As Nasida's words fell, the picture changed from then on.

The base disappeared and was replaced by a huge space filled with cold air.

This is the work of Wilvie, the fifth divine key to all things dormant.

Surviving fighters from former civilizations will enter and participate in temporary retreats.

As Kevin said.

The fight against Honkai is not over.

For civilization, it is far from the time to throw in the towel.

In a low roar, countless sleeping capsules slowly closed and sank into the earth.

In the ruins full of gunsmoke, beautiful women are singing.

In the empty laboratory, Mebius is doing her final [infinity].

In the icy sleeping cabin, the cold man stared into the darkness...

"It's so cold!"

Alicia pushed Kevin's shoulders and walked down the hallway.

“...... Alicia, I don't think this kind of thing is necessary. "

"Oops, no refusal! Don't talk! Keep going! "

Kevin's expression seemed a little troubled, but the wayward girl obviously didn't want to give him any chance to resist.

"We have a lot more important to do, Alicia."

"Huh? Doesn't it matter if I host a party? "


"New threats can emerge at any time. We have no idea what form the next lawyer will take..."

"Okay, okay! Really, the seventh collapse has just passed, can't you give yourself a day off? Why push yourself so hard? "

"Oh, Kevin, you're really getting more and more like Mei... Well, wouldn't you be secretly happy to say that? "


"Oh, not so much! Well, here we are! "

She pushed Kevin to a door. The door is concealed and there is no light on inside.

In desperation, the man can only obediently follow the girl's words.

He finally made up his mind, pushed open the door and walked in-

"Happy birthday, Kevin!"

The sudden light and the sound of cannon pulling made him take half a step back in surprise, and almost crashed into the person hiding behind the door.

"Kevin, be careful!"

The woman behind the door exclaimed, and caught the cake in her hand without risk.

“...... Plums? "

The girl with glasses tilted her head and smiled gently.

Alicia draped a warm blanket over her. The rest of the room also came over one after another, hugging the protagonist of the day and walking towards the center of the room.

Kevin blinked, he knew everyone here.

But at the moment, their appearance made him feel a little strange.

The first thing he saw was the beast-eared girl, who had changed into a dress that was far from what an assassin usually dressed.

590 She also noticed Kevin's gaze and smiled back, as if a girl who had never experienced worry;

The little girl next to her exerted her motivation as usual, dropping the cake and eight gifts one by one on the table;

A strange green box is mixed in, attracting attention, as if to pass on her blessings to the giver who did not show up;

Funny voices came. The boy who was taught four times on his first day on the team, and finally even cried out loud - he was awkwardly playing the harmonica in an attempt to retrieve the original tune.

But soon, another sound overshadowed the piano.

A long, holy hymn crossed the eardrum and sounded in Kevin's mind. He didn't expect her to be there too—in such a way;

And the man who had never hesitated on the battlefield – he was staring at the birthday cake and frowning, seemingly dissatisfied with the placement of a certain candle.

On this day, the future leader of the Fire Moth, and the first seven fusion warriors of humanity...

For some trivial reason, they came together.

"So, I'll turn off the lights!"

Alicia's brisk voice sounded, and the lights went out. In the darkness, only the flame on the candle is still flickering and beating.

"It's time to blow out the candles, Kevin! Don't forget to make a wish! "

"No matter what the wish, it will definitely come true! I'll make it happen. "

"Alicia... You grabbed the words, the sentence just now was Mei's line. "

"Huh, is it? Is that what I gave you in that script, Sakura? "

"Hahahaha... Alicia, shouldn't you have not read the script you wrote? "

"I... I must have memorized everything I wrote myself! You must be looking at the pre-modified version! Definitely not the final version! "

Kevin shook his head and couldn't help but laugh.

The candle flame flickered, illuminating his cold body and transporting him back to his distant past.

At that time, he also laughed like this...

Then, in the joyous noise, under the gaze of all.

He leaned down and blew out all the candles.

The light disappeared, and the noise disappeared.

There seems to be some kind of wonderful tacit understanding between them.

Darkness gradually enveloped the world, and no one re-lit the lamp.

Gradually, Kevin's eyes adjusted to the darkness.

In the blurry world, he faintly saw the transparent glass hatch and heard the monotonous sound of the instrument.

Nothing else.


The sleeping capsule gradually sank, and darkness and silence embraced everything.

