sky, and the thunder and lightning accompanied by flames and stingers rushed to the final body like a wave.

Boom -

Explosions continue to occur, leaving deep craters on the lunar surface.

In other words, an ordinary lawyer, under such an offensive, I am afraid that he has been killed countless times.

Whether it is Kevin's terrifying sword or Hua's sword god strike, it has the power to completely eliminate the lawyer.

However, this time the enemy is the final lawyer.

It is the union and qualitative transformation of all lawyers, the last apostle of the cocoon.

In the face of such an enemy, the only attack that works is Kevin's sword and the ultimate power that Kos Mo barely controls.

The latter is a greater threat.

Ji Yan is also clearly aware of this problem.

Faced with an enemy who assimilates its own strength, it is not willing to go wrong.

On the other hand, Kosmo is desperately adapting to this power from the end.

The ever-evolving nature of Pyrinu means that he has almost no unwieldable power.

It's all just a matter of time.

And Kosmo is obviously extremely talented in the use of time.

The power of the end caused his body to dissipate continuously, and only the collapsed state could make it possible to fight.

But he was indeed able to barely control this fierce force and put it into actual combat.

Kosmo is not afraid of death, he has not been afraid.

Until death suddenly came to him.

At this moment, Kosmo jumped high with the power of the final flame, and was preparing to turn a large amount of power into a beam of light and bombard the head of the lawyer.

However, he did not succeed.

Before this final beam was formed, the lawyer's blow had already arrived one step ahead. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's still a beam.

It was so fast that Kosmo couldn't dodge.

Seeing this, he had to squeeze out all the power in his body and turn it into a shield to block in front of him.


The earth shook violently, and Kosmo was blasted hundreds of meters.

He crashed into the walls left by ancient civilizations and fell into the thick shadows.

After that, he never stood up again.

The shield condensed by the power of the end left him a relatively complete corpse...

At the moment, it takes less than five minutes.

Two fusion fighters have already died.

Everything happened so quickly that it didn't even feel real.

But the battle continues.

Kevin constantly squeezed his own power and used the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor to launch an explosive blow to the final Yan.

Each of his swords can make the final action appear a little sluggish.

And seizing the opportunity, the Thousand Calamities, whose strength is second only to Kevin, have never stopped attacking.

His tactics became cautious and completely devoid of his posture on earth.

In the center of the flames, Qianji's body was wrapped around flowing fire, holding the Xuanyuan sword, constantly hitting the position where Kevin launched his attack.

Having withstood the impact of calamity, those positions are undoubtedly the weak points of the body of the final lawyer.

The Xuanyuan sword continued to break, or was dyed black by the power of the final flame, and Thousand Tribulations dropped it and picked up a new weapon from the ground.

Taking advantage of the bulky body of the final lawyer, the two played to their advantages of flexibility at the same time.

And Hua and the others knew that they were unable to participate in a frontal battle, and they mobilized the power they had at their disposal to provide almost all-round assistance for Kevin and Qianji.

At the same time, strike if necessary.

This is a tactic they developed before the war began.

Everything, it seems to be going well.

As long as the body of the lawyer is destroyed, it will most likely enter death like other lawyers.

But Kevin and Qianji, who fought head-on, didn't think so, and they both realized that something was wrong.

The body of the lawyer is constantly renewing.

The broken words that Kos Demon caused it before his death have disappeared at this moment!

It is not the treatment of the Law of Death, but a paradox that goes back in time.

What's worse, Ji Yan is also adjusting his tactics to deal with Kevin and Qianji under his feet.

This made Kevin feel extremely stressed.

Seeing this, Mebius let out a hoarse sigh and manipulated the shadows to return to the battle.

She wants to attract the attention of the lawyer and provide space for Kevin and others to attack.

This is the most dangerous job, and if you are not careful, you will surely die.

Of course, this price is negligible for Mebius.

But not so friendly to others.

Attracting firepower, Vilvie was the first to die at the feet of the final Yan.

In the face of the terrifying Honkai energy, her machinery finally fails, which makes her the third victim.

It was followed by a thousand calamities.

The continuous sacrifice of his comrades made Qianji's already violent temper even more difficult to contain.

At the eleventh collapse, he underwent a special hypersurgery by Mebius and lost one of his own hearts.

This led to cognitive alienation, and the negative effects were manifested in this battle.

He began to be manic, and his fighting style returned to its former tyranny.

This tyranny can indeed kill the Ice Law in seconds, but it cannot hurt him to the end.

Finally, in a confrontation, Thousand Tribulations were hit by the energy field created by the Lawyer and died heroically.

His body was half buried in gravel, and the residual temperature of his body even melted the sand...

Having lost a thousand calamities, the probability of winning this battle and its slim ...

The screen switches to a hall.

May stood in front of the screen, keeping an eye on the battle.

Her body looked rather emaciated, and her skin was unnaturally white.

The battle has lasted for six minutes, and after Prometheus' analysis, the probability of Kevin and the others winning is almost zero.

And the Moonlight Throne has been running, but it is simply unable to eliminate the collapse energy of the Ultimate Lawyer.

Everything, fell into a dead end.

Everyone in the war room looked at the picture in despair, and Su, who assisted the command, was even more cold sweating.

Finally, Mei's weak voice sounded from it:

"Technician, we give up the Moonlight Throne."

"The power is adjusted to 300%, and the energy conversion is continuously launched until the satellite burns out."

"Even if you can't win... We also want to save the tinder for the next era. "

"We... Be worthy of Alicia's sacrifice..."

"Yes! Doctor! "

The technicians in charge of manipulating the Moonlight Throne immediately did so, increasing the satellite's power to 300%.

The Moonlight Throne was once considered the most likely technology to defeat Honkai.

It can convert collapse energy into other energy such as heat energy, and if it is well used, it can even use imaginary space to make perpetual motion machines.

But this vision is no longer possible.

The Law of Rock has long destroyed the Mu continent and destroyed the economy and industry of mankind.

At this moment, there is only one moonlight throne satellite that can be put into use.

On the battlefield, Kevin's battle has become more and more difficult.

His strength was also running low, and Karma Demon could only barely hold out for ten minutes.

But as time passed, it seemed that the end was not harmed.

Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion.

But with two beams of light joining the battlefield, a turnaround was born.

Suddenly, the temperature on the surface of the moon increased terrifyingly.

Kevin knew that it was the Moonlight Throne running at full capacity.

The collapse energy of the Finalist has been greatly reduced into heat energy and escaped on the surface of the moon.

Rough estimates suggest that the final lawyer loses at least 30% of his energy.

And Kevin seized the opportunity.

The air was filled with a large amount of ownerless collapse energy, filled with terrifying heat.

And these can be used as their own source of strength!

As a human Chimera, Kevin's body also has the gene of pyridoxine.

At this moment, the heavenly fire that was about to be extinguished burst into light again.

The Great Sword of Destruction absorbs a huge amount of collapse energy in the space, turning it into a flame at its disposal.

He raised the calamity, barely the gigantic head of the lawyer.

Its golden eyes reflected the blazing white flames, reflecting Kevin's body.

But the posture of that body is obviously very different from Kevin.

At this moment, Kevin has once again evolved.

The Chimera faded away and was replaced by an almost angelic gesture.

The state of salvation that exists in that theory seems to be close at hand....

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