Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Otto nodded thoughtfully.

"It turns out that the original executor of the Tinder Plan was not Fu Hua."

"Oh, that Eden is indeed a good man."

"If there is no Tinder Plan, Fu Hua's current destination may not necessarily be the Mandate of Heaven."

Rita wondered

"Lord Otto, why do you say that?"

"Whether Senior Fu Hua joins the Mandate of Heaven or not, is it related to performing any mission?"

Rita's idea was very simple.

If Fu Hua is a destiny to join because of a plan.

So whether her ultimate goal will be detrimental to Destiny....

Otto nodded:

"Yes, just like Eden says in the video."

"Hua, she doesn't have her own concept of life, and she doesn't want to spend her life as [Hua]."

"[Project Tinder] gave her the value of a long life."

"Without the support of this value, she would have come to a new civilization confused and lonely, and would have suffered for a long time."

"Hehe, maybe he will become one of the executors of the stigmata plan."

"I secretly investigated that the World Snake seems to be paying attention to this plan, and the reason is unknown..."

Lauderdale said abruptly

"Lord Bishop means that without the [Tinder Plan], Senior Fuhua would probably be the leader of the World Serpent now..."

"So it is... If Senior Fu Hua joins a hostile organization, there is indeed a very high risk to the Mandate of Heaven..."

"If this is the case, then the snake of the world is not as low-key as it is now..."

Rita: "But Lord Bishop, Senior Fu Hua has his own mission, why should he join the Mandate of Heaven?" "

"Rita noticed that the barrage said that Tinder seemed to have failed?"

"Why is that?"

Otto smiled and waved his hand: "No, no, no, you can't say that." "

"From an objective point of view, the Tinder program did fail."

"However, the fire in Fu Hua's heart is always burning."

"Otherwise, huh... She will not join us in our destiny..."

Rita and the two looked at each other, expressing incomprehension to Otto's Riddler behavior.

Just when the two wanted to continue to ask.

video, but it started again....


St. Freya, student dormitory.

Kiana looked at the subtitles on the video, and her expression gradually became puzzled.

Kiana: "Fu Hua squad leader, I have long wanted to ask. "

"What exactly is the Tinder Project, is it as magical as described on the light curtain?"

Bud Yi also nodded: "I don't understand either." "

"Why is the meaning of the life of the class leader closely related to the Tinder Project?"

Bronia was also curious: "Since it is a major turning point in the fate of the squad leader, it must also have corresponding value." "

"Squad Leader Fu Hua, can you tell us about the Tinder Plan?"

Fu Hua looked at the subtitles on the light curtain and thought for a few seconds.

Immediately, she sighed and said:

"First of all, the words on the light curtain are true."

"I have always been very confused in the former civilization, and the only thing I want to do is destroy Honkai."

"Because of the influence of Shenyin, I took this as a mission as an instinct."

"But the former civilization was destroyed, and the collapse disappeared briefly, and I lost my purpose and lost my value."

"And the Tinder program provides me with a new mission, a long mission..."

Kiana listened to Fu Hua's narration and recalled the images presented in the light curtain.

The squad leader Fu Hua is either fighting or on his way to the battle.

It's really time to live yourself as a machine that only knows how to fight Honkai.

But according to the description of the squad leader just now.

There seems to be another reason for all this.

That was one of the things mentioned many times by the squad leader and the light curtain-


The other side.

Fu Hua also did not expect to let the three little guys in front of him understand the Tinder plan at once.

Because the video would play something similar, she just gave an example to the trio.

Hua looked at Kiana and said with a smile

"The so-called Tinder Project, just like Eden described in the light curtain."

"In essence, it is to popularize the technology and experience of the pre-civilization to the newborn civilization with the forerunner as the carrier."

"It's like Kianakau history."

"We pioneers are like senior sisters, we will inform the scope of the exam in advance and let Kiana know in advance."

"With our exam experience, Kiana can prepare for the exam accurately and pursue higher grades."

Bud Yi and Bronia nodded, indicating that they understood.

Only Kiana was whispering.

"Why use my example, why history again..."

"Trouble, the great aunt hasn't explained it yet..."

Bud Yi: "I know, the textbook mentions things like 'soul steel'. "

"These are said to have been dug up from the soil, and it seems that this is the technology of the pre-civilization."

Fu Hua nodded: "That's right, but this will give birth to problems. "

"There are some special reasons why you don't feel the explosive growth of technology."

"The Tinder Project failed precisely because of this."

Bronia: "Why is that?" "

"Bronia thinks it's a good plan."

Fu Hua sighed:

"Exactly, the video played."

"You will have the opportunity to see it for yourself."

"Project Tinder... What kind of tragedy did it lead to..."


As everyone's attention fell on the light curtain again.

The picture has changed again.

It was a secluded road.

A blurry figure stood inside the Yong Dao, surrounded by the corpses of the Broken Beast.

Looking closely, this back is both like Hua and somewhat different from Hua....

Just when everyone was thinking about this figure.

Subtitles, again emerging from above the video.

[Before telling the fourth destiny gear turning.] 】

[We need to know a premise. 】

[That is, Hua had been transformed by 'Shenyin'. 】

[Because of this, she has some problems of her own. 】

[These problems will plant calamities in her later life.] 】

[And this is also the main reason for her change of fate...].

The subtitles disappeared, and everyone saw Hua's appearance.

Immediately, they were all shocked.

Because, the girl called Hua.

At this moment, his body seemed to be covered with a layer of flame-like feathers...

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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