There is only a lonely point of light, carrying the man's last dream, with all the people in that dream, gradually moving away.



Daisy Dobia.





And also...... Alicia...

The light is gone.

Along with all names.

Together with the wish of that day...

The light curtain stops here.

On the light curtain, subtitles with white frost appeared.

[With the cooperation of Kevin and the Moonlight Throne, 30% of the collapse in the lawyer's body can be introduced into the moon. 】

[The Fire Moth spent his entire life, and only postponed the limit of civilization for twelve hours. 】

[For fusion warriors, there are only two options left at the moment. 】

[Either bury your bones in this dying era, or say goodbye to everything and enter the sleeping cabin.] 】

[When civilization restarts, we will once again embark on a journey to fight against collapse.] 】

For Kevin, in an era when living was a luxury, all he could do was carry the unfinished journey of the deceased and give meaning to their sacrifices. 】

[The so-called engraving of salvation is just a long-cherished wish built by the legacy of the deceased. 】

[Kevin's firmness is not so much out of love for Mei as an explanation for the deceased, and the rising hatred of Honkai after countless life and death partings. ] 】

[In the face of Mei's departure, Kevin was unusually calm. 】

He refused Sue's safety, urged him that the war was far from over, and then walked to the shelter with the baby. 】

[However, the moment he turned his back, Kevin still cried. 】

[As tears condensed into ice crystals and fell, the flames of vengeance rose. 】

[Yes, the war is far from over. 】

[In the next era, he will stop at nothing to crush the collapse and end of the civilization. 】

[In the next era, he will inherit the legacy of his comrades, carry everything, and lead civilization to a tomorrow without collapse...]

[However, Kevin did not know that he had fallen into paranoia at the moment. 】

[He couldn't have known, because he couldn't stop all this.] 】

[Endless hatred has long filled his once fiery heart, turning it into a deep piece of ice. 】

[All this has long been expected by Mei. 】

[In order to stop Kevin from going astray, May has already arranged everything. 】

[And this arrangement led to Kevin's third turn of fate.] 】

[After that, he will be separated from the real world for fifteen hundred years because of one thing.] 】

[About to play Kevin's third Destiny Gear Turn, that scene that turned his best friend against his purpose——]

[Project Stigmata...] (Read the violent novel, go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

As the subtitles disappeared, the picture froze in the banquet that Kevin remembered.

On the screen, Kevin is dressed in a straight suit and has a faint smile on his face.

And now the person who appears in the picture, only Kevin is still alive...

Teresa stared at the photo and recalled the ending of everyone present.

She sighed and whispered:

"Meijiu died of illness, Senkaku burned himself out, Kosmo sacrificed, Sakura died in battle..."

"The cause of Abonia's death is unknown, and Mark and Alicia were killed by Kevin's own hands..."

"At the end of the day, whether it's a lover or a friend... Kevin didn't save any of them..."

Himeko: "This is Honkai." "

"Kevin is making the right choice all the time, but there is no way, he is ultimately defeated in the face of reality."

"Alas, we also only have emotion (aifg)... After all, Kevin he... It's already done well..."

Teresa nodded approvingly:


"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to make all kinds of cruel choices like Kevin."

"But... It's all so unfair..."

"Himeko... Why did human beings pay so much in exchange for such an ending? "

"Why did Mei fight with Honkai for so long, creating strong people like God's Key and Kevin, but it is still difficult to have any impact on the ending..."

"Such a powerful pre-civilization has yet to be destroyed... Can that relying only on the anti-entropy of Heaven's Mandate really save the current civilization? "

Himeko smiled helplessly: "If Bishop Otto's obsession is not Kalien, I still have some confidence." "

"Lord Bishop has a great deal of knowledge about pre-civilizations, and he also has a mind no less than Dr. May."

"The Mandate of Heaven basically monopolizes the resources of the world, as long as Lord Bishop thinks, we may really be able to catch up with the industry and some advanced technologies of the former civilization in a short time."

"The most important thing is that Bishop Otto is immortal, and no one can kill him..."

"If he can really fight the collapse, we may really get a turnaround."

Teresa sighed: "Himeko, don't put your hopes on others. "

"Grandpa, he is not credible, and you saw it the second exposure."

"Even if grandpa can maintain the state of a pseudo-god forever, I am afraid it will be difficult to have any impact on the final Yan."

