The silver subtitles disappeared, and the barrage gradually appeared.

[Kiana: The Thousand-Year Feather... What does that mean? 】

[Nha Yi: Perhaps, this is the reason why the squad leader has survived to this day...].

[Lauderdale: I really didn't expect that the Law of Flame would end up like this. 】

[Walter Young: Watching the captain die in front of him requires a certain psychological endurance. 】

[Eden: Oh, I appeared. 】

[Fu Hua: Speaking of which, thanks to Eden. Without her words, I really can't strengthen my faith...].

[Himeko: Human beings will inevitably resist the things they fear, but as long as they follow the guidance of their hearts, they will not regret it in the end. 】

[Teresa: Why are you talking about it, hey, you drink less! ] 】

[Otto: It's amazing, I actually saw Kevin Kaslanna. 】

[Tesla: That man is so strong, he actually killed the Law of Flame in seconds! ] 】

[Einstein: This ancestor of Kaslana is probably the 'fusion warrior' recorded in the Dead Sea texts.] 】

[Rita: Fusion Warrior? What is that...].

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Rita asked Otto the same question.

Her knowledge of the former civilization is limited to the internal archives of the Mandate of Heaven.

However, the permissions of these files are not high, and the content involved is only some scattered information.

Rita realized that she might be able to use the contents of the light curtain to ask for some information that she would not normally get.

Otto smiled slightly, accurately grasping Rita's thoughts.

"Fusion warriors, hehe, your question is interesting."

"But I thought you already knew."

"After all, we have one in our destiny."

Lauderdale: "Did you say..."

Otto: "That's right, it's Fu Hua. "

"Bianca, I remember you asked me before why Fu Hua can live forever."

"Now I can give you an answer."

"That's not what I created the soul steel body for."

"At the end of the day, her genes are no longer human."

Lauderdale's expression was stunned: "This... How to understand? "

"Genes... Not human..."

"Does the former civilization still have this kind of technological means?"

Otto smiled: "Huh, of course. "

"The two also noticed that Kevin made a move and easily killed a lawyer."

"Do you think that's his original power?"

"Do you think it's a weapon?"

Rita shook her head.

She had been observing the light curtain and had not seen Kevin use any weapons.

Seeing this, Otto's tone was a little more playful.

Teresa's figure appeared in his mind.

Otto: "Look, that's it. "

"That Kevin is a fusion warrior, and his power comes from the Avalanche Beast he fused."

"The combination of humans and Honkai beasts is powerful, isn't it."

"I have tried similar experiments, but unfortunately, none of them have achieved the effect of pre-civilization."

"Of course..."

"This behavior doesn't mean much for the ending."

"It's just my own amusement..."

Lauderdale: "In other words, the longevity of Fu Hua's predecessor comes from the Collapse Beast gene that fused with her?" "

Otto: "It can be understood that way. "

"But I think longevity may be a common feature of these fighters."

Lauderdale was silent.

She was drawn to Otto's words 'this group of warriors'.

What was displayed on the light curtain, she did not leave a single detail.

Kevin's picture of the Law of Flame is deeply remembered by Lauderdale.

I originally thought that the S-class Valkyrie was already strong enough.

But now it seems that compared to fusion fighters, there is a gap between the two that is difficult to cross.

Lauderdale asked herself, when she faced the humble humble.

Even if victory is possible, it will not be easy.

And a fusion warrior can easily kill the lawyer, isn't that group of fusion warriors directly invincible?

If Otto's words are true, the former civilization really has a well-formed fusion warrior army.

So why did this civilization lose....

What is the point of that destiny against collapse...

The other side.

Rita also noticed the problem.

However, she was keenly aware of the playfulness in Otto's words.

Rita: "Lord Bishop means that the Fusion Warriors do not have a decisive role in fighting Honkai?" "

Otto: "Otherwise, why would the former civilization lose the game?" "

"No need to wonder, the video will give the answer."

"If nothing else, after this incident, Fu Hua will undergo surgery and become a fusion warrior."

"After that, it's very interesting..."

On the other side, student dormitories.

The focus of Kiana's three fell on the "Millennium Feather".

Intuition told them that this seemed to be the reason why Fu Hua had a terrifying lifespan.

Bud Yi: "I wanted to ask before how Fu Hua squad leader survived these more than 50,000 years. "

"It's incredible, I still wonder if I heard it wrong..."

Kiana nodded in agreement, "It's just, it's incredible!" "

Bronia: "It's clear that Kiana accepts it the fastest." "

Kiana: "Didn't you accept it directly!" "

Bronia: "Bronia's emotional module is missing and cannot express emotions. "

"After analysis, this is the source of your illusion."

Kiana: "Huh? "

"You cheat, Bronia!"

Bell bell ——

The rice spoon landed on the braincase of the two, making a crisp sound.

Nha Yi wears an apron and holds the rice spoon in the palm of his hand:

"Okay, okay, don't fight during meals."

"Oh, you two."

Kiana: "Bud Yi~~ Bronia bullied me..."

Fu Hua looked at the scene in front of him and laughed sincerely.

Why is this not your own "home".

Fu Hua sighed lightly:

"Actually, a long life span is not a good thing."

"At least for me."

"However, more than 50,000 years is a bit too much."

"If I don't count the years spent in the dormant warehouse, I will only have a lifespan of five thousand."

Bronia: "Only"

Fu Hua: "Ahem. "

"As for the principle of long life, I actually participated in a large-scale supervariable experiment."

"That experiment, codenamed 'Meta-Morth,' was a very inhumane operation."

Bud Yi: "Do you remember the squad leader?" "

Fu Hua sneered: "Of course I remember, I didn't separate this memory either." "

"After all... I was one of the only survivors there. "

Hua's voice did not fall, and the scene of the light curtain changed again.

At this moment, the scene of Australia disappeared.

In its place, one golden longsword after another.

The number is estimated to be about a thousand stalks....

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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