"Instead of betting my hopes on him, I think anti-entropy conservatives are more credible."

"Alas... Grandpa, he is not serious about fighting Honkai, but reverse entropy is really serious. "

"The second collapse, we also saw what the anti-entropy did on the front line, and the performance of the anti-entropy alliance master was really eye-catching."

"It's a pity, if Joyce hadn't been killed by his grandfather, the current anti-entropy would probably be more unified, and more technological breakthroughs would have been created with the power of the Law of Reason."

"In a way, this has to be said to be a pity."

Saying that, Teresa's eyes gradually became firm.

She stroked Judas, and her body radiated a faint golden glow.

"But as I said, we can't put our hopes in others."

"Compared to Grandpa and that anti-entropy alliance master, we also have to develop our own power."

"No matter what the cost, mankind will definitely defeat Honkai!"

Looking at Teresa's appearance from depressed to full of fighting spirit, Himeko suddenly felt a little unaware of the academy leader.

At this moment, Teresa, one meter four or five high school, released a huge amount of energy, like a world leader who pointed out the rivers and mountains.

Developing your own power under Otto's eyes has to be said to be a bold idea...

In Himeko's eyes, Teresa transforms into another Kevin Kaslana.

One meter four five, Kevin Kaslanna...

Thinking about it, Himeko suddenly laughed.

Teresa said angrily:

"How? Think Teresa is joking? "

Himeko: "No, no!" How is it possible, boss! "

Teresa: "Huh... Himeko, Teresa was the orthodox bishop of the Mandate of Heaven two years later. "

"This is Grandpa's honor, even if we vigorously develop the Far East Branch, he won't say anything."

"As a confidant of the future bishop, Himeko, in the words of Shenzhou, you are from the Dragon Lord."

"The road to fight against collapse in the future has your responsibility."

Himeko: "Received, future Lord Bishop!" "

Hearing Himeko's slightly smiling answer, Teresa suddenly felt a little weak.

She has never been a power-obsessed person, after all, now her identity is really under the destiny of heaven.

The words just now were just a declaration made by her touched by the deeds of the previous civilization and made under the excitement.

When she reacted to what she said, she suddenly felt a little radical...

Teresa hurriedly waved her hand:

"Ahem... Okay, okay, that's the end of this topic! "

"We just need to know that everyone should work hard."

"Huh... Wait a minute..."

Teresa's eyes suddenly widened, as if she had thought of something.

"Himeko, what is the name of the Lord of the Anti-Entropy Alliance?"

Himeko: "..."

"The light curtain said... The current owner of the anti-entropy alliance is also called Walter, which seems to be the inheritance of anti-entropy..."

"Speaking of which, my substitute teacher in college physics is also called Walter..."

Teresa: "Kiana's history teacher is also called Walter..."

"Gee... Himeko, this won't be alone..."

"How do I feel, Mr. Walter looks a lot like the anti-entropy alliance master..."

Himeko: "..."

"I think it's the same name..."

"The anti-entropy alliance master personally came to be a spy... Or a spy of a branch, this is illogical ..."

"Even if he really comes to be a spy, he will probably change his name, and doing this kind of thing under his real name is not the style of those who are anti-entropy."

Teresa thought for a moment and nodded:


"Mr. Walter's registered name seems to be... Joachimnokian Vitanen..."

"It seems that I really overthought it."

"Grandpa also has a soul steel body here to preserve, and from time to time he can come over to help me cook."

"If the anti-entropy alliance master is really lurking in the school, it is impossible to find him with his grandfather's skills."

"Well, if you really can't find it, then grandpa is really a big fool!"


Otto, who was deep in thought, suddenly sneezed.

He stared at the wine glass in his hand in confusion, as if wondering why this phenomenon occurred in the soul steel body.

Rita: "Lord Bishop, are you sick?" "

Otto waved his hand:

"It's okay, it may be that there is some small problem with the physiological module, which does not affect."

"Hmm... According to the words of Shenzhou, there may also be someone who speaks ill of me behind my back. "

"Hahaha, that's interesting."

Lauderdale: "So, Lord Bishop. "

"Kevin's carrying the Stigmata plan has been decided, but we don't know anything about it."

"I always feel that this is not an easy task..."

Otto: "Huh... Of course. "

"This mission is the third time that Kevin's destiny gears turn..."